Well look at what I found! I’ve never seen anything like this before – these are manufactured in Hong Kong and look really interesting! Let’s see what’s going on with the seafood flavor – a variety not available in the USA Cup Noodles live!
Category: * Stars 4.1 – 5.0
#282: Doll Instant Noodle Pickled Vegetable Flavour
So we went to 99 Ranch Market yesterday and turns out there were two more kinds of Doll instant noodles they had that I’ve not tried! So here’s the first, pickled vegetable.
Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Ayam Panggang Jumbo Barbecue Chicken Flavour Fried Instant Noodles
So I got a message this morning from a gentleman in Denmark who thought that Indomie’s special fried curly noodles were some of the best stuff he’s ever had. I must agree! Coincidentally, I found a pack of this stuff sitting in the cupboard and thought that the barbecue chicken flavor really could use a re-review. So come on and follow me on a journey into the world of tasty noodles!
#253: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Seafood Flavor
At long last! Yesterday we found the elusive Nongshim Spicy Seafood Bowl Noodle Soup!!! Very awesome! There’s a review of the place we found it at under the Where to Get It tab up top – check out HT Oaktree Market! Now check out this review of Nongshim Spicy Seafood Bowl Noodle!
#244: Nissin Karashi Mayonnaise Flavor Yakisoba Pan-Fried Noodles
So look upon this with awe and silent adoration. Mayonnaise flavor noodles. Mayonnaise on the noodles. Mayonnaise. It’s just so amazing. This one is using something called Karashi Mayo. Wikipedia says lends some light to this situation…
#243: Myojo Udon Hot & Spicy Flavor Japanese Style Noodles With Soup Base
So time for new noodles! Here’s some!
One packet of seasoning as per usual with Myojo’s fresh udon packs…
#240: Sanyo Foods Aunt Mentaiko Durum Spaghetti
So first off, I’d like to thank Walnuts4Gold from reddit.com for helping me figure out the name of this stuff. The only thing I had to go on was the phone number on the bottom. From that I figured out with a little research that Sanyo Foods makes these noodles. Then Walnuts4Food sent me a link with some other varieties including this one. This one is the Mentaiko variety. What’s mentaiko? Wikipedia states it is… Mentaiko (明太子?) is the marinated roe of pollock, and is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine. Mentaiko originated from myeongran jeot (명란젓) of Korean cuisine and was introduced to Japan after the Russo-Japanese War. Kawahara Toshio, a Busan-born Japanese, adapted Korean mentaiko to Japanese tastes in Fukuoka in the 1950s. The name is derived from the Korean word for Alaska pollock (mentai, 명태 : myeongtae in Korean) and the Japanese word for “child” (子, ko?). The typical seasoning and flavor is slightly different in Japan. Mentaiko is made in a variety of flavors and colors and is available at airports and main train stations. It is usually eaten with onigiri, but is also enjoyed by itself with sake. A common variety is spicy mentaiko (辛子明太子, karashi mentaiko?). It is a product of the Hakataward of Fukuoka City.
It makes perfect sense that this must be what it is….
Click image to enlarge. Pretty easily followed instructions…
#236: Tat Hui Koka Instant Non-Fried Noodles Spicy Sesame Flavor
Sesame’s good, spicy is good. Let’s see if this stuff that was uber cheap – $1.49 for 4 packages – is worth its weight.
#235: Tat Hui Koka Instant Non-Fried Noodles Curry Flavor
Wow check it out! This was a super deal – 4 packs of it for $1.49! Here we go!
Okay sure seasoning powder and garnish yeah yeah…
#232: Indomie Jumbo Mi Goreng Rasa Daging Sapi Beef Flavour Fried Instant Noodles
Uber. Good stuff for sure. I’m going to spare the pleasantries and just say this stuff kicks some ass. On to the reality of the best stuff.
#231: Indomie Onion Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles
Okay so this is a nice treat – an Indomie flavor I haven’t reviewed! Was a little surprised to see there were any but sure enough!
#223: Tat Hui Koka Instant Rice Noodles Laksa Singapura Flavor
So here’s something I haven’t seen before and it looks like there’s a handful of varieties available locally.
Re-Review: Indomie Special Quality Instant Noodles Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor
Okay this is a very special ramenrater review here – if asked what is my favorite meal that is of instant noodles, this would be it. I have been making it and variations on it for years now. Behold the fine Indonesian treat, Indomie’s Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang!!!
