Here’s one that has been in the noodle bin since the trip to California my wife and son and I took in July! Time to eat. Mushroom pork just didn’t sound too good, but you know me, I have to try it.
Category: Taiwan
#624: Master Kong Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodle
Here we have one of the three packages I got yesterday as part of a gracious donation from a fellow named Chad B. of Highland, Il. Thanks again! Stickers coming soon! I haven’t tried Master Kong products before so I did a little reseasrch on Wikipedia:
#623: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavor
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York! I know… Yep – it’s a swastika, the symbol of the national socialist party of Germany in WWII, the Nazis. Well, Wei-Wei isn’t a Nazi company or has anything to do with oppression. On the complete opposite side, in the far east it represents the whole of creation as well as Buddhism. Wikipedia says:
#610: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Artificial Chicken Flavor
Here’s yet another from Michelle L. of New York. I am really digging the “A” series so far!
#609: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Artificial Hot Beef Flavor
Here’s another that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York. This is something I’ve never had before – Wei-Wei brand. Wai Wai yes, Wei-Wei, no. The packaging is interesting – note the guy with the suave hat in the upper right. He’s there; on the scene – purchasing noodles . Let’s see if these noodles rock. Note the economical 49 cent price tag!
#603: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Hot Chili Flavor
Here’s another from Michelle L. of New York. I have a feeling it’s going to be good as well as spicy!
#601: Wei Chuan Instant Noodle Soup Tomato & Vegetables Flavor
Onward to #700! This is one of many sent to me by Michelle L. of New York! Thank you! Never seen this brand before – let’s give it a try!
Re-Review: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo
What’s with all the re-reviews you ask? Well, I’m stalled at review #599 as I’m awaiting the opportunity to review an pack of instant noodles that is pretty generic but has been overlooked. I should have it in my clutches VERY shortly. Decided for this one – beefy and sweet and spicy and I remember…
#587: Sunlight Steam Vermicelli
The last time I had a bag of instant noodles like this I had a horrible experience; a ball of glued together, sticky, nasty funk. This time I’m a little more experienced and wiser and going to try a different method of attack.
#586: Vedan Bah Kut Tea Noodle For Vegetarian
These look really different. I think I had some Vedan noodles a really long time ago and gave them an extremely low rating – hope it’s better this time!
#585: Ve Wong Artificial Onion Flavor Instant Bean Thread Bowl
And on we go with the onslaught of instant noodles that I’ve not gotten to as they don’t look all that tasty. Today we start with some onion flavored bean thread.
#564: Uni President One More Cup Kimchi
Here’s one from Nathan in Vancouver, B.C. – looks interesting…
Not a lot of English on this one… I’ll have to win it I think.
#523: Dragonfly Artificial Hot & Sour Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodles
Hate to say it but this is the last of the Dragonfly brand bowls I found at H-Mart… Bummer! I guess there’s a pork flavor out there in this line so hopefully I’ll end up scoring that one next time I go to H-Mart. Hot & sour shrimp… Sounds like Tom Yum flavor… I guess we’ll see…
#520: Nan Hsing Vegetarian Rice Noodles
This one seems a little unique. I never have seen something like a swastika on a bowl of noodles before – its somewhat foreboding to be honest! Taiwanese noodles with swastikas… Well, I figured I’d better look this up and got this nice piece of information from Wikipedia:
#509: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Shrimp Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Shramp! Nothin’ like shramp! Ami I wrong? AM I??? Well, I like shrimp and so today I will ingest a bowl of Ve Wong Shrimp flavor instant noodle soup from Taiwan. ‘Nuff said.
#498: Hsin Tung Yang Tiny Noodle With Oyster Flavor
So while we were in California doing the Disneyland thing this summer, we went to a Ranch 99 and I got this. Never seen anything quite like it before; a fresh noodle bag, Chinese, and said it was enough for six people! I guess it’s time to give it a shot.
#478: Vedan Mushroom & Artificial Cuttlefish Noodle for Vegetarian
We’ve never seen this brand before andthought hey why not. My wife really likes mushroom flavor things so thought she could have this for lunch, minus a couple bites and slurps for reviewing purposes.
#466: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Rice Noodles Artificial Beef Flavor
Some beef tonight. This is beef noodle soup – pho bo. Artificial beef though… Shall we?
#458: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Hai Ya! Yet another bowl of Ve Wong’s Kung-Fu line or instant oriental noodle soups! Today it’s artificial beef flavor. Dig it!
#456: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Szechuan Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Here’s something from Ve Wong. I’ve been enjoying these bowls so far – pork sounds good! I did review some Baijia pickled radish and duck flavor earlier, but honestly I couldn’t eat the whole thing it was so nasty – I only ate perhaps a 1/4 of it… So yeah here’s this one.
