Here’s one that was kindly sent by Mika over at Sakurai Foods in Japan – thank you! In Japan where ramen is a way of life, there are varieties which are seasonal and this is one of them. This is a winter varietal miso stew. I imagine the winter versions are more ‘stick to your ribsy’ and the summer ones (like one I saw on the Sakurai Foods site) are cold noodles. Awesome! Well, let’s get started.
Category: * Stars 4.1 – 5.0
Meet The Manufacturer: #992: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa La Mian
Here’s the other of the two Prima Taste La Mian varieties they sent. Laksa is a dish that’s extremely popular around the world that comes from Singapore. Wikipedia defines it: “Laksa is a popular spicy noodle soup from the Peranakan culture, which is a merger of Chinese and Malay elements found in Malaysia and Singapore, and Indonesia.”
Meet The Manufacturer: #991: Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian
Curry. For me, it’s up there with bacon, pizza, fried chicken and dim sum. Curry has this flavor that has always enthralled me and can be prepared in so many different ways. Here we have Prima Taste’s take on curry with their Curry La Mian.
#984: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Ramen Shoyu Flavor
Well, this is the last of the sun Noodle Meet The Manufacturer samples to review. Some really tasty stuff has been tried – I bid them a very fond farewell. We finally arrive here at Shoyu.
#982: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Ramen Miso Flavor
Miso is a classic flavor for ramen broths. Miso is a thick paste which is made from fermented soybeans and rice or barley and commonly used in Japanese soups and sauces.
#978: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Ramen Pork Flavor
Here’s another of the Sun Noodle line – pork flavor ramen! Let’s check it out!
#977: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Yakisoba Japanese Style Stir Fry Noodles With Powdered Sauce
Here’s the first review of the Sun Noodle Meet The Manufacturer spotlight, their Yakisoba. Yakisoba is one of my favorite Japanese noodle dishes. What’s nice is that the flavoring contains one of my favorite flavors – Worcestershire sauce!
#975: Ottogi Spaghetti Ramen
Here one that came from Korea by way of Kristen W. of Arizona! Thank you so much! I’ve wanted to review this one for a long time! Let’s check this unique variety out.
#972: Meet The Manufacturer: Annie Chun’s Soup Bowl Chinese Chicken
This is it – the last of the nine Annie Chun’s samples that were sent for Meet The Manufacturer. It’s definitely been an interesting jaunt! Some I really liked quite a bit, some I didn’t like so much. What’s very evident here is that Annie Chun’s definitely has a wide range of flavors. The last one is Chinese Chicken.
#967: Meet The Manufacturer: Annie Chun’s Soup Bowl Korean Kimchi
Here’s something interesting – a kimchi fresh udon bowl made in the US! Let’s give it a look!
Momofuku Ando Day! #964: Nissin Raoh Backfat Rich Soy Sauce Flavor
#962: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Seafood Flavor (New Version)
I reviewed the original version (non-microwavable) quite a while back and really liked it – it even made the Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls list. Today I’m going to check out the new version.
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods 100% Vegetarian Miso Flavor
Today is the last of the Sakurai Foods Meet The Manufacturer. I have enjoyed trying such a great range of products from Japan! We finish with the one that made this Meet The Manufacturer happen. I email lots of instant noodle manufacturers, trying to get Meet The Manufacturer interviews to happen. I hadn’t contacted Sakurai Foods before and gave it a shot. Here’s my re-review of their miso vegetarian flavor.
#958: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods Soy Sauce Ramen (Bowl)
Here’s the second of the two Bowls that Sakurai Foods sent. From what I gather from their website, these are their newest products. The bowls are recycles sugar came fibers! Has an interesting feel to it. Let’s check out this second bowl, this time, soy sauce flavor!
#957: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods 100% Vegetarian Soy Sauce Flavor
Anotyher one from Sakurai Foods today. I had the regular Soy Sauce Flavor the other day and this one’s for the meat-conscious.
#956: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods Sesame Noodles
Here is another variety from Sakurai Foods: sesame noodles! Sounds really good! Let’s check these noodles out.
#953: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods Soy Sauce Ramen
Here is the first of eight varieties of instant noodles made by Sakurai Foods of Japan. This one looks really good from the picture on the package! Let’s check it out.
Re-Review: Myojo Ippei-chan Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles
I’ve been going through the reviews I’ve done over the years with a fine-toothed comb lately and thought this one was most definitely due to a re-review. I know a lot of people enjoy this one, so let’s give it an in-depth look!
Re-Review: Maruchan Creamy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Found these at Walmart yesterday – or wait that was today… We decided to go shopping at 1am – figured we’d beat the crowds… Well, we did beat the crowds but they were restocking – pretty amazing all the pallets they load there at night! Wow… Anyways, creamy chicken sounded good. Here’s the original review and I’ll do a really in-depth re-review soon!
#936: Yamachan Tonkotsu Ramen Mild Pork Flavor Soup Base
I did a Meet The Manufacturer on Yamachan a little while back and found their products to be quite good! Here’s a new one they’ve come out with – a mild Tonkotsu! Sounds excellent! Thanks to the folks at Yamachan in San Jose, California for sending this! Now, to the review!
