Here’s one from South Korea. This is a seafood variety, but with no broth. If you look closely, you’ll see three triahles on the lid. These are perforated holes that you poke through and use to drain the noodles. Let’s check this one out!
Category: * Stars 4.1 – 5.0
#1123: Maruchan’s Fresh Yaki-Soba Stir Fry Noodles With Seasoning Sauce Base
Here’s another one I was given by the nice folks at T&T Supermarket up in Canada – thanks again! I thought some fresh noodles would be nice for dinner tonight and I’ve wanted to try these for quite some time. Let’s check ’em out!
#1122: Nagao Noodle Ramen Kamen Thasos Galle Pork Bone
This one was sent by Mr. Yamato of Yakantei in Japan! Thank you! First off – if someone has a better translation of what this particular instant noodle is called, please let me know? The original text is 長尾製麺 ラーメン仮面・タソガレトンコツ. This is quite unique in that the outer packaging is paper. Yes – paper! Let’s have a look at this artsy ramen!
#1120: ABC Selera Pedas Mi Rebus Hot Gulai Chicken Flavour
Another Indonesia variety sent by a kind person in Jakarta! Thanks! This is called ‘gulai’ – something I’ve never heard of. I consulted Wikipedia and found this:
#1117: Thai Pavilion Spicy Pad Thai Instant Rice Noodles & Sauce
My wife mentioned she saw this brand at her work and I was curious, so she brought a couple varieties home! Thanks, Kit! I’ve never heard of this brand before. It’s an interesting one as it’s made in Thailand but set up for sale in the United States. Let’s check it out!
#1116: Tokyo Noodle Mini Instant Noodle Artificial Chicken Flavor
Went to Uwajimaya in Seattle yesterday and saw these – little four pack of mini noodles! Let’s check ’em out.
#1110: GS25 Gonghwachun Jjajangmyun
This was sent to me by Kristina W. of Arizona – thank you! Jjajangmyun is basically a noodle that is coated in a black bean sauce. Let’s check it out!
#1109: La Fonte Spaghetti With Bolognese Sauce
You’re probably wondering what the deal is here. Well, I’ll tell you! These were sent along with a slew of other Indonesian (yep – it’s from Indonesia!) instant noodles. These are made by Indofood, the same company that makes Indomie! They only take 4 minutes to make, and I think they’re unique enough that I’d review them. Thank you to my friend from Indonesia for sending me noodles I could never lay my hands on here! Let’s check ’em out!
#1105: Nongshim Doong Ji Authentic Korean Cold Noodles With Chili Sauce
Here’s one that I’ve waiting to review for a while. This is a variety specifically marketed for the summer months – cold South Korean noodles! Thought I’d consult Wikipedia to give some more information on South Korean cold noodle dishes:
#1103: Myojo Ippei-chan Yomise No Yakisoba Teriyaki Mayo Flavor
So today’s noodles were sent to me by Ichiro Yamato, proprietor of Yakantei over in Japan! He specializes in interesting and hard to find instant noodles – thank you very much. Today is a special day around here for a couple of reasons.
#1101: Eat & Go Spicy Chicken Mi Instan Cup
Here’s another one a fan shipped me from Indonesia. Never tried this variety before – very few Indonesian cups that I’ve tried. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1094: Amianda Noodle Thin Noodles – Sesame Oil
Meet The Manufacturer: #1093: Amianda Noodle Hakka Flat Noodles – Satay Sauce
I don’t know what made me do it, but I felt a need to consult Wikipedia on satay and Taiwan. So I did and found this:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1092: Amianda Noodle Tachia Dried Noodles – Rou Zhao Meat Sauce
Today, we have the Tachia noodles again but with rouzao. What is rouzao? Wikipedia mentioned that it involves minced pork (Amianda mentioned this one includes it in the sauce) and minced pork rice is the common rouzao:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1089: Amianda Noodle Hakka Flat Noodles – Fried Bean Sauce
Today it’s hakka noodles, a variety I have only very recently found out about. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the Hakka people in Taiwan:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1087: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle
2/19/2014 – SPECIAL NOTE: I’ve received many emails and comments from people asking where to purchase these noodles. Here is a list that was posted on MyKuali’s facebook page – check it out!