#449: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo
This package was part of a five pack found at a 99 Ranch near Anaheim, CA. I’ve never seen such a basic variety from Wu-Mu before and it really piqued my curiosity. Wu-Mu prides itself on being a more premium brand and doesn’t fry their noodles but steams them. The result is less fat this whole pack has only 4g fat, compared to something like 14-22 grams in a fried instant noodle. Let’s see how this stuff is for breakfast with a couple of eggs.
#448: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Here we have some noodles from Vietnam. I got these during the trip to California in Pleasanton. I’m figuring these won’t be too bad – in my time as a noodle reviewer, I must say that chicken flavor is pretty hard to screw up. So let’s see what we have here!
#447: Ve Wong Little Prince Brand Snack Noodles Bacon Flavor
So I wasn’t sure what this was at first – I figured by the color that they were shrimp flavored or something. Then I looked below and saw…
#445: iNoodle Taiwan Style Chow Mein
So anyone who’s seen the top ten list of my all time favorite noodles knows that Sapporo Ichiban’s Chow Mein is up there. I had a fresh noodle – Souper Brand – that was a chow mein variety and liked it very much. This is a Taiwanese version – curious what the difference will be.
#436: Unif Bowl Instant Noodles – Artificial Beef With Sauerkraut Flavor
Wow look at this one – all purple and yellow… Very different looking than anything I’ve seen yet. And the flavor – beef and sauerkraut? I wonder if it’s going to be any good? Well, let’s have at it!
#431: Unif Tung-I Chinese Onion Flavor Instant Rice Noodles
I’ve reviewed a ton of the Unif noodles, but it’s been quite a while. Here’s a Unif rice noodle – Chinese onion.
#424: Q Ai Men Tsu Noodle With Sesame Sauce (Luxe Enterprises Ltd)
So my lady decided these looked good to her and woul dlike them for lunch today. They’re fresh ones from Taiwan – I’ll snag a bite and give em my opinion here.
#418: iNoodle Udon Noodle Soup Oriental Style Flavor
So here’s something new from the fresh noodle section. Never heard of this brand before and looks interesting.
#415: Ve Wong Dah Wei Vang Instant Noodles Artificial Classic Beef Flavor
So this is a big wide bowl of noodles. Don’t think I’ve had any Ve Wong like this before – hope its something good!
#385: Ve Wong Hot Of Hots Artificial Black Peppered Beef Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup (Bowl)
So here’s another one of the ‘Hot of Hots’ I found recently. I really have no idea of what to expect with this one…
#378: Ve Wong Hot Of Hots Artificial Satay Beef Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup (Bowl)
The ‘Hot Of Hots’ eh? Sounds interesting! I hope its good as I really like satay…
#347: Sunny Maid Mi Chay Vegetarian Ramen
So this has been one I’ve been curious about for a while. It’s lurked in my ramen box, quietly asking me to try it from time to time. I heeded its call, and tonight gave it the trappings of a fine bowl of noodles.
#300: Wu-Mu Steam Spinach Ramen With Onion Flavor
Okay and here we go with review #300! It’s really getting hard to find ones I haven’t sampled and reviewed yet so if anyone would like to send me some that would be really much appreciated! So here’s #300, spinach onion time!
#293: Tiger Brand Food Onion Flaver/Flavor Bowl Rice Noodles
So spell-check wasn’t working the day you made the lid for this stuff was it folks? No matter – I will be forgiving on that note as I review a bowl of noodles that claims to have onion flavor – and I really like onions so this should be awesome!
#270: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With BBQ Pork Flavor Sauce
So today’s a downtime today. My lady Kit’s not feeling well and we decided a couple days ago that we would chill and watch Star Trek movies and eat noodles together. That being said, I needed to find some kind of new noodle thing that she night like. Well, BBQ Pork flavor sounded pretty good to me and I thought she’d dig it too.
#250: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Sesame Oil Flavor
Another milestone – 250 reviews! Was waiting a while for this one – 99 Ranch would get other varieties but leave this little shelf bare – and after about 8 months, here it is. So let’s give it a try!
#191: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Chinese Herbs Flavor
I’ve had the garlic and sesame flavor noodles by Sing Lin before – they were really great so we’ll have to see how these stack up…
#173: Unif Tung-I Instant Bean Vermicelli Shrimp Flavor (Bean Thread)
Bean thread huh? Hmm – not always my favorite. It tends to be gloppy, mucky stuff that kind of congeals together.
#152: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Garlic and Sesame Oil Flavor
So I was going to 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds to get some 33 cent green onions but also got some of these noodles on sale for 99 cents. Good deal!
#138: Unif-100 Furong Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodles
Some shrimp ramen – looked interesting and furong sounded weird so why not.
Veggies and oil and powder – a lot of powder!