Here’s a new one we got at Uwajimaya. This looks really good! Nothing says tasty like a little bit of Japanese mayonnaise! Let’s check it out!
Category: * Stars 4.1 – 5.0
#899: FMF Chow Tomato Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s the other one that Joseph H. of Sacramento, Ca sent – thanks again! I really like what it says there on the front – I think it should have a question mark after hungry. It sounds like Talk Like A Pirate Day with YAAR!!!
#895: SuperMi Sedaaap Mi Goreng & Citrojugo Lime Juice Review
Here’s one of the last couple from my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks again – mailed off your sticker yesterday! Mi Goreng – always a tasty treat! Today, I’m doing things a little differently. Not only am I reviewing these noodles but…
#892: ABC Selera Pedas Mi Rebus Hot Tomato Soup Flavour
Here’s one of the last couple packs that my friend from Jakarta, Indonesia sent. ABC is well known for their sweet soy sauce. This looks really interesting though – spicy and tomato! Let’s try it.
Meet The Manufacturer #888: Yamachan Ramen Nagasaki Sara Udon Chicken Flavor
Here’s something different. Sara Udon means plate noodles – what you have is a crispy noodle that is thin. You put them on the plate and crush gently, then add the sauce and during the meal, the noodles go from crisp to soft. It’s a texture sensation! Well, let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer #886: Yamachan Ramen Tonkotsu-Shoyu Rich Pork Flavor Ramen
Meet The Manufacturer #885: Yamachan Miso Ramen Rich Sapporo Miso
So yesterday I tried the mild miso and today I’m hitting up the rich. This one says it’s ‘Sapporo miso’ – curious to see what its like.
Meet The Manufacturer #883: Yamachan Shio Ramen Seafood Clear Soup Base Mild
This is something a little different. This is two servings of fresh ramen in a pack. They’re made in San Jose and this looks to be something gourmet. Let’s check it out!
#882: SuperMi Gobang Goreng Rasa Ayam Bawang
Here’s one of the last couple of packs sent by my friend from Jakarta, Indonesia. Thanks again – these have been a real treat to review! This one’s one of SuperMi’s well-know fusions. Goreng and Ayam Bawang; a sdry noodle with a flavor of a soup noodle! Pretty cool. Ready to eat!
Video Re-Review: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black & The Golden Pot
Decided to do up a video of the nice Golden Pot that was sent to me by Mr. Shin, President of Nongshim Holdings – very kind thank you! Thought it fitting to try it out with some Shin Ramyun Black. Check out the video!
#879: Song Hak Rice Topokki Bowl
While at the KS Mart in Lynnwood, Washington, I saw this and had to give it a try. Wasn’t sure what (if any) noodles would be within, although I know one thing: topokki (or ttebokki) are really neat – they’re like enormous noodle chunks. Korean food is awesome stuff. Here’s what Wikipedia says about how it arrived in its current form:
#877: Nongshim Shin Bowl Noodle Soup (New Version)
Realized I haven’t reviewed the new version of the Shin Bowl. A lot of people have asked if I noted any difference from the old version (non-microwaveable) and the new one. Well, I guess we shall see!
#872: Nongshim Chapagetti Roasted Chajang Bowl Noodle
Here it is! This is the Chapagetti Bowl Noodle from Nongshim America. Pretty cool – got to sample this during my trip to Nongshim
America in May – even got to see them made. Let’s have a look at this new product!
#863: Indomie Mi Keriting Goreng Spesial (Special Fried Curly Noodles)
Here’s something special! This is the version of the special fried curly noodles that they get in Indonesia! What’s funny is that it looks like the date on the front is today! The special fried curly noodles we get here in the US from Indomie tops my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list. Let’s give these a try.
#862: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Roast Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another one of the samples sent to me by Nissin Foods USA! Thanks again! So Roast Chicken flavor… I’m thinking I’m going to have fun with this one… Hmmm… Well, here we go!
#858: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Mi Cakalang
Haven’t had an Indomie in a while! This one’s Cakalang. Cakalang is also known as Skipjack tuna. Been looking forward to this.
#857: Sempio Seafood Vermicelli Soup Anchovy Flavor
Here’s an interesting one: you empty everything into the bowl, add boiling water and poof – it’s done. They’re called it ‘no wait.’ Let’s give it a try.
#856: Little Cook Mushroom Vegetarian Premium Noodle
Here’s another onbe sent by Michelle L. of New York – thanks! This is made in Thailand and says it’s mushroom flavor. Well, let’s give it a go.
#855: Vina Acecook Bestcook Instant Noodles Hot & Sour With Shrimp Flavour
Here’s a new one – sounds good to me – kind of funny having two instants that are ‘hot and sour’ flavored in a row…
#853: Dongwon RaUdong Unfried Noodle With Kimchi
Haven’t had a fresh noodle bowl in a while and thought this would be a good day to try one out. This is one my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year – thank you! Kimchi flavor! Let’s give it a try.
