Well, this is it. Right now, I’m listening to the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. It’s January 20th, 2017 and kind of a weird day. I thought it would be fitting to review something from the United States today. Finally, after decades of sticking with the same recipe, Nissin has decided to go with something new. On Cup Noodles’ 45th anniversary here in the USA, they’ve changed it to make it healthier. Some changes are no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Furthermore they’ve lowered the amount of sodium in these cups from the previous versions using potassium chloride. So, let’s give this Hot & Spicy Shrimp a try!
Category: * Stars 2.1 – 3.0
#2349: Fantastic Noodles Chicken & Corn Flavour
Here’s one of the last ones that were sent by Jen in Australia – thanks! Chicken and corn sounds pretty good – let’s find out!
#2347: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle (Bowl Noodle)
Yet another left over from the Nissin HK Meet The Manufacturer! Slowly getting these all done – so many SKUs! This is one big bowl of tonkotsu! let’s get to it!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2337: Nissin Cup Noodles Sopa Nissin Con Camaron
I just realized – I meant to review the chicken Cup Noodles – no matter though! Nissin Mexico was kind enough to send 5 of each variety I’m reviewing, and so I can use one to get all the pictures and one to review. Keeps things tidy! Well, the one I grabbed as the second one is chicken. So… Going to have to switch that as it definitely won’t taste like shrimp haha! Let’s get started.
#2328: Qin Zong Shaanxi Cold Noodle Hot & Sour Flavor
Another one from Colin – thanks again! Haven’t seen this brand previously. Always neat to start checking out a brand I’ve not reviewed after trying so many. But what’s Shanxi? Wikipedia, if you please:
#2322: Sapporo Ichiban MieKameyama Ramen Gyukotsu Misoaji
Sad to say it but this is the last of the varieties sent to me by Javier over at www.BoxFromJapan.com. He’s decided to end the subscription service for instant noodles, however you can still get neat boxes of Japanese candy! Check ’em out! Well, here’s what he had to say about this variety:
#2315: Goku-Uma Ramen Noodles Miso Flavor
Here’s one of a line I’ve been kind of on the fence about lately. I tried their tonkotsu and was a little disappointed and hopeful that this miso will be a different story. Shall we have a look?
#2301: Suimin Noodles With Oriental Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Jen from Australia – thanks again! I’ve seen so many different versions of chicken over the years – spicy versions, savory versions, you name it, (insert adjective here) chicken is very commonplace. But oriental chicken from Australia; what’s that all about? Let’s find out!
#2299: Cintan Mi Segera Mmm… Original
Another one from Colin – thanks! In 2014, I visited Malaysia and found quite a few varieties of Cintan products at a grocery store called Econsave in Butterworth. I didn’t expect to get one from somebody who lives here and sourced here. However, I’m very curious what this original flavor is like. Moreover, what is original flavor? Perhaps their vegetable flavor? I guess we’ll see. Now, let’s check it out!
#2296: Suimin Noodles With Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Jen from Australia – thanks! This one is just plain old chicken flavor and I think should be pretty good. Let’s find out!
#2285: Fantastic Noodles Beef Flavour
Thanks go out yet again to Jen from Australia! Beef? Beef. Sounds simple enough – let’s check it out!
#2277: Goku-Uma Ramen Noodles Soy Sauce Flavor
Some days I really need to wake up before I get started. Case in point, today I deleted the above image after I had taken pictures of what was inside of the bowl! If you didn’t, know, you cal ‘undelete’ files – lots of utilities out there that do it. So there it is. Let’s crack it open figuratively and check it out!
#2276: Nissin Cup Noodles With Shrimp Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
After decades of sticking with the same recipe, Nissin has decided to go with something new. On Cup Noodles’ 45th anniversary here in the USA, they’ve changed it to include no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Let’s give this a try!
