I’ve just got to face it; I’ve got noodles coming out of my ears here! There’s a big bag of these Wu-Mu noodles next to my bed that I’ve been almost tripping over as of late. They don’t fit anywhere else and each one is a 4 pack! I thought today my son and I would try a couple varieties. I figured I’d give this one a shot. I’m definitely not a huge fan of mushrooms, but the spinach noodles sounded nice. Let’s have a look!
Category: * Stars 3.1 – 4.0
#1273: Sainsbury’s Basics Instant Noodles Chicken Curry Flavour
Here’s another one from Joe B. of Nottingham, England – thanks! Sainsbury’s is a chain of supermarkets in the UK that were founded in 1869. They make two lines on instant noodles – the basics and a more premium version. Let’s check it out!
#1272: Samyang Foods Baked Noodle Spicy Grilled Beef Ramyun
Happy New Year to everyone! Thought after I did my 2.3 mile walk I’d come home and try some South Korean ramyun! This is one of Samyang Foods’ new baked noodle line. 2013 was the 50th anniversary of ramyun coming to South Korea. Let’s see what this new one is like!
#1268: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With Jah Jan Sauce
Now for something completely different. Jah jan noodles! What’s jah jan? It’s a black bean (or soybean) sauce rich with flavor – popular in China, Taiwan and South Korea. This one’s from Taiwan. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1267: Mi ABC Mi Cup Rasa Soto Ayam Chicken Soto Flavour
Today, we come to the end of this Meet The Manufacturer. Fifteen reviews! Let’s have a look at this one.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1266: Mi ABC Selera Pedas Mi Goreng Cup Rasa Gulai Ayam Pedas Hot Gulai Chicken
My son Andy got me a bowl and a plate for Christmas! Yesterday I used the plate – today the bowl! Hot and spicy chicken sounds really good – let’s see what kind of heat this one’s packing!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1265: Mi ABC Mi Cup Rasa Ayam Bawang Chicken Onion Flavour
Only a couple left for this Meet The Manufacturer! Of the remaining varieties, I thought Andy might like this one the best. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1262: Mi ABC Mi Cup Rasa Kari Ayam Chicken Curry Flavour
The last ten reviews have been varieties that are now available in the US. The next five will be ones sent to me by ABC President that are only available in Indonesia. Let’s check this one out!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Mi ABC Mi Instan Rebus Rasa Ayam Bawang Onion Chicken Flavour
Close to 100 reviews ago, I tried this for the first time. Four years ago today, my wife and I had our first conversation! It’s a big anniversary for us – check out the video at the end for more on that. Let’s revisit this one by ABC President!
#1259: Meet The Manufacturer: Eat & Go Chicken Onion Mi Instan Cup
It should be pretty obvious: I like onions. I use them in pretty much every meal I make. Chicken and eggs are quite enjoyable too. Let’s check this one out.
#1257: Meet The Manufacturer: Mi ABC Mi Goreng Mi Instan Cup Mi Goreng Spesial Special Fried Noodle
Mi goreng means fried noodles. To those not familiar with mi goreng, you’ve absolutely must try it! There’s no broth involved and very strong and delicious flavors. I would wager that if I looked through all my reviews, I’d be hard pressed to find a mi goreng that I didn’t like. Well, there was one, but it was a Chinese take on it and the spices were really off. What’s really nice is the ability to pair it with so many different things. Let’s delve into this one; I have a good feeling about it!
#1255: Thai Choice Instant Noodles Shrimp Flavour
Here’s one that Charles, a serviceman deployed in Afghanistan sent me recently – thank you very much! Never seen this brand before. Looks really interesting! Let’s check it out!
#1253: Nissin Chow Mein Teriyaki Chicken Flavor Chow Mein Noodles
Here’s one I’ve had lurking in the bin for a while – I figured it was time to haul it out and give it a try. Let’s check it out!
#1251: MAMA Instant Noodles Tom Saab Flavour
Here’s something I’ve never heard of – ‘tom saab.’ Sounds like someone named after a car… But what is it? looked around online and found that it is a hot spicy soup popular is northern Thailand. Usually contains pork. Sounds interesting – let’s check it out!
#1250: Samyang Foods 三養라면 (Samyang Ramyun) (South Korean Version)
I’ve had lots of different versions of this. Today it’s the South Korean local one – not the export. Sounds really good to me! Let’s check it out!
#1248: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Tomato Ramen
Here’s one I’ve bneen eyeballing for a little while. I’ve got a ton of these Wu-Mu multipacks. Thus far they’ve been pretty darn good. Let’s check it out!
#1247: Maruchan ‘I Want To Eat Ramen’ Pork Tonkotsu Flavor
Wow thank you to Scott A. and Mari S. for help in translating the name of this one! Making this one for the kid – he’s unsure about it, but hopefully he’ll want to eat it! Let’s check it out.
#1246: Annie Chun’s Ramen House Chicken Vegetable Flavored Ramen
Here’s one of the new varieties from Annie Chun’s that they sent! It’s 22 degrees outside – very cold! This looks appropriate for such a cold day – let’s check it out!
#1244: Uni-President Unif-100 Pickled Cayenne Flavor Beef Ramen
Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I was going to review this yesterday, but it’s been a little tricky; you see, there’s no English on this really at all. I’ve been asking my friend Bobby Y. on Facebook questions about it and got the title and directions from him – thanks – saved me on this one! Let’s check it out!
#1242: Thai Pavilion Garlic Chili Instant Rice Noodles & Sauce
Here’s one my wife got for me at a drug store a while back. It’s made in Thailand but for sale in the USA. Let’s check it out!
