Category: * Stars 4.1 – 5.0
#1302: MAMA Instant Noodles Yentafo Tom Yum Mohfai Flavour
Here’s one with a flavor I’ve never heard of – well, except for the tom yum part. Here’s what Wikipedia had to say about the yentafo:
#1300: Samyang Foods Red Nagasaki Jjampong
Wow – number 1300! Would’ve ever thought I would’ve done this many reviews; seems like I did the 500th review not very long ago. Let’s check this one out – a spicy South Korean jjampong!
#1293: Myojo Prawn Noodles
Here’s another one sent by Annie T. of MyKuali! Thanks! This one sounds interesting, and I have something neat to go with it considering my recent fascination with fish balls – prawn flavored fish balls! These noodles are from Singapore, as are the fish balls! Let’s check it out!
#1290: Nongshim Sain Sain Garlic Teriyaki Fresh Cooked Udon Pasta
In March of 2012, I tried this new Garlic Teriyaki Udon by Nongshim – review #683. It was really great stuff – my wife Kit absolutely loved it (she doesn’t usually go crazy like I do for noodles, but this one was her fave). Well, a little while later, it was discontinued. Well, now it’s back and a little different. The first one had a whopping 3040mg of sodium per pack, but this new one has only 720mg for the whole thing. Let’s see how this one stacks up against the old version.
#1287: Kimura Kumamoto Tonkotsu Ramen
Hey check this happy looking guy out! I’m thinking he’s happy because today’s my sister’s birthday! Happy Birthday Sue! This looks like one she’d probably like. Last year, I made her some birthday noodles – maybe I’ll see if she wants to have some again this year! The happy guy on the package’s name is Kumamon, a mascot that the government of Kumamoto, Japan invented. Let’s check these out.
#1284: Thai Kitchen Rice Noodle Cart Sweet Citrus Ginger
Here’s one my wife got for me for Christmas! Thanks, Kitten! There are a myriad of these noodle trays in the US market that I’ve not reviewed and this is one of them. Let’s have a look!
#1280: Deshome Sun Dried Noodle Chlorella Powder Noodle With Curry Sauce
A new one from Deshome! Not only is it new, but it’s curry! However, it’sd also chlorella. I put one variety on instant noodles on my bottom ten list that was a green tea and chlorella combo. I’m not sure if it was the green tea or the chlorella I dislikes, but I really disliked that one! So I guess we’ll see! As far as chlorella, Wikipedia has this to say:
#1276: Adabi Mi Bandung Prawn Mee
Here’s something from a brand I’ve never tried before called Adabi. It was sent to me by Annie T. of MyKuali in Malaysia – thank you! This is a take on a traditional dish – let’s check it out!
#1271: Prima Taste Singapore Chilli Crab La Mian
At the beginning of this year, I’d never tried any of their products. When I did, I was blown away; so much so that they ended up ranking 1st and 2nd place on my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Tiume 2013 Edition list. I’m very curious how this one will fare. Chilli Crab is considered to be the signature dish of Singapore. To ring in the new year, I thought I’d start out with this one. I decided to post it right when the clock strikes midnight the very first time of 2014. Where’s that? Turns out it’s in Kiribati, which is GMT+14! For those in my timezone which is GMT-8 (Seattle time), that will be 2am on December 31st. With that, I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2014 – let’s check this out! By the way – I just found out there are a couple new ways to cook this one – check them out here!
#1270: Ko-Lee Instant Noodles Taste Sensation Creamy Shrimp Tom Yum Flavour
Thought this sounded good for today. Made in Thailand for the UK market. Gonna use a new bowl that was made in Thailand I received from my sister in law Dee for Christmas. She just had her birthday! Happy birthday!!! Let’s check it out!