#2265: Nissin Cup Noodles Rich Soft Shelled Turtle Soup
Thhis was sent to me by Ippin, a purveyor of wonderful Japanese items! Thank you again! I heard about this variety a few months back and was immediately interested. I’ve never had turtle soup although I’ve heard it’s a very fancy dish. This new Cup Noodle Rich line is supposed to be very fancy and quite nice – excited to try it! This one isn’t available as it has been discontinued by the manufacturer and I don’t think anyone is selling it anymore (Ippin mentioned that they weren’t selling it either). There was some concern by animal rights activists over it being turtle flavor. Kind of confused by this since turtle seems to be available most places. But that’s a conversation for a different day – today is about flavor – let’s give it a try!
#2257: Fuku Tom Yum Soup Instant Noodle
This one sounds really good. I really like tom yum and this looks like it’ll be good – I’ve liked most of the Fuku products I’ve tried so far and hoping this will be a continuation of that trend! Let’s dig in!
#2254: Nissin Disney Cuties Instant Noodle Seaweed Flavour
Here’s another one of these neat little cups from Nissin Thailand! Let’s check it out!
#2242: Great Value Beef Style Noodles With Vegetables
Here’s one my sister brought me back from Canada – thanks again! Ah, Walmart. They’re probably the biggest store around and there are lots of them. What’s funny is that these are made in the United States and sold in Canada – but you can’t find them at Walmart store in the United States. Let’s check out the elusive Walmart Great Value cup noodle!
#2226: Nagatanien Hiyashi Soba Taidashi Goma
Found this one recently at a local Japanese supermarket (Uwajimaya). Really wasn’t sure what the heck it was but it was with the instant noodles so I picked it up. Well, this is a cold dipping noodle – should be interesting. Let’s give it a look!
#2216: A-Sha Chow Mein Spicy Flavor
Here’s the third of the A-Sha microwavable tray varieties – let’s give it a looksie!
#2211: Nissin Disney Cuties Instant Noodle Roast Pork Flavour
I’m really excited about these – got 5 different varieties from Nissin Thailand – always looking for anything kid related when it comes to instant noodles! The fact is that there’s a market all over the world for instant noodles for kids; think about it – we have adult breakfast cereal here and then ones marketed to kids. Same with instant noodle abroad. Let check it out!
#2207: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Tonkotsu Flavour
Since my wife is home today, I thought I’d make something for her. She’s not a big fan of spicy or fishy, so I thought maybe this cup might do her right. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2199: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Tai Chi Chicken
Tai chi makes me think of the slow moving exercise many people do in large groups. This is an instant noodle blog though and so you get 3 minutes to do your tai chi! This is the chicken noodle – the basis of where all instant noodles come from. I believe a company’s chicken instant defines them. Let’s give it a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2198: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Dragon Fire Mushroom
Today it’s mushrooms! Looks like spicy mushrooms too! Let’s check it out!
Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add boiling water to ridge line (just under the lip). Stir then cover for 3 minutes. Stir and enjoy!
#2193: Knorr Chicken Flavored Instant Noodles
Here’s one that Marvin R. sent me from Fort Worth, Texas recently – thank you! Knorr’s a pretty worldwide brand of Unilever. These are from Pakistan! Anyways, let’s have a look at these and give ’em a try!
#2188: Singa-Me Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
This one was sent to me by Jen from Australia – thanks again! Chicken… Pretty standard flavor. It seems that the very first instant noodle any company produces is chicken. Everyone likes chicken! Right? Well, I like chicken. Let’s give it a go!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2180: MAMA Pho Ga Rice Noodles With Artificial Chicken Flavour
Here’s the seond of the pho bowls – chicken! Let’s give it a try!
Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add everything to the bowl and add boiling water to the fil lline. cover for 4 minutes. Stir and enjoy!
#2167: Great Value Vegetable Flavour Noodles With Vegetables
Here’s one my sister got me from up in Canada for my birthday! Thank you! Walmar instant noodles!
#2165: Suimin Noodles With Hot & Spicy Flavour
Here’s another one of the many cups that Jen from Australia sent a few months back – thank you again! Very curious about this one – how hot and spicy will it be? Let’s find out!