#934: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja Flamin’ Hot & Nutty Noodle Soup
I got a couple of these family packs sent as samples from Nongshim America the other day…
#933: Paldo Kokomen Cup
#932: Paldo Namja Ramen
It’s the day after Thanksgiving and I thought this would be nice to have. I’ve reviewed the Korean version in the past – this is the version for sale in the US.
#927: Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor King Cup
Here’s some more Kokomen – this is the one sold in the USA! It’s a really rainy day today and some spicy chicken noodles sound really tasty! Let’s hit it!
Re-Review: MAMA Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles
Went to 99 Ranch Market yesterday and picked these up. I reviewed them way back – #136 – over two years ago. I gave them 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. Many of your have commented on how much you enjoy it and so I think I’ll give it another chance. I’ve found varieties from back then are more to my liking now.
Re-Review: FMF Chow Tomato Flavour Instant Noodle
Thanks again to Joseph H. of Sacramento, California for sending these! Reviewed these as #895. Sounded good today so here we go!
Re-Review: Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun)
I have fallen ill with some kind of head cold it seems and I thought something spicy would be good. My lovely wife Kit was kind enough make me some noodles for breakfast – she’s so good to me! Thought I’d have these – they’re available in the US now, but this is a Re-Review of the pack that is sold in Korea. The version sold in the US will be being reviewed soon! Here’s the link to the original review I did during Paldo’s Meet The Manufacturer.
Re-Review: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Mi Cakalang
Of the re-reviews I’ve done recently, I would say this is one of the most recent. Here’s the link for it’s first review, #858. Cakalang is also known as Skipjack tuna.
Re-Review: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja (Really Really) Ramyun
You’re probably wonder ‘gee, he sure reviews that Jinjja Jinjja quite a lot – what gives?’ Well, they sent me a lot of it and since I really like it, I want to enjoy it before it expires. Well, actually it expired in September, but I’m just about out of it. Here’s the last full review of it.
Re-Review: Indomie Curly Noodle With Chicken & Chilli Paddi
This is one that ended up at second place on the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time – that means its really hot! There are these tiny little peppers (chilli paddi) that are real scorchers and they’re small enough that when you happen to find one, you get quite a jolt! I reviewed this a while back this year – #732 and during the Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie special. This is one of the packs sent directly from Indofood in Indonesia – I am told they will be sending some new samples very soon! Can’t wait to try them!
Re- Review: emart Ramen e Ramen White Broth Noodle Soup
I reviewed this one a little while back – was review #787. Use this link to see everything about it. By the way, emart has informed me that they have a new product that just launched – should be here soon! Can’t wait to review it!
Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkortsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Since I don’t have a huge amount of noodles that haven’t been reviewed yet (around 8 at the moment and I could go through those in four or five says possibly), I’ve decided I should hit the overstock box and see what’s in there. My wife Kit got me a five pack of these for my birthday back in March and so I figure I should eat ’em up! Here’s the original review – look there for the original pics I did of the packaging, packets, etcetera.
#918: Nongshim Tempura Udon Flavor Cup Ramyun
Here’s the last of the new Nongshim cups – looks like a good one too!
Here’s a close-up of the lid.
Re-Review: Indomie Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavour (Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang)
I’m going to go out on a limb here. I would say that if I were held down and demanded to answer the question “what is your favorite instant noodle of all time” that I would probably say it was this one. I would also say the Special Fried Curly Noodle that tops the Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list; they’re both equally amazing and awesome. What I can’t believe is that I haven’t had it since review #51! That’s ANCIENT! I used to eat this one all the time.
#916: Goku-Uma Seafood Flavor Japanese Style Instant Noodles
Here’s one my sister brought me back from Hawaii! Thanks! I used to see plenty of these around but never went and got any. Now, I can’t find them around here.
Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Pedas Hot Fried Noodles
Someone asked quite a while back if I would re-review this one, so I thought I’d do that today. Pedas means spicy in the Indonesian language.
#913: Nongshim Spicy Shrimp Flavor Cup Ramyun
If you look at review #911, #912 and now #913, I think you can see a theme here. Yeah – shrimp! I don’t usually have any shrimp on hand so I thought I should take advantage of it. This is a new one from Nongshim – spicy shrimp. Let’s check it out!
#910: Paldo Namja Ramyun King Cup
Here’s a new one from Paldo not yet available in the USA – Namja cup! Namja translates to Man’s or Guy’s – gender-specific noodles – that’s something new! I think would like to know about the ladies’ ramyun and what that would be… Anyways, let’s give this new one from Paldo a gander.
#909: Indomie Mi Goreng Kriuuk Bawang
This is the final one – the last one that my friend from Jakarta, Indonesia sent. These have been a lot of fun since there’s no way you can buy them here in the states! Awesome! Thanks again! So what does bawang mean? Onion. And what about kriuuk? Crunchy. Let’s try this out.
#906: Daddy Kari 365 Instant Noodles Curry Flavour
Here’s the stuff that Jerry W. sent from Sarawak, Malaysia! Thanks again! Ahhh curry – there are very few things I’ve found to be absolutely perfect and one of them is the flavor of curry. Curry’s up there with bacon, hot sauce and garlic! Let’s check out this unique curry noodle variety from Malaysia!