#845: Nongshim Doong Ji Authentic Korean Cold Noodles in Chilled Broth
Well, time for another try with cold noodles! Been really enjoying them recently – curious how these will fare – look pretty fancy!
#837: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Picante Chicken Flavor
Here’s one of the new one Nissin Foods USA sent recently. Cucharealo, eh? Couldn’t find out what that exactly means, but it looks like it’s something new and geared towards the Latino market. Interesting that it says Top Ramen on it too – brand recognition! Awesome – let’s give it a go.
#830: Seven & i (7-11 Japan) Premium Shoyu Noodle
This one comes from Courtney N. from British Columbia, Canada! How rad – this is from Seven-11 in Japan! Looks interesting…
Re-Review: Payless Xtra Big Pancit Canton Original
Oh man I thought this was a new one! I reviewed this at #93! Here’s something from the Philippines! Been awhile since a review from there. Pancit Canton reminds me a lot of Indonesia’s Mi Goreng; the noodles are drained and then stirred with the dry and wet ingredients and served. Let’s try this one out!
#829: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Kko Kko Myun King Cup
In the US, it’s Kokomen, in Korea it’s Kko Kko Myun! They also have not only the package variety, but also in a King Cup! Let’s see if it’s as good as the package version.
#827: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Rabokki
#826: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun)
Here’s a new one from Paldo – Namja. Namja translates to “man” or “guy” – I think they’re saying this is very hot and spicy. I wonder if there will be a product that is made for women as well? Well, let’s see if I’m man enough for this bowl of noodles!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Gomtang Oriental Style Noodles With Soup Base
How often do you see Korean instant noodles that aren’t spicy? Well, here’s one of those rare times. Pronounced Gohm-tahng (thanks Moses from Paldo America!), this is a traditional beef noodle soup.
#824: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Cucumber Bibim Men
Here’s something different – Cucumber Bibim Men! Bibimbap is a common Korean dish involving a sauce with mixed vegetables and rice. The ‘Men’ here is pronounced ‘main’ as in chow mein as in noodles. So what this is is a cold noodle deal – you boil the noodles and veggies, drain and rinse with cold water a few times, add the liquid packet and stir it together. Curious if I’m going to like this – I’ve had Bibim Men a long time ago, but my tastes have changed so we’ll see.
#823: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor
Finally after a long wait, Kkokkomyun has come to the United States as Kokomen! This is the instant that brought about the whole ‘white broth’ craze in Korea. Here’s an excerpt from my interview with Paldo:
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Jang Ramyun Soy Flavor Noodle
I asked my wife Kit to pick which pack of noodles to begin Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo week and she picked this one. Sounds like a great place to start!
#821: Master Kong/康师傅 Potatoes & Stewed Beef Instant Noodles
This rather unassuming package of ramen came from Bo H. of China. I don’t know if this is exactly what this is called, but I hope it comes close to its name in taste. Potatoes aren’t something commonly found when it comes to instant noodles; there’s sweet potato noodles and potato noodles, but really nothing that involved potato flavor.
#810: ABC Selera Pedas Mi Goreng Hot Chicken Lemon Flavour
Yep – another new one from Indonesia that was sent by my friend in Jakarta! Thank you very much! I haven’t tried this brand’s noodles before, but I am familiar with ABC’s Kecap Manis (sweet soy sauce).
#802: Sarimi Isi 2 Mi Goreng Rasa Ayam Kecap
#799: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Savory Chicken Flavor
Today Andy wanted to try something new. Knowing he’s a little timid of things that are too far off the map, I went with this. I’m pretty sure he’ll like it.
#794: Sarimi Mi Instan Soto Koya Jeruk Nipis
Here’s another one that a friend in Indonesia sent – thanks again! Curious how this one will be; I translated it to what looks like Koya lime flavor soup.
#792: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor (New Version)
The 200th review I did was the old version of this stuff! Over 500 reviews later, we come to the new version. So far, these new ones have been quite good.
#788: Uni-President 100 Old Clay Pot Pickled Vegetables Beef Noodles
Here’s the first review of the batch of six instant noodles sent to me by Bo H. of China! This one looks really interesting; I’m not 100% sure that this is the correct title either, but this is the best translation I could get. I wonder who that guy is?
#787: emart Ramen e Ramen White Broth Noodle Soup
Today I received a big box full of instant noodles from South Korea! These are made by emart. If you can imagine a Korean version of Walmart, you’re on the right track – these are super huge superstores over there. Anyways, a fellow from emart contacted me about reviewing this new product of theirs and of course I said yes. They sent a box with some nice hats and 8 of these 6 pakcs – yep – 48 packages of noodles! Wow!
#765: Super Bihun Instant Rice Noodles Kuah
Here’s another one that was lurking in the bottom of the hamper! Been kind of wondering where it had gone – well, here it is! I must say this is my favorite logo ever – looks like a heart and a bomb, doesn’t it? Curious how this one will be. Let’s go!