#1083: Nissin GooTa Demi Hamburg-Men
Well looky what we got here! This was one of the new varieties sent by Ichiro Yamoto of Yakantei! So if you’re wondering what this is, it’s a special cup of noodles that includes a dehydrated hamburger patty. No joke! Let’s have a look at this one!
#1082: Indomie Mi Instan Mi Goreng Rasa Cabe Ijo
Well folks, this has been a long time coming. Indofood tried sending some, but it got snagged in customs around Christmas 2012, and then a reader from Indonesia sent a big pack of varieties and this was in the package – which we both thought wouldn’t make it, but it arrived via seamail after a sixty-six day journey. This is going to be a neat review – it’s supposed to be ultra hot and spicy! Not only that, it’s supposed to be green! Their press release says it “draws inspirations from the traditional food of Padang that has been a popular delicacy among Indonesians.” Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1079: Deshome Aloe Noodle Vegetable Sauce
Today it’s aloe noodles with vegetable sauce – no sesame sauce in this one! Let’s give it a try.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1077: Deshome Aloe Noodle Red Onion & Sesame Sauce
Here’s another one of the aloe varieties from Deshome – this time it’s sesame and red onion. Let’s check it out!
Here’s the sticker from the back of the package.
Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge). Vegetarian.
The noodle blocks. Purplish is made with purple sweet potato and the other is just aloe.
The sesame sauce packet.
Again, a earthy color and nice aroma.
The red onion packet.
Red onion in an oil base.
Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a fried egg and some Vidalia onion and ham sauteed in a little soy sauce. The noodles are again really good – nice and wide and perfect texture as well as chew. The flavoring was nice and hearty with a strong sesame and nice red onion notes. This was great – 5.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 4716873921224.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1075: Deshome Aloe Noodle With Basil Sauce
Today it’s back to the aloe noodles. Basil? Never has basil in noodles except for pho! Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1074: Deshome Pollen Noodles Sesame Sauce & Soy Sauce
Today I’ll be reviewing pollen noodles. Pollen contains carbohydrates and protein. Sounds interesting – let check these unique noodles out!
#1069: Nissin Raoh Rich Miso Flavor
Here’s another one sent by Scott over at Nissin – thanks! Turns out the expiration dates on these are short so thought I’d better hit it up! Rich miso flavor… Pretty fancy bowl – let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1065: Tasty Bite 1 Step-1 Minute Asian Noodles Kung Pao
Winding down this Meet The Manufacturer. Tiday’s the next to last – been good stuff thus far! Let’s check out the Kung Pao!
#1056: Meet The Manufacturer: A-Sha Dry Noodle Mandarin Noodle – Onion Oil Sauce
As most of you have probably noticed, I like onions. I usually pick sweet onion since it tends to smell up the freezer a bit less as I get a ton of them, prep them, then put them in a freezer bag. One time I got some at a grocery that were simply called brown onions, and they stunk up the entire fridge! Looking forward to this one by A-Sha – onion oil flavor!
#1055: Meet The Manufacturer: A-Sha Dry Noodle QQ Thin Noodle – BBQ Sauce
Today we’ve got the thinnest noodles I think I’ve seen in a pack. I was curious about the whole QQ thing so I looked it up and found this on Quora:
#1052: Meet The Manufacturer: A-Sha Dry Noodle Hakka Flat Noodle – Chili Sauce
Here’s the first of seven in-depth reviews of A-Sha products. Wow – they’re wide! They’re also drained and liquid is stirred in – hmmm! So first, what’s ‘hakka?’ Wikipedia had this to share:
#1042: Nongshim Potato Pork Ramyun
Another one I got while in Canada for my birthday. I’m sure many folks will immediately ask ‘where did you get this’ and ‘where can I get it,’ and I’ll just say I’ve only seen this in Canada. See, they get stuff in the Vancouver area from not only the Nongshim plant here in the states but the one in Shanghai, China. Got a couple more coming down the pipe of reviews soon that hail from China. Let’s check this out!