Christmas Review: #1263: Nissin Cup Noodle Curry X Gunpla RX-78-2 Gundam
I’ve been really wanting to review this one before now but I decided to do it for the Christmas review quite a while back. I don’t usually barge in with a different review during Meet The Manufacturer, but it’s Christmas so here it is. The ABC President Meet The Manufacturer will continue after Christmas. For now, let’s check out this cup. I’ve had cups that have come with little doo dads before; a ticket for a contest, a sticker, a little card… But this is something completely different. A little model kit! Let’s check it out!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Eat & Go Rendang Beef Flavor Fried Instant Noodle
As I said in the last post, today is the anniversary of the first time my wife and I spoke to eachother, four years ago. More on that in the video at the bottom. I had the fortune to be able to try real rendang yesterday! They make it at Waroeng Jajanan! I’ll do a special post about it soon! This one was really good last time – let’s revisit it!
#1258: Meet The Manufacturer: President Chicken Flavoured Fried Noodle
This is an interesting one; there’s ABC and there’s President. I’ve seen the logo on products made in other regions too – Taiwan most notably. Let’s see how this one tastes!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Eat & Go Spicy Chicken Mi Instan Cup
This is a really good one – it placed #8 in my Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles 2013 Edition! Let’s revisit this one!
#1256: Meet The Manufacturer: Eat & Go Curry Chicken Mi Instan Cup
To begin this Meet The Manufacturer, I decided that curry chicken flavor sounded good today. One thing I’m a big fan of is curry; from India, Britain, Thailand, Japan and of course Indonesia. In the past, I’ve been pretty amazed at everything that they put inside these Eat 7 Go cups. Let’s see what awaits within!
#1238: Sapporo Ichiban Sesame Ramen
Wow a noodle review on Thanksgiving? Yeah – although I did it yesterday and scheduled it to auto-post… Rest assured as you read this I’m probably helping make Thanksgiving dinner up at my mom’s. Sesame ramen eh? I bet turkey would go good with it… I’ll do some kind of turkey recipe soon. Let’s check this one out.
#1221: Mi ABC Selera Pedas Mi Rebus Hot Semur Chicken Flavour(Rasa Semur Ayam Pedas)
Here’s another from my friend in Indonesia – thank you! I asked my son if he would pick which one I’d review today and this was what he picked – he wanted to make sure it was a spicy one. I did some looking and found this on Wikipedia:
#1215: GaGa Mi Instan Cup Milk Chicken Soup (Rasa Sup Ayam Susu)
Another one from my friend in Indonesia! Milk chicken soup – sounds interesting. I had another milk chicken soup variety awhile back which I enjoyed, so maybe this one’ll be good too. Let’s see what’s in this cup.
#1214: Eat & Go Rendang Beef Flavour Fried Instant Noodle
Here’s another from my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks! I’ve got high hopes for this one. Why? Well, the Spicy Chicken version placed on my Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups of 2013. Also, Indomie’s Rendang placed in the Top Ten Instant Noodles of 2013 list. I guess we’ll see how this does! Let’s check it out!
#1201: A-Sha Instant Noodle Curry Flavor
Been a little while since I reviewed anything by A-Sha. I did a Meet The Manufacturer in May, but nothing new since then. Well, today’s the day! Curry. It’s always been a favorite flavor of mine and I think this is the first time I’ll be trying a Taiwanese take on it. Let’s give it a try!
#1198: Samyang Foods Maesaengyitangmyun Baked Noodle
Here’s a brand new one from Samyang Foods of South Korea. They sent instructions on how to cook them as well as a little info about this new variety:
#1197: Nissin Cup Noodle Chili Tomato
Robert F. of Hoboken, NJ was kind enough to send one of these – thanks! Very curious how it will be… Only one way to find out!
Book Review/Interview: The Noodle Narratives: The Global Rise Of An Industrial Food Into The Twenty First Century
A month or so ago I read an article mentioning a new book about instant noodles. Books regarding instant noodles generally fall into a couple categories: recipe books written and published by individuals and recipe books that are mass-produced and published by the millions.
#1189: Acecook Comet Mori Yukino Tan-tan Men
Here’s one sent from Japan by Ichiro Yamoto of Yakantei! Thank you! This one was a little tricky to translate – I want to thank Courtnay N. of Canada and Mari S. of Tennessee! Tan tan men is more widely known as dandanmian. It heralds from China and is named after a pole street vendors would use to carry their wares. It’s usually a spicy broth with oil and minced pork affair. After some research, I figured out who the woman on the lid is. She’s part of AKB48 – here’s what Wikipedia says about them:
#1183: Paldo Cheese Noodle
Here’s something new from Paldo of South Korea – cheese noodle! I am a big fan of cheese! I also like noodles obviously, so this should be a nice pairing. Let’s dig in to some cheesy goodness!