#2156: A-Sha Chow Mein Oyster Sauce BBQ Flavor
The next edition of The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time will be coming out in about a month, and so I’ll be cramming in as many late ones to arrive as possible. Today, one of a trifecta by A-Sha Dry Noodles – microwavable trays! Definitely something I’ve not seem out of Taiwan before that I can think of. Anyways, let’s give it a whirl in the ol’ microwave!
#2147: Maruchan Instant Lunch Pork Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
Before I start, I wanted to thank Happiness Engineer Anne and the folks at Automattic, makers of the Jetpack plugin for WordPress. There was a bug in the way it handled mobile themes with their newest release and I asked for help. In less than 2 days, a fix was out and everything’s looking nice again!
#2145: Dream Kitchen Tonkotsu
Found this one at the Uwajimaya in Renton, Washington. Never had seen it before and by what it looks like on the label, this is a private label for a big distributor here in the USA by a company in Singapore. Unsure which company makes it though. Let’s check it out!
#2127: Suimin Noodles With Chicken & Sweet Corn Flavour
Thanks again to Jen from Australia for sending this and myriad of other Australian varieties! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chicken and sweet corn flavored instant noodle before. Let’s crack it open and see what we have here!
#2110: Great Value Vegetable Flavour Ramen Noodles
I’m still a little surprised at how much I’ve liked these Walmart instant noodles from Canada; they’re really not at all bad. Sure, they’re very basic, but then again what do you expect? My sister got me these for my birthday! Thanks again, Sue! Well, let’s dig in!
#2105: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Tortilla Flavor
It’s been pretty nice lately – I’ve been seeing more domestic products coming to market! I like when I can find something I really like and tell people here in the states that they can just run down to a local supermarket and find it. Found this one at Uwajimaya a few weeks ago. Let’s check it out!
#2065: Four Seas Kung Tak Lam Vegetarian Noodle (Mushroom)
I had a bit of trouble figuring out what this variety was called – until I scanned the back of the package and noticed it on the top left corner. This is one that I received from Apple Daily of Hong Kong for a special news feature. Kung Tak Lam is a popular vegetarian restaurant in Hong Kong. Let’s crack it open and give it a try!
#2059: Four Seas Beef And Radish Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s the first in the special series I did for Apple Daily of Hong Kong. I’ve reviewed varieties from Four Seas in the past – in fact, this looks kind of like a bowl version I’ve had before. Beef and radish, huh? Sounds interesting – let’s check it out!
#2044: Doll Hello Kitty Dim Sum Noodle Japanese Soy Sauce Flaviour
A while back, I was all but out of instant noodles and put out a call for some. One of the people who responded was Prima Taste – they sent some from Hong Kong and this is one of them – thank you! My wife is a big fan of Hello Kitty and we’ve tried the Curry flavor one in the past. Let’s have a look in this soy sauce flavor one!
#2033: Chaudhary’s Wai Wai Instant Noodles Artificial Chicken & Shrimp Flavored
Another one from Colin – thanks again! I believe he picked these up at an Asian grocery in Mexico. What’s neat about these is that I’ve reviewed a lot of Wai Wai, but never any that are from India. Chicken and shrimp! Let’s get to it!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2024: Urban Noodle Authentic Street Food Pad Thai
Okay so here we go. Pad Thai. In an instant and quick prep scenario, pad thai has gone through the ringer. I’ve had pad thai that comes this way be pretty decent, however many I’ve had taste like peanut butter and black vinegar with some chopped nuts on top. It’s not a real tricky one to translate to a processed food, but it seems a lot of the time that companies will draw on certain flavorings and try to mimic the flavor but end up with something completely different. Let’s hit up this one and see how it goes!
#2009: Conimex Oriental Noodles Soto Ajam
Okay, I think this is the very last of the ones that were sent to me by James B. of the Netherlands – thanks again! Let’s crack it open and have a look.