#1039: Maruchan Bowl Hot & Spicy Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
Here’s the last of the three product samples sent by the nice folks at Maruchan – thanks again! Spicy shrimp sounds good – let’s check it out.
#1038: Itomen Chanponmen
Here’s one that the folks from God Of Patena sent – thanks! Very little English on here – searched and translated via UPC code and kept coming up with ‘chanpon’ over and over so I’m calling it that. Also found it called ‘champon’ too, but more often than not it was ‘chanpon.’ Most things show it as a seafood broth, but as you can see on the package, it looks like ham or smoked pork. I also saw mention that this was a borrowed noodle soup from Chinese culture; like jjamppong perhaps? Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1029: Samyang Foods Nagasaki Crab Jjampong
Most people who are keen on South Korean ramyun have heard of the craze for ‘white broth’ ramyuns. Nagasaki Jjampong was Samyang Foods’ entry into the white broth realm, but they made another variety – Nagasaki Crab Jjampong – that has a milder taste. Let’s check it out.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1022: HoMyeonDang Premium Noodle House Crab Jjampong
This sure looks fancy! This is a premium private label variety made by Samyang Foods. HoMyeonDang is a restaurant in South Korea – here’s their website. They’re a organic noodle bar! Crab jjampong! Let’s check it out…
Meet The Manufacturer: #1021: Samyang Foods Beef Flavor Ramyun (South Korean Version)
Beef flavor – you might be wondering what the difference between this and Samyang Ramyun is. Well, I think this one’s not as spicy possibly. Also, the key that Samyang Foods sent show this as having added milk. I’ve reviewed the export version before – this has only one packet as opposed to the export having veggies too. Well, let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1020: Samyang Foods Nagasaki Jjampong
Here’s Samyang’s foray into the white broth realm. White broth ramyuns are spicy – usually with a jalapeno flavor heat. I’ve tried the pack version before and enjoyed it – let’s check out the big bowl version!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1018: Samyang Foods Ganjjampong
Here’s something new… So this is a ‘stir noodle’ (brothless). I’ve seen Jjajang variations which are stir noodles, but never a spicy seafood one. Basically what you do is cook the noodles and veggies, drain, and then add the liquid and stir, stir, stir. This sounds really interesting!
#1014: Nissin King Spa Oh Peperoncino Spaghetti (日清生タイプSpa王 ペペロンチーノ)
Here’s one from Nissin Japan. Not a lot of English on this package so I had to do some research. What I found is that this is part of a series of spaghetti instant noodles. You add boiling water to the noodles and veg and let steep for one minute, then drain and add the oil and dry powder packet contents. Let’s give it a try!
#1007: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Noodles With Soup Base
Here’s another one we got in Canada on my birthday! I was surprised to see a Demae Ramen bowl – always nice to see something new on the shelf! This one’s from Hong Kong. Let’s check it out.
#1006: Amino Barszcz czerwony (Borscht)
Here’s the last of the varieties from Poland that were kindly sent by Joe & Gil of the UK! Borscht! I’ve never actually had real borscht before, but I read up on it on the Wikipedia page:
#1000: Maruchan Yakisoba Beef Taco Flavor
Here it is. The one thousandth review. I’m pretty surprised; really didn’t expect to get this far! But I have and don’t see and end in sight – reviewing instant noodles is a lot of fun for me and looks like all of the people who check out the site like it too!
#998: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Cup Rich Spicy Beef Flavor Premium Noodle Soup
Hey look at that! The new Shin Ramyun Black cup! Been wanting to review it since I first saw it. I reviewed the other Shin Ramyun Black cup (which was onion flavored) a while back and really enjoyed it immensely. This one’s being promoted by PSY! Yep – Mr. Gangnam Style himself. Let’s check it out…