Category: * Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater

Noodle Revolution – Noodles Made From Egg Whites!

I kept seeing these on Amazon and so I decided to reach out to the company for samples, which they kindly sent – thanks! Noodle Revolution is really a fascinating product. These are noodles made almost entirely from egg white. I’ll show you what I did with them in this unboxing. You can purchase them here. The ramen style thicker, vermicelli thinner. I thought upon stirring, the vermicelli would just turn to mush and break up, but that certainly wasn’t the case. Not at all rubbery, with a good mouthfeel and softness. I was really impressed by this – check em out! ...see full post

Homiah Sends Their Awesome Chili Crunch Varieties!

Over the years, I’ve tried a lot of different additions to instant noodles and chili oils, pastes, and crisps have become a bit of a thing more people are becoming interested in, as have I. This one is a Malaysian type – hae bee hiam. Really great stuff and I’ll go into it here. You can pick up some from Homiah! Big thanks to Homiah for sending some along in anticipation of my upcoming new list! ...see full post

Nakama Noodles Unboxing – July 2024 + Coupon Code

Nakama Noodles Unboxing - July 2024 + Coupon Code

Today, I’m unboxing MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles box. You can get their monthly selection of 8-10 varieties – and this box they sent was full of varieties I’ve never reviewed before, plus they include PACKS!!!  I’ll be doing unboxings for them and have a coupon code you can use – THERAMENRATER (of course)! Watch the video below – you’ll see why I’m excited. ...see full post

Maruchan Prison Ramen Noodles Sent Anonymously

It’s only been a couple of times I’ve been sent instant noodles that are available only if you get in trouble and go to prison. Both times have been from folks who work in correctional institutions and want to remain anonymous, so thank you anonymous donors! This video below will go over four varieties you might have never heard about unless you have been to jail/prison. They have a lot of clear space on them to dissuade folks from trying to hide stuff in them to bring in – drugs, weapons, etc. I’m really excited to receive these and not have to go to prison to try them – I’ve tried contacting Maruchan’s distributor in the past and gotten a firm ‘no’ as to getting samples. ‘You’re saying I have to go to prison to sample the product?’ ‘Yes. We won’t send you any.’ Rude! Well, again thank you to my anonymous friend who sent me these and didn’t make me adopt a life of crime to give them a taste. If you’ve had to be on ice for a period of time and tried these varieties, how did you prepare them? I’ve done prison ramen burritos aplenty, but I kind of want to do something different. Please comment below with the particular variety and what you did with them. On with the video! ...see full post

Great Donations From James Of Lakeside

Well, the kids are back in school and now I have a lot of time at home. I have a few things to get done – I’ve taken the last few weeks off of reviewing – in fact, I haven’t done a review since  May 28th! But I’m going to get back into it very soon – possibly tomorrow… It’s nice – I go on a big kick of reviewing for a while then slack off. Even though I’ve been skipping my reviing as of late, I’m still over 100 reviews ahead, which is nice. These nice varieties donated by James will be among the first to review, and should be posted in maybe November or December. Let’s take a look! ...see full post

Nakama Noodles Unboxing – June 2024 + Coupon Code

Today, I’m unboxing MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles box. You can get their monthly selection of 8-10 varieties – and this box they sent was full of varieties I’ve never reviewed before, plus they include PACKS!!!  I’ll be doing unboxings for them and have a coupon code you can use – THERAMENRATER (of course)! Watch the video below – you’ll see why I’m excited. ...see full post

Nakama Noodles Unboxing – May 2024 + Coupon Code

Today, I’m unboxing MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles box. You can get their monthly selection of 8-10 varieties – and this box they sent was full of varieties I’ve never reviewed before, plus they include PACKS!!!  I’ll be doing unboxings for them and have a coupon code you can use – THERAMENRATER (of course)! Watch the video below – you’ll see why I’m excited. ...see full post

Myojo Sends New Udon & Fresh Ramen Samples

Myojo Sends New Udon & Fresh Ramen Samples

I’ve been a fan of Myojo USA’s varieties for awhile now and when I saw some new varieties on Instagram, I asked to try and they were kind enough to send them along. I’ve tried them all and attached photos of the finished bowls to the video – full reviews will be coming soon! Big thanks to Myojo USA for sending them over! ...see full post

Kari Kari Chili Crisp Unboxing & Review

Kari Kari Chili Crisp Unboxing & Review

I was minding my own business, doing a little research… Then I found this Kari Kari chili crisp. Turned out they’re based in Seattle, which is next door. I asked to give it a try and they sent some! Now, your question may be at the outset: how does it compare to Lao Gan Ma? I can say I’d rather have this any day. Check out the video below. You can get it here. Also – check out Time Warp – a bar with arcade and pinball games and instant noodles on Capitol Hill in Seattle!! ...see full post

Nissin Sends Cup Noodles Everything Bagel!