#208: Sau Tao Ramen King Scallop Seafood Soup Flavored
So Kit noticed these at 99 Ranch Market yesterday – a four pack of them on sale pretty cheap. Thought it’d be something to try – fresh noodles, scallop flavor, heck yeah!
#205: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Beef Flavored Soup
So now that I’m out of the Nong Shim bowl noodles, here’s something new. This is going to be good – I haven’t had any complaints that I can think of about Sapporo Ichiban’s products.
#200: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor
So this is the 200th instant noodle I’ve reviewed! So bright eyed and vaguely bushy tailed at 6:30am, here we go! I’d like to first thank Kit for picking #199 and #200 for my reviews and also for cruising us around and going to all of these Asian groceries around here. If you like the Ramen Rater, go see her Asian and otherwise snack reviews site at http://www.supertastysnacks.com – she just started it last week and she’s got her first few reviews up! Looking good!
#198: Shirakiku Sanukiya Somen Fresh Japanese Style Original
Some fresh noodles. Some this time – I know Udon, but what it somen? Wikipedia says:
Sōmen (素麺?) are very thin, white Japanesenoodles made of wheat flour. The noodles are usually served cold and are less than 1.3 mm in diameter. The distinction between sōmen and the next thicker wheat noodles hiyamugi and even thicker Japanese wheat noodles udon is mostly the size of the noodle. Somen noodles are stretched when made, as are some types of udon noodles.
#192: Paldo Soy Flavor Noodle Jang Ramyun
So this looks like a regular boring pack of noodles. Soy flavor – nothing special here right?
#187: Paldo Hwa Ramyun Hot & Spicy With Soy Peptide Oriental Style Noodle With Soup Base
So I thought after yesterday’s meeting with the super spicy noodles, I thought I’d see if two days in a row of pain would work out pretty well. So Here’s some hot & spicy with soy peptide! Yum!
#180: Myojo Hyoubanya no Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles Sauce Flavor
So this looks a lot like Nissin’s Yakisoba… Hmmm…. I wonder if it is as good? Better? Let’s see…
#176: Paldo Dosirac Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodle
So I have seen these all over the place but don’t think I’ve ever tried it. I’ve seen red background ones with a lady that looks like a nurse. Anyways, Kit picked this one out of my ‘vault’ to try today.
Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Satay AND Rasa Baso Sapi (Meatball Flavor
So after seeing an article or two about Indomie’s problems with ‘noodlegate,’ I thought I’d show my support by eating two packages for breakfast. These are some of the best packages of noodles ever – they’re both reviewed on here already, so this is a re-review. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. Big time – good stuff here!
#155: Lucky Me! Instant Pancit Canton Chow Mein
I’ve really enjoyed the chow mein that Sapporo Ichiban put out for years – curious to see how this stacks up…
#152: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Garlic and Sesame Oil Flavor
So I was going to 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds to get some 33 cent green onions but also got some of these noodles on sale for 99 cents. Good deal!
#150: Chorip Dong Jjampong Hot & Spicy Seafood Udon Japanese Style Noodle Soup
Wow okay so for the 150th review here on ramenrater.com I thought I’d go for something really different. This is a big ass bowl noodle with fresh noodles! Should be interesting!
#147: Higashi Foods Higashimaru Nagasaki Sara Udon
So found this at Uwajimaya – Higashi Foods makes it. The sticker on the back says Higashimaru Nagasaki Sara Udon. It is 99% in Japanese.
#142: Nissin Original Chow Mein Teriyaki Beef Flavor Chow Mein Noodles
So this is what you’ll find at your local grocery store in the United States. I picked this one up at a dollar store. Looked interesting so thought I’d give it a go. I’m always looking for the exotic and felt I was kind of missing the more domestic and such. How can I be a true Ramen Rater without trying the stuff from across the ocean as well as in my backyard?
#140: MAMA Mi Goreng Oriental Style Instant Noodles
So one of my favorite all time noodles is Indomie Mi Goreng Satay. I was very pleased to see that there was a new Mi Goreng out there – at least new to me.
#124: Nissin Yakisoba – with Mayonnaise / Mustard Packet
So this stuff is uber elite – probably one of the most amazing things I’ve ever had in the world of instant noodles. It’s 5 / 5 stars right off the bat. I’ve had this maybe three or four times and every time I find it just a little more amazing.