#1241: Nissin Donbei Kansai Soy Sauce Flavor Udon
Was digging through the box today and decided I’d better get on this one. I couldn’t really find a lot about it other than the Google translation from Nissin Japan’s site. It mentions something about being special for the rainy season. Also mentions seaweed. Let’s give it a try!
#1240: Maggi Big Kari Perencah (Big Curry Flavor) 2 Minute Noodles
Here’s another that Annie T. from MyKuali in Malaysia sent me to try – thank you! It’s big – and it’s curry! Not only that, there’s still turkey left! Let’s give it a go!
#1239: SuperMi Rasa Ayam Spesial
I can happily report that Thanksgiving holiday was quite enjoyable. My wife made the best turkey dinner I’ve ever had! Great stuff!!! I asked if she’d pick which instant noodle in my stores would be best to have with some leftover turkey and she decided this would be it. It is of course chicken flavored, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a turkey instant noodle, so it’s the next best thing! Let’s check it out!
#1236: emart Dare You! Habanero Ramyun
On my Top Ten Spicy list, the package version of this is #1. Hottest thing ever – hands down! Well, they also sent me the cup version – let’s see how spicy this sucker’s gonna be!
#1235: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Artificial Pork Flavor Ramen Noodle
I was pretty surprised my son wanted to try this one; he asked if it was spicy or bitter. I told him I wouldn’t imagine so. Well, I guess we’ll find out!
#1233: Nissin Sabor A Pollo Sopa Instantanea Con Fideos
I thought today I’d do a couple reviews. My son had a craving for some noodles for lunch and I thought hmmmm… Which one? I’ve currently got a ton of varieties to pick from right now, but there are many he will definitely not like. One of his faves is Nissin Top Ramen Chicken flavor and so thought he might like this one. This one’s for sale in Colombia, made by Nissin here in the US, and is basically a repackaged version of the chicken Top Raen. Let’s see how it goes!
#1232: GaGa Mie Gepeng Kuah Rasa Ayam Bawang Pedas (Spicy Garlic Sauce Chicken)
After looking at the new The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 Edition and talking with people from around the world about it all week, I felt like having some Indonesian noodles! To translate, rasa means flavor, bawang is garlic, ayam is chicken and pedas means spicy. Let’s give this one a try!
#1231: A-Sha Instant Noodle Shallot Flavor
Here’s a new one from A-Sha. They decided to come out with a stright instant variety. You cook it a little differently, too. Shallots! Let’s give this a try!
#1230: Saji Sajimee Original Soto Soup Flavour (Mi Sup Soto Asli)
Here’s one I was sent by Annie T. over at MyKuali – thank you very much! I mentioned to her how I’d not reviewed many Malaysian varieties and she sent me a bunch of them! Pretty neat since MyKuali make instant noodles in Malaysia! Let’s check out this variety!
#1228: Maruchan Seimen Japanese Instant Noodles Shio Aji
Here’s one I got early this year the MBS TV station sent to me after I did the God Of Patena TV show! Thanks again – hope to be on again someday! Let’s check it out!
#1226: Master Kong Artificial Braised Beef Flavor Instant Noodle
Here’s one that’s been kind of confusing in the past, and it still is. A guy who said he worked for Master Kong said these aren’t actually Master Kong. When I check the UPC code, it comes up with Kailo Brand Abalone Chicken flavor in a similar sized big cup. Whatever it is, let’s check it out!
#1225: Nissin Pan Asian Kitchen Sweet & Sour Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodles
Man I’m beat and my feet hurt. Maybe Birkenstock sailboat deck sandals aren’t the best choice for walking 2 miles. This sounds good though – I really like sweet and sour! This one’s made in the United States, too! Let’s give this one a peek.
#1224: HoMyeonDang Premium Noodle House Premium Seafood Ramyun
First, I’d like to send my best wishes to those affected by Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines. Latest news reports another storm on the way. Like to help? Check out www.redcross.org to see how you can.
#1222: Nissin Soba Classic Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
Here’s another my friend Scott A. over at Nissin USA sent – thanks! These neat cups are made for sale over in Europe by Nissin Germany. Let’s check it out!
#1219: Tokyo Noodle Mini Instant Noodle Spicy Flavor
I asked my wife Kit if she’d pick which instant I’d review today. Well, this is what she picked! We got it at Uwajimaya in Seattle in July at some point (the reason I know that is because the first review I did of this brand was July 20th). I used to end up with a big haul of new stuff every time I’d hit Uwajimaya, but these days they’re a little farther and fewer between. What’s great about these is that they’re much like the first instant noodle I ever got at Uwajimaya a long time ago, just smaller. Let’s check it out!
#1218: Sau Tao Ho Fan Beef Soup Flavour
Here’s one I got up at T&T Supermarket up in Canada in July. So what is Ho Fan? Well, they’re simply very wide flat rice noodles. Let’s check ’em out!
#1217: Doll Hello Kitty Dim Sum Noodle Japanese Curry Flavour
Here’s one that was sent by Abbie C. of Hong Kong – thanks! I always try to source Hello Kitty and Pokemon related instants as my wife likes Hello Kitty and my son’s a Pokemaniac. Let’s check this one out!
#1212: Ruski Instant Noodles Tom Yum Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Samonporn. This one’s by the same company that makes MAMA noodles in Thailand. Let’s check it out!@
#1210: A-Sha Dry Noodle Hell Spicy Mala
Happy Halloween! Today, I thought I’d go with something spicy – and not just spicy but hell spicy! But what about Mala – what’s that mean? Here’s what Wikipedia had to say:
#1209: Batchelors Super Noodles Chicken & Mushroom Flavour
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Joe B. of Nottingham, UK – thanks! Super Noodles – are they ‘super?’ Let’s see.