In the last couple of years, there have been some interesting changes of varieties coming from Nissin Foods USA – neat ones! The biggest are these limited edition varieties – first we got Pumpkin Spice, then Breakfast – now it’s Everything Bagel. I still have high hopes for a pizza in a cup but we will have to wait and see. I think it’s a logical next step. Maybe a cheeseburger one. What’s also cool are the media kits they send out. This one’s especially cool – it makes noise! Yup – watch the video and check it out! ...see full post

Nakama Noodles Unboxing – April 2024 + Coupon Code

Nakama Noodles Unboxing - April 2024 + Coupon Code

Today, I’m unboxing MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles box. You can get their monthly selection of 8-10 varieties – and this box they sent was full of varieties I’ve never reviewed before, plus they include PACKS!!!  I’ll be doing unboxings for them and have a coupon code you can use – THERAMENRATER (of course)! Watch the video below – you’ll see why I’m excited. ...see full post

Introducing The Nakama Noodles Box From MiauMall!

Introducing Nakama Noodles From MiauMall!

I have been doing unboxing for a long time and two of the ones I was doing stopped doing ramen boxes. They were both from Japan and that was a worrisome thing for me; I didn’t think I’d be able to continue really reviewing Japanese varieties as I relied heavily upon one of them every month. Well, that problem has been solved and then some. I want to introduce you to MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles box. You can get their monthly selection of 8-10 varieties – and this box they sent was full of varieties I’ve never reviewed before, plus they include PACKS!!!  I’ll be doing unboxings for them and have a coupon code you can use – THERAMENRATER (of course)! Watch the video below – you’ll see why I’m excited. ...see full post Ramen Unboxing – February 2024 + Coupon Code Ramen Unboxing - February 2024 + Coupon Code

It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Ramen Bae Sends Amazing Ramen Toppings

Ramen Bae Sends Amazing Ramen Toppings

A reader asked if I’d tried Ramen Bae recently and I hadn’t, so I reached out to the company. I got a reply from founder Jonathan Tan and a nice note mentioning he’d send some samples, and here we are. Since this unboxing, I’ve tried both and they’re really quite wonderful – if you’re looking for something like this, this is great stuff. I should also mention he sent another box with the Spicy Garlic version which I’ll share soon! Let’s check this one out. ...see full post

UNBOXING: Culley’s World’s Hottest Ramen 2.0

So you might think ‘with a claim like that, I bet it’s not hot at all.’ Well, you’d be wrong. Mr. Culley has let me know that this is hotter than the original version, which was quite hjonestly the hottest variety I’ve had to date and it blew my head off and had me writhing on the floor for hours. Not joking. Here’s the unboxing, and below that is the video where I ate the original 1.0 version and as you can see and hear, it cleaned my clock. You might be wondering when you will get to see me go through the baptism of fire yet again – and all I can say is that it will be quite soon. It’ll be getting fast tracked too, so I’m guessing in the first week of 2024. Plan is to do it on a day the kids have a full day of school so I can do it right away and have time to recover and get a full kitchen cleaning done as getting this in their eyes or mouth would be really more painful that I can imagine. So check it out – amazing looking stuff! ...see full post Ramen Unboxing – January 2024 + Coupon Code

It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post Ramen Unboxing – December 2023 + Coupon Code

It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post Ramen Unboxing – November 2023 + Coupon Code Ramen Unboxing - November 2023 + Coupon Code

It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post Ramen Unboxing – October 2023 + Coupon Code

It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

A-Sha Sends Meteor Noodle Trifecta!

Back in 2013, I gained the ire of many Taiwanese netizens when varieties from over there didn’t make the top ten, and some made the bottom ten. In a ‘noodle diplomacy’ initiative, I asked companies who thought they had some special stuff to send it. A-Sha was the first to answer the call, introducing me to the Taiwanese dry noodle. Ten years later, here we are with their Meteor Noodle – a threesome of flavors with a unique noodle. ...see full post

His Grace The Rev. Dick Gazinya Sends British Things

Over the years, I’ve met a great many people doing what I do, but none quite like my frien, His Grace the Rev. Dick Gazinya. He’s traveled the globe, seen the ravages of humanity as well as it’s triumphs, and built an empire on Tharg IV with aplomb and Daesenex rivers, healing the inheritors of the greatest ramen in the world. Indeed, Agent 45561A was comissioned by Weyland-Utani for maximum paradigms. May the Black Cardamom enthuse! Watch and see what was sent herein. ...see full post

Vite Ramen Sends New v3.0 Healthy Lineup!

Vite Ramen Sends New v3.0 Healthy Lineup!

A lot of you have asked me if there’s lower sodium ramen. A lot of you have asked about a healthier ramen. Vite Ramen does both of these things and more – tons of vitamins as well as protein and fiber – like Soylent is to a complete nutrition beverage but in ramen form and quite honestly tastes a lot better. Check ’em out! ...see full post Japanese Ramen Unboxing – September 2023 Japanese Ramen Unboxing - September 2023

It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post Japanese Snack Box Taste Test August – 2023 Japanese Snack Box Taste Test August 2023

It’s time to unbox a box – this is a new one. I usually do unboxing of their ramen boxes – which I will still be doing. However, they’re also sending me their new snack boxes which have a noodle variety, and then a ton of candy and snacks. What’s cool is I’ll be not only doing the unboxing, but inline with it will be a taste test with my daughter Mimi. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post Japanese Snack Box Taste Test July 2023

It’s time to unbox a box – this is a new one. I usually do unboxing of their ramen boxes – which I will still be doing. However, they’re also sending me their new snack boxes which have a noodle variety, and then a ton of candy and snacks. What’s cool is I’ll be not only doing the unboxing, but inline with it will be a taste test with my daughter Mimi. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post