#536: Ottogi Yeul Ramyon Hot Taste
Look at those big deadly looking red peppers! This should be interesting. Usually stuff you’d find around here domestically would be on the weak side if it had a pepper being shown. We’ll have to see if this stuff lives up to the flavor of hot taste! I’m also very curious if I like this better than Shin Ramyun. I’ve really been enjoying the Ottogi products…
#105: Indomie Mie Keriting Goreng Spesial Special Fried Curly Noodles
So here she is. Ultra tasty and ready for preparation. There is only one slightly better and its about the same but has a soup base packet inside which goes great with it.
#101: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor
So if I’ve counted right, this is ramenrater review number 93. 93 different kinds – holy crap… Once I get to 100 I’ll put on a pink tutu and wet my pants or something I don’t know… Anyways, here’s some Ve Wong Sesame Chicken flavor.
#93: Payless Pancit Canton Xtra Big Original Flavor
So here’s something new. I’ve been avoiding it a bit as I wasn’t sure if I really would like it. But I remembered I’m the ramenrater, fearing no ramen and all that crap so here it is. The big one. My review’s preview is simple (think of this said with an extremely strong hwhuh sound on each word) Hwow – this stuff hwas hwonderful and I hwould eat is daily.
#75: Indomie Mi Goreng Rendang Instant Noodles
Ah the glorious 99 Ranch Market. It takes about 40 minutes to walk there (at a very fast walk), pick out some noodles and then walk home.
Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Chow Mein Japanese Style Noodles
Some might consider this to be beyond nasty, but I’ve found faith in humankind when it comes to these cheap, tasty noodles. Perhaps you will too as ramenrater.com reviews Sapporo Inchiban’s Chow Mein style Japanese noodles.
Homemade Multi-Cultural Noodles
I’m a big fan of instant noodles – such a big fan that I started www.ramenrater.com to review different varieties. Of all things ramen, I’ve come up with this homemade noodle recipe, taking ingredients from all over the far east and orient.
#51: Indomie Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor
Indomie: Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor
Stars: *****
Notes: This has to be the penultimate achievement in the ramen producing world. First off, these noodles are great; they are flat and curly with an unsurpassed, fine character. The package comes with a myriad of flavorings, including sweet soy, bumbu sauce, seasoned oil, chili powder, and finally, an extra special packet. After boiling the noodles and mixing with the seasonings in a bowl, you add 1/2 a cup of boiling water to this packet and stir – it’s a soup base. This stuff is really good – especially when you put two fried eggs on top of the ramen, then pour it over slowly. Fried shallots on top of that with a bit of shedded pickled ginger makes the scene complete. I can’t recommend any ramen more than this one. This is top! Get it here.
#45: Indomie Mi Goreng Sate Satay Fried Noodles
Indomie: Satay Fried Noodles
Stars: *****
Notes: This is the stuff that really got me into ramen. First off, five seasoning packets.
Second, by displaying sunny side up eggs on the packaging, I of course had to
try it for breakfast and quite enjoyed it. This is truly the alpha and omega of
the ramen hunter’s holy grail. The first ramen I found that required the noodles
be drained, then added to the dry bowl with the seasonings/oils and stirred. An
extremely spiritual experience. Get it here.
#28: Nissin Chikin Instant Ramen Noodles
Nissin: ORIGINAL – 1958
Stars: *****
Notes: This is where ramen noodles all began. In fact, this is what
really got me into noodles. A long long time ago, I was able to get
Nissin brand ‘Roasted Ramen’ noodles at the normal supermarket.
For ages I tried to find it again, but finally found it at the local
oriental grocery. This stuff is awesome – it’s got the seasoning in the
noodles. You can also eat this stuff uncooked – like potato chips,
or sprinkle it on salad etc. This is a score – try it!
#23: Nissin Top Ramen Creamy Chicken Flavor
Nissin: Top Ramen Creamy Chicken Flavor Stars: **** 1/2
Notes: As I have said before, dropped the ball here – really pedestrian. If you’re looking for something authentic, this isn’t it. One thing though – this is the company that originated ramen! This flavor caught my eye today as I feel under the weather and was
hungry. I threw a good tablespoon or two of minced onion [dehydrated] in it
and was pleasantly surprised. If I had another package of it, I would be hard
not to eat it right this instant. The high marks are earned for the flavor, but as far as adventure, it gets a single star.