Category: Thailand

#193: Boss Noodle Shrimp (Tom Yum) Flavour

Okay so here’s an interesting one. I saw that it was made and distributed by  Walong Marketing so wasn’t sure if Boss Noodle was the brand. But as far as I can tell, these are branded under the Boss Noodle name by Walong so I’m okay with that. During the research I also found Boss Noodle also brought up Big Boss Noodles (swimming devices) and Boss Noodle (anime). ...see full post

#172: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Flat Noodles (Tom Yam)

So I asked Kit to pick out two packs of noodles for me to try next. Here’s the first one. I’m curious whether it’ll be any good; the MAMA brand has reviews on here from 1 to 4 stars so we’ll just have to see. By the way, on the back in two places it says tom yum instead of tom yam like it does on the front. I’m going to go with tom yum being correct and the yam being a typo. ...see full post

#123: Wai Wai Minced Pork Soeng Kreung Flavor Instant Noodle

Wai Wai? Because because I’m done with folding laundry and it’s lunch. So I’m making some of this stuff. By the way – notice that little dude on the packaging? Apparently there’s a celebrity chef in Thailand called McDang and he has a kind of guide to the best stuff. So this stuff is supposedly good according to McDang. ...see full post

#535: Wai Wai Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodle

So here are Wai Wai instant chicken flavor noodles. Hmm.

I really liked the packaging of the sachets. The ‘essence’ was interesting to be sure. The chili packet wasn’t used as my 5 year old had this bowl of noodles but i opened it and tried them. Spicy sun peppers – nothing shocking. Then, a blue packet with oil. ...see full post

#106: GreeNoodle Tom Yum Flavor

So today here’s review #98 – the weird GreeNoodle… These noodles contain some kind of weird ingredient called moroheiya. “Moroheiya is a super vegetable that is more nutritious than spinach, carrots, or borccoli in most aspects” is written on the back and cite as a quote by the ‘Japanese Ministry.’ although which Ministry that would be is unclear to me. ...see full post