#1181: Samyang Foods Star Popeye Ramyun Snack
Whoa hey what’s this? Here’s another snack made from instant noodles! This one’s from South Korea – let’s check it out!
#1179: Myojo Chukazanmai Guangdong Style Ramen
Here’s one that my friend Scott A. sent me – thanks again! Been a long time since I’ve had any of the Chukazanmai varieties – fancy shmancy stuff – let’s check this one out!
#1178: Nongshim Shin Black Spicy Pot-au-feu Flavor Premium Noodle Soup
You might be thinking, ‘hey – didn’t he already review this?’ Nope – I reviewed the Shin Ramyun Black cup from South Korea. This is the one that is manufactured here in the United States in Rancho Cucamonga, California.So what is this ‘Pot-au-feu’ flavor? I consulted Wikipedia and found this:
#1175: Healtimie Green Barley Noodle Milk Chicken Soup
Here’s something new – green barley noodles. I’ve had noodles that were green from a myriad of ingredients before (wonder if someday there’ll be blue?). These are supposed to be for the health conscious. Let’s check ’em out!
#1166: Unif Man Han Feast Sichuan Chili Eel Flavor Instant Noodle
Here’s one from T&T Supermarket up in Vancouver, BC! Many Taiwanese extolled the virtues of these Man Han Feast varieties, especially a beef version. I had the Spring Onion Eel flavor a while back and this is the only other one I’ve seen available in North America. So what does Man Han Feast mean? Wikipedia says:
#1162: Nissin Chanpon Ramen
Here’s another I got at T&T Supermarket up in Canada recently. This one’s frozen! Chanpon is a special thing; seafood and pork are sauteed and special ramen noodles and a little broth is added. Sounds awesome – let’s check it out.
#1159: Peyang Yakisoba
Here’s one I received from Mika in California – thank you! I really like yakisoba and this looks interesting. I read that this is considered ‘the soul food of Japan’ – let’s check it out!
#1157: Golden Wonder The Nation’s Noodle Beef & Tomato Flavour
Here’s one I’ve been hoping to try for a while! Thanks to Joe B. of Nottingham, UK for sending this my way! Beef & Tomato! Let’s check it out.
#1143: Meet The Manufacturer: Asian Thai Foods Rumpum Vegetable Soup Base
Here’s another brown noodle variety from ATF. Rumpum is the flagship product for them. Let’s check it out.
#1140: Meet The Manufacturer: Asian Thai Foods Preeti Instant Noodles Veg Soup Base
Here’s another one from Nepal! Preeti translates to ‘love.’ I love instant noodles, so what better name for them? Let’s check this pack out!
#1138: Tablemark Downtown Ramen Shop Shoyu
Here’s another one from T&T Supermarket up in Canada! Looks like a regular Japanese pack, right? This is actually a fresh ramen – frozen! Let’s check it out!
#1136: Nissin Yakisoba
Here’s another one from T&T Supermarket up in Canada. From my research, I found that this product was first introduced in 1963. The little medal on the mid-right is about this – it’s the 50th anniversary of Nissin Yakisoba this year! Let’s check this one out!
#1135: Indomie Instant Noodle Beef & Lime Flavour
Found this the other day and hadn’t ever seen it before. Then I looked closer and saw it was Rasa Soto Mie. Now, I’ve reviewed the export version of Soto Mie before, but there’s a difference: this one’s beef and the other was chicken. Interesting! Always nice to see a new Indonesian variety available in the states! Let’s check this one out.
#1125: Myojo Japanese Style Noodles Shio Flavor
Here’s another I got up at T&T Supermarket in Canada! Shio is one of four main categories of ramen in Japan (Tonkotsu, Shoyu and Miso being the others). Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Shio: