Formerly the Made In The USA list, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time still is comprised only of varieties manufactured in the United States. This year’s list is comprised of all the best varieties from the United States in my reviews up to number 3,950. These varieties are mostly easily found as they’re not imports. Lots of great stuff to try here as well as links to find it on Amazon. I’ve also included some announcements at the bottom so make sure to check those out as well. With that, let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition!
Category: United States
#4004: Menraku Restaurant Style Ramen “Miso Tonkotsu” Taste – United States
Big thanks to Daniel at for sending this one over. There’s been a noodle drought lately! Very uncool, but people have been kind enough to help! Check out Exotic Noods and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s crack this one open and give it a try!
Pumpkin Pie Made From 100% Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor
I’ve never made a pie before. I know they make pie crusts you don’t have to make yourself. My mom used to get them and put pudding in them and they ended up really good. I thought I’d try my hand at making a pie, but of course it’s not going to be that.
#4003: Vite Ramen Garlic Pork Tonkotsu v1.2 – United States
Vite Ramen is a fascinating phenomenon – instant noodles married to healthy ingredients. It’s pretty fascinating! What’s neat is they keep coming out with different versions of their products – always on a mission to improve. Well, let’s give this one a try! Don’t forget to look at the scan of the back of these below – it’s pretty impressive!
#4001: Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor – United States
The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor
The reactions I’ve seen to this stuff range from curiosity to disgust. Personally, I find it to be something really awesome. You see, I spend a lot of time with instant noodles. A lot. When I see something like this, I see something that’s a shift. This really is a risky proposition, but the reward is high. Look at SPAM – they did pumpkin spice SPAM. Is it good? No clue – but I do have one my wife got me. This however is good and very easily obtained if you want to do the legwork. But not for long – this is only available at Walmart stores – specific ones – and so if you get on it quickly, you can enjoy some – or not. What’s nice is they’re only 88 cents apiece which is very reasonable, especially for a limited edition specialty item. Rest assured though – people will sell them for a great deal more on eBay once they disappear.
Nissin Sends New Products Including Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice – USA
In August, Nissin announced that they would be producing a pumpkin spice flavored Cup Noodles product. This is really quite daring; very different and out of the norm, but a risk worth the reward. Pumpkin spice is an extremely popular flavor, and even for those who abhor it, it gives them reason for tantrums. Such an emotional response to something like this is worth a lot. ‘You hear they made a pumpkin spice Cup Noodles?’ ‘What? That’s ridiculous!’ Then they tell someone who tells someone – that’s gold right there. As Momofuku Ando once said ‘when you hear what consumers are saying, you’re hearing the voice of God.’
Nissin Pumpkin Spice Cup Noodles: Everything You Need To Know
Alright – so the Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor is now appearing exclusively at Walmart stores around the country. People’s reactions have been ranging from inquisitiveness to utter disgust. If you’re inquisitive, I’ll tell you right now you should go out and get some because they’re not going to be around for long. I asked for some samples and Nissin USA sent me one. Just one. They were apologetic, but they didn’t have many left – it’s a very limited run.
A-Sha Sends More Gourmet Beef & Tendon Noodle From Taiwan!
It’s been a really interesting week for me! Foremost, I hit my 4000th review. Then, while I sort of expected the Top Ten Taiwan list to make the news over there, what happened is that the Taiwanese media has gone crazy with my annual global top ten list – which came out in April! Well, two Taiwanese varieties made that list and this is one of them – ultra premium tasty stuff! Let’s check it out!
#3998: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Tonkotsu” Taste – United States
This one was sent by the folks at – check them out and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! This one was sent during the great noodle drought of 2021 – long story short, I ran out of noodles and asked folks to send anything I’ve not reviewed. By the way – this is made in Japan, however it’s packaged for the US market. Was surprised I’d not tried this one! Let’s check it out!
Halloween Candy Kimchi Ramen Bread #ramenbread
Now I know what you’re thinking. ‘He’s gone mad, The Ramen Rater, he has.’ Not in the slightest. No more than usual, at least. I thought I would try something and see what would happen. Making bread is a lot of fun and I’ve never made any kind of really sweet sugary bread before and kimchi ramen would have a tangy and acidic bump to it, right? Well, so here we are. Tons of candy in the house and a bread machine wanting to make ramen bread. Let’s give it a try!
