Category: * Stars 4.1 – 5.0

#2767: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavour Potato Chips

Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavour Potato Chips

Yep – it’s a bag of potato chips withj Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood seasoning from Hong Kong. I really like these kinds of things – really funny to see this – they did it once in the United States with Chicken Top Ramen Pringles (you didn’t think I missed reviewing that one, did you?) – they also have Cup Noodles chips in Singapore (like these).  Anyways, let’s dig in to this bag and have a looksie. ...see full post

#2757: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle (2018 Recipe)

#2828: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle (2018 Recipe)

I’ve always been impressed how often MyKuali changes their recipes. I want to say this may be the fourth iteration of the Hokkien Prawn Noodle thus far – at least that they’ve sent and I know of. I’ll admit I’ve not always been keen on the changes, but it really is nice to see companies that want to keep improving – even a product that’s very well received to begin with. Let’s see how this new change taste! ...see full post

#2756: TTL Carbonara White Wine Sauce Instant Noodle

#2817: TTL Chicken Alfredo White Wine Sauce Instant Noodle

This was one variety I didn’t want to leave Taiwan without. I was lucky – we walked around the food expo in Taiwan last November and didn’t see it. Then We went through the beer, wine and spirits section and boom – there it is! A huge booth for TTL (Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor) and a guy asks is he could answer any questions. ‘Where are the noodles?’ Well, I showed him my event badge and he knew who I was which was very cool. Nice guy who went by the name of Ben – if you see this Ben, contact me – would love to do an interview about this product line! ...see full post

#2748: MyKuali Penang Red Tom Yum Goong Noodle (2018 Recipe)

#2845: MyKuali Penang Red Tom Yum Goong Noodle (2018 Recipe)

There have been some big changes over at MyKuali and the recipes of all their flavors are getting a bit of ‘tweaking.’ Many times in the past, MyKuali has changed recipes. I’m very curious to see what they’ve done with this one. The first time I tried it was in 2014 and I really enjoyed it then – it ended up on the 2015 Top Ten – let’s see how this new recipe taste. ...see full post

#2741: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (2018 Recipe)

#2741: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (2018 Recipe)

This is the instant noodle that started my fascination with Malaysia. About five years ago I got some samples and was just floored. It hit 7th place back then on the top ten spicy list and was a really big deal. Then it hit #1 on the regular top ten list in 2014. The recipe has changed at least three times since it’s original release I think and this might be the fourth iteration of flavor for Penang White Curry from Mykuali. Let’s not delay – let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#2730: Little Cook Braised Beef Noodles With Tendon & Meat

#2730: Little Cook Braised Beef Noodles With Tendon & Meat 小廚師牛肉麵母親節禮盒

I received this as a gift from a representative of the Little Cook brand in Taipei, Taiwan at the Taiwan International Food Expo! Thank you very much! She also accepted the third place award from The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition – Little Cook Green Curry –  at the awards show. ...see full post

#2705: Ichiran Ramen Curly Noodles including Original Red Dry Sauce【Only in Fukuoka】

#2805: Ichiran Ramen Curly Noodles including Original Red Dry Sauce【Only in Fukuoka】

So a couple months ago I read an article mentioning this high end fancy instant ramen. Having never seen nor heard of it, I thought I’d better investigate. I mean, how can I be The Ramen Rater if I’m not going to hop on board for something like this? I got some eBay gift cards for Christmas and thought I’d seek this one out. ...see full post

#2688: KOKA Silk Laksa Singapura Instant Rice Fettuccine

#2688: KOKA Silk Laksa Singapura Instant Rice Fettuccine - The Ramen Rater - Singapore

Yet another leftover from the KOKA Meet The Manufacturer series. I’ve still got a bunch more! Wow! So this one should be really great – I love KOKA’s Laksa Singapura every time I try a different version. They make it in quite a few – rice, wheat, fried, non-fried. Let’s crack into this bowl and see what’s within. ...see full post

#2686: Sapporo Ichiban Coriander & Chicken Noodle

#2686: Sapporo Ichiban Coriander & Chicken Noodle

Once you get outside the United States, cilantro is known as coriander. This is actually the second coriander variety I’ll be trying from Japan. Didn’t expect that to be a popular flavor for Japan, but hey, why not. I really like coriander. This one comes from They have monthly ramen boxes that are a really great deal – definitely, check them out! Okay – let’s crack this one open. ...see full post

#2679: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle

#2679: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle - Malaysia - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

This is the MyKuasli Penang White Curry Noodle variety that comes from Singapore – rather it’s made for Singapore. I don’t believe it’s different except for the packaging, but to be honest, any chance UI have to review another MyKuali pack is worth it to me to do so. It’s just a no-brainer; I love their stuff. So let’s have a look. ...see full post

#2771: Nissin U.F.O. Fried Ramen Japanese Sauce Flavour

#2771: Nissin U.F.O. Fried Ramen Japanese Sauce Flavour

Here’s a pretty well known variety from Japan but actually made in Indonesia for Singapore and Malaysia. This one was sent to me by Nissin Singapore (thank you!) and has some big differences when you compare to it’s Japanese cousin – spicy mayonnaise to start with. Let’s unwrap this yakisoba and have a look inside U.F.O.! ...see full post

#2676: Maruchan Bowl Taste Of Asia Tom Yum Ramen Noodle Soup

#2676: Maruchan Bowl Taste Of Asia Tom Yum Ramen Noodle Soup

When I saw this one I was extremely interested. I’ve had tom yum soup many times in Thailand and in Malaysia as well. I’ve reviewed tom yum instant noodle varieties from throughout Southeast Asia – tons of them. I’ve NEVER had one however from the United States. Not only that, this one is a microwavable tom yum. I must admit these are definitely uncharted waters. I’m really hoping this is good. With an open mind and palate, I delve into this bowl. ...see full post