Category: * Stars 3.1 – 4.0

#656: Nissin Ramen Bowl Hot & Spicy Flavor

It’s really funny; someone just emailed me asking if I had noticed that Nong Shim’s Bowl Noodle had changed since they repackaged – I haven’t tried it yet. One thing they also said was they couldn’t find the Hot & Spicy variety anywhere anymore. I picked up a few of these Nissin Ramen Bowls at H Mart the other day. 99 cents apiece and they’re very much like the size of the Nong Shim – and lo and behold, Hot & Spicy! Let’s see if it’s a good one. ...see full post

#653: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Pork Ribs Flavor

I thought today would be a nice day to have some pork ribs in noodle form! I wonder how it’ll be? I think it’ll pass the test as it’s yet another Dragonfly product. I know it’s wintertime and all but I think that Punksatawnee Phil’s Groundhog Day prediction was incorrect. He saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. On  the bright side, statistics show he’s been correct  – 39% of the time. ...see full post

#651: Wingsfood Mi Sedaap Mi Segera Mi Sup Perisa Kari Ayam

Yesterday I went to HT Oaktree Market on 100th & Aurora in North Seattle. I went to get some things to make a batch of my curry soup and of course hit up the noodle aisle. Was thinking of re-reviewing the Mi Sedaap curry I’d had before as well, but as it turns out, I snagged a new one I hadn’t reviewed yet. Then this morning, I noticed a lot of people coming to The Ramen Rater from a forum on a Singapore website – they were all coming because of a link to Mi Sedaap Perisa Asli, something I’d reviewed a while back. I thought I should review a new Mi Sedaap today, so here we go. ...see full post

#649: Pot Noodle Chicken & Mushroom Flavour

Well, this is the end of the line. A few months ago, Cindy C. from England sent a nice big box of instant noodles containing many kinds of Super Noodles and Pot Noodle and this is the last of the Pot Noodle! After this, there are two pouches I’ll review called ‘Mug Shots.’ Thanks again Cindy! This has been a lot of fun! ...see full post

#623: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavor

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York! I know… Yep – it’s a swastika, the symbol of the national socialist party of Germany in WWII, the Nazis. Well, Wei-Wei isn’t a Nazi company or has anything to do with oppression. On the complete opposite side, in the far east it represents the whole of creation as well as Buddhism. Wikipedia says: ...see full post

#609: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Artificial Hot Beef Flavor

Here’s another that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York. This is something I’ve never had before – Wei-Wei brand. Wai Wai yes, Wei-Wei, no. The packaging is interesting – note the guy with the suave hat in the upper right. He’s there; on the scene – purchasing noodles . Let’s see if these noodles rock.  Note the economical 49 cent price tag! ...see full post

#605: Little Cook Instant Noodles Artificial Flavored Onion Flavor Cup


Here’s another sent by Michelle L. of New York – thanks again! Send pics of where you put the stickers! This one looks interesting; on top as an afterthought is printed ‘ARTIFICIAL  FLAVORED,’ although I do see dried onion in the ingredients. Weird. That said, here’s the noods. ...see full post

#598: Little Cook Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavour Cup

#601aq? What’s with the ‘a’ crap? Well, I was looking over the last few reviews. As it turns out, I reviewed the Nong Shim Ansungtangmyun eons ago…  Instead of reshuffling everything, I decided to just have a do-over. So here’s review #601a. This is another from Michelle L. of New York – thanks! ...see full post