Halloween 2021 – Sriracha Ramen Franken #ramenbread
Well, shoot. This was going to be super awesome – at least that was the plan. I had a box of nice Aces Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup bowls and I thought hey – let’s make some flour out of the noodles and a neat load of pure #ramenbread. Well, it didn’t work out and when I realized that, I started adding things…
Another Nice Donation From James Of Lakeside, CA
Thanks again to James from Lakeside, California for sending over some great varieties to review! He’s always looking through the Big List for stuff I’ve not tried and found some really neat new stuff – check it out!
immi Sends Protein-Packed Plant Powered Pumpkin Noodles
Protein? Fiber? Pumpkin? I heard about these a while back and honestly, I’ve been bugging them for asamples and lo and behold – they arrived! Let’s see what this high protein and low net carb noodle look like!
Nongshim Shin Light Bread! #ramenbread
So. If the noodle is fried, an emulsifier is needed to release the oil from the noodle. However, if they’re air dried… Hmmm. Let’s see, then we… wouldn’t? Let’s make this stuff into bread!
#3977: Lee Kum Kee Chinese Style Dan Dan Noodles – United States
Another one of the bowls sent by regular donor James from Lakeside, California – thanks again! These have been less than impressive thus far, but hopefully we end up with one of them being good. Still I’m shocked since their sauces are really quite good! Well, let’s give this one a chance to shine.
#3976: Aces + Huy Fong Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Well my friends, this is it. This is the last of the Aces/Huy Fong Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup varieties. The first two were good; especially the chicken – that was dare I say yummy. Now we only have a short time left, and it’s with beef. Let’s savor it. Here we go…
Noodie Sends A Trifecta Of Vegan Samples
Recently, Noodie send samples of their Peanut Chili Irresistible Ramen – great stuff! Well, they followed up with a 3 pack showcasing all three varieties – check em out!
#3973: Nissin Raoh Artificial Tonkotsu Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Here’s another one I found at Uwajimaya a couple days ago when getting some narutomaki. I think the last time I tried this it was called Umami Tonkotsu. Anyways, ;et’s give it a go!
A Donation From James Of Lakeside, CA
Over the past few years, a guy named James in Lakeside, California has repeatedly sent me boxes of noodles. He pores over the big list to see if I’ve tried a variety he’s seen and sends some over just at the right time. Again, he send a neat combination of varieties I’ve never tried before. Big thanks and my appreciation to James! Never fails to surprise me when readers are willing to send noodles in for review. Let’s take a look!
#3971: Yamasa Artisanal Tonkotsu Broth x Sau Tao Sichuan Noodle – USA/HK
Today, we combine a noodle made in Hong Kong with a broth concentrate from the United States. I decided this would be a great venue to try out the homemade chashu we made this weekend – I’ll include the recipe in a video below as well. Let’s give this combo a try!
Nissin Top Ramen Popcorn Chicken #ramenbread
The last ramen bread I made was 100% instant noodles, however had more moisture than I wanted it to have, so I thought perhaps lighter on the eggs and liquids would prove for a more loafy loaf – less cake like. Well, what happened was nothing short of a Christmas miracle really and something new. What if I told you you could take a few packs of Top Ramen and turn it into popcorn chicken? That’s like diamonds in the microwave but it actually happened! Let’s give it a whirl, Earl!
#3964: Vida Food Group Pozole Chicken Flavor Instant Ramen Soup – United States
Here’s the second of the two Vida Food Group varieties that were sent. I was somewhat familiar with what Menudo was, but aside from seeing a meme online, I know absolutely northing about Pozole. Wikipedia, if you please –
#3963: Vida Food Group Menudo Beef Flavor Instant Ramen Soup – United States
I got a big FedEx box yesterday with these and another variety from Vida Food Group and couldn’t wait to give them a try. This one is Menudo – let’s ask Wikipedia about it –
#3958: Souper Chow Mein With Soup Stock – United States
Here’s one that was in a box from Exotic Noods. They have monthly subscription boxes that are rad – full of varieties from around the world! If you want to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3956: Nissin Cup Noodles Stir Fry Teriyaki Chicken Flavor – United States
These are an interesting range that people seem to like a lot. I’ve been impressed with them thus far and I figure teriyaki chicken ought to be good – but let’s give it a try.
Nissin Cup Noodles Bread #ramenbread #UseYourNoodleContest
I did say my last loaf of bread would be the last for a while, but then I saw that Nissin Foods was doing a contest (#USEYOURNOODLECONTEST) having to do with innovation for their 50th Anniversary of the introduction of Cup Noodles. I really like making bread from instant noodles; some of you might think I’m a little off my rocker, but it’s fun, completely different from what I’ve been doing, and it’s really neat to put a bunch of things together and have something come out nicely. Whether I win the contest or not (it would be nice to win), I’m happy with what I did here. Let’s check it out =- I used one noodle block and the seasoning from 10 Cup Noodles Chicken flavor! Let’s go!
