Category: * Stars 3.1 – 4.0

#410: Lucky Me! Instant Bulalo (Bone Marrow Soup) Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

It’s been sitting in my big ramen box for quite a while now and been contemplating trying this one as of late. Got an email this morning from someone who read the article in the Herald about this site and this stuff was mentioned, so I thought no time like the present. Lucky me! ...see full post

#369: Bon Go Jang Tofu Udon Dosirak

So this one took a little work – all I knew was it was from Korea. Wasn’t sure of anything much other than that and the brand name. Luckily, those two things brought it all together. I found that this stuff is called Tofu Udon Dosirak and comes from Hanil Food Co. Ltd. in Seoul, Korea under its Bon Go Jang line of products. ‘Dosirak’ translates like ‘Bento’ or ‘Take Out Lunch.’ On their website it describes this as “fresh katsuo bushi soup with tofu udon that you can eat simply by adding hot water.” ...see full post

#359: Nissin Bowl Noodles Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor

So here’s one we got a Megalomanianmart the other day. Was nice to see there was another flavor out there; I think this stuff’s pretty okay. One thing I noticed – the other two I’ve reviewed say ‘with chicken’ or ‘with shrimp,’ and this one just says ‘beef flavor.’ Kind of interesting I thought. ...see full post

#345: Myojo Charumera Shoyu Noodles With Soup

This is one of those that I’ve only found in 5 packs and had to go ahead and get it. Been so curious about this one and I mean the packaging is probably one of the coolest I’ve seen yet. I wish this guy would come to my town and toot on his trumpet – I’d gladly buy a bowl of noodles from him! I think I can say happily, “screw the ice cream man – this guy’s way cooler.” ...see full post