Exotic Noods Subscription Box – September 2021
Check it out! It’s Exotic Noods! A box every month of absolutely awesome noodles from around the world! Use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3948: Yamasa Artisanal Ramen Broth Miso & Jongga Ramen Sari – USA
So this is an interesting one today. Yamasa sent me some ramen broths and I found this simple block of instant noodles from Jongga to pair it with. Both products are either made in the United States or just for the US market. Time to make some miso ramen!
#3945: Nissin 50th Anniversary Top Ramen Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
I’ve of course reviewed Top Ramen chicken flavor before. However, this is a special release version for their 50th Anniversary. Since 1971, Nissin’s been churning out Top Ramen – and I really appreciate that. The first variety I tried was a Nissin product, which is fitting since they were the makers of the first instant noodle in 1958. Let’s pay tribute and required honor to this, the noodle that introduced the United States to instant noodles.
#3877: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Picante Chicken Flavor – United States
Here’s another Panda Signature product to check out. These are new at Walmart and this is the first one I’ve gotten there. A lot of controversy in the Walmart world of instant noodle fans. Let’s check this one out!
#3843: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Molten Chili Chicken Flavor – United States
This one’s the hottest of the three varieties offered in the new Nissin Fire Wok range. The first two were moderately spicy, but this one’s supposed to the the be all end all. Thanks to Nissin’s First Taste Club, this showed up a few weeks back – always appreciated! Let’s give it a try!
#3825: Chef Woo Sweet Chili Togarashi Ramen – United States
Here’s a neat one made in the USA! These cups have 20g of protein in them! Flavor sounds interesting too. Let’s check it out!
#3824: Snapdragon Vietnamese Beef Pho – United States
Here’s I think the last one from James of Lakeside, CA. Thanks again! Pho sounds nice – we shall see! Let’s check it out.
Shin Ramyun Bread Experiment v1.0
I had a thought – ramen into bread. I was able to do this successfully by creating a bread with cooked noodles as an ingredient in place of some bread flour. But what of a bread where instant noodles are the flour? I mean, it is flour, isn’t it? Today, We’ll look at my initial attempt and see what was learned from it and how it went.
#3939: Lee Kum Kee Asian Style Sesame Teriyaki Noodles With Miso & Garlic – United States
This one comes by way of James from California – he’s sent a ton of varieties in the past. Thanks! Hopefully this is much better than the last of the Lee Kum Kee variants I’ve tried. Let’s find out!
Noodie Brings Futuristic Instant Noodles To The Market!
Got an email a week or two ago from the creator of a neat new healthy instant noodle product called Noodie. They wanted to send me some, and of course I’m always up to trying something new. I didn’t expect to find something so unique though and I’m really stoked to give them a try – the packaging and the product are just as fascinating as can be – let’s check it out!
New Congee From Mr. Lee’s!
Mr. Lee’s Noodles started out in the UK. Priding themselves as a healthier option, they use freeze dried ingredients to give a better taste and freshness which is really quite a nice departure from the norm. Their varieties of noodle products are rice noodles, so they made the connection to offer congee varieties as well – let’s check them out!
#3929: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Beef Flavor – United States
Here’s one of the Panda Signature cups sent in by a reader from Montana. Some people have disliked Panda Signature completely; I would say I like some more than others. I figure everything’s worth a shot – and this one is no different. Let’s check it out.
New Instant Lunch Varieties From Maruchan!
I asked Maruchan about a couple of varieties I hadn’t seen before and then sent them to me which was very nice of them – thank you! There’s been a lot of confusion about MAruchan lately as I’ve seen voiced in comments on videos I’ve done about a brand that replaced their product at Walmart stores. Apparently, some people only shop at Walmart and didn’t realize there are storess all over the United States. Well, everyone has Maruchan products it seems – except Walmart. So if you can venture outside of Walmart for your shopping, you’ll find them. Maruchan is definitely not going anywhere! Let’s check out some neat new products from them!
#3923: Trident Protein Noodles – United States
So this was something a little different. When looking for something neat for the review posted a couple of days ago. These are noodles made out of seafood! Yup – trippy huh? What’s more, there’s a processing factory right next to where I grew up with this outfit. Well, I’m down so let’s give it a whirl…