Got an email the other day from a fellow named Yukhong from Golden Bay Supply asking if he could send some samples for me to check out. Golden Bay Supply distributes is located in the Bay Area and distributes Thai products. Let’s have a look at what he sent – and thanks!
Category: United States
Meet The Manufacturer: #3669: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hotter & Spicier – United States
Hot and spicy – I tried this one in a mukbang soon as these arrived (see below). So… Is it packing heat? It’s definitely the right color! Let’s find out.
Meet The Manufacturer: #3668: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Beef Flavor – United States
Here’s the first of this three review series on Ramen Express’ range. They’re all pretty low cal and Vegetarian to mention a couple features. This one’s beef flavor. Let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: Ramen Express Product Samples
Here’s a closer look at some of the sample items sent by Palmetto Gourmet Foods for this special Meet The Manufacturer series! Thank you!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Palmetto Gourmet Foods
A trip to the grocery store awhile back yielded some nice results. It’s pretty rare I go to our local store and find something new, but I found these Ramen Express cups – which said they were from the United States! This required swift action to reach out and learn more, and that’s how this Meet The Manufacturer was born. A big thank you to Reza Soltanzadeh, CEO & President, Palmetto Gourmet Foods for granting this interview – let’s get started.
Thanksgiving Leftovers – Dark Meat Tom Yum Kung
We had a great Thanksgiving yesterday – Kit made a wonderful turkey, chocolate chip banana bread too! My buddy Matthew Bellah (the highly acclaimed author) brough over homemade cornbread and traditional stuffing, mashed potaoes, and a loaf of fancy bread.
#3664: Rap Snacks Icon Ramen Noodles Louisiana Hot & Spicy Chicken – United States
Thanks again go out to The Fat Hipster on YouTube for sending these along. This one feature a rapper that I’ve never heard of. Boosie is on the lid so you’ll see him below. Anyways, I’m hoping this is really a spicy one. Let’s find out!
#3650: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Chicken Paitan” taste – United States
Made in Japan for the US market, this one comes by way of a recent box – thank you! Use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% discount over there! Curious about this one – let’s do it up!
#3649: Rap Snacks Icon Ramen Noodles Beef Prime Rib Flavor – United States
I heard about these a while back and have been curious… These came by way of The Fat Hipster – big thanks, man!
#3648: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Hong Kong Street-Style Beef – United States
I got the chance to try the range of Mr. Lee’s products when they were only available in the UK. Now, they also are making them here! This one’s got freeze dried beef and vegetables, plus it’s gluten free. Time to see if this one’s the same as what I’ve tried from the UK!
#3647: Nissin Cup Noodle Original Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
In 1971, Nissin Japan released the first Cup Noodle product. Cup Noodle in Japan has always been a lot different from the one here; lots of garnish. I mean a lot. This one is a version of the original cup you’ll find in Japan today with I’m guessing some slight tweaking. They recently released their Curry and Seafood Cup Noodle version here as well. Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
A lot of things have changed in the last year. I decided it would be a great time to come out with the Top Ten American instant noodles list; it’s November 2nd. Tomorrow is the last day to vote in a crucial election – whichever candidate you support, go exercise your right to vote! The video this year is very different. With the pandemic and my kids home from school doing about 25 Zoom meetings a week, my time has been critically limited. This way however, I’ll be able to bring you more top ten lists I think. This list is comprised of my favorite American varieties out of all the reviews up to #3,636, which count 446 varieties. Let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition!
#3641: Myojo Chukazanmai Soybean Paste Flavour Noodles – United States
Okay so yes these are produced in Japan, however they’re for the US market. These were in an Exotic Noods box – check out their site and use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Cup Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
Last year, I decided I’d bow to some readers who thought maybe like cars, lists should have the following year in the title. This caused some confusion; but I really can’t just undo this. So, going forward, lists that come out in the latter half of the year, August and beyond, will have the next year’s name in the title. We’ll see how that goes. These are my favorite cup varieties of all reviews up to number 3,545. Now, let’s look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Cup Noodles Of All Time, 2021 Edition.
Meet The Manufacturer: #3656: Myojo Ramen Vegetarian Shoyu – United States
Today, we come to the fourth and final review of the Myojo USA Meet The Manufacturer on their Ramen range. Just got back from the store – got some vegetables to dress this one up a little – let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3655: Myojo Ramen Seafood Tonkotsu – United States
I was told this one’s their most popular product! I’m very curious – I recently tried a nice seafood tonkotsu so I’m curious how a fresh one’s going to be. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3654: Myojo Ramen Garlic Miso – United States
The second of four reviews of Myojo USA products – garlic miso. This again is one you’ll find in the refrigerated section. Excited to try this – let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3653: Myojo Ramen Shio Tonkotsu – United States
Today, we have the first of four varieties from Myojo USA, a shio tonkotsu. That pic on the from of the pack says it all – this should be a milky and savory pork bone broth with really good noodles. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Myojo USA
I received a couple of boxes with samples of products for this Meet The Manufacturer series – thank you! These are fresh varieties you’ll find in the refrigerated/frozen section. Let’s have a look at them!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Myojo USA
Today, we start a new Meet The Manufacturer! This time its a US company called Myojo USA down in California. They produce fresh ramen, udon and yakisoba varieties. I conducted an interview with Mr. Taku Yokoyama, President of Myojo Foods USA –
A Heap Of New Stuff From Nongshim!
I was curious about a variety that it turns out has been retired, but happily a few new ones are now in the game – Nongshim sent those over! Thank you very much! Let’s have a look.
#3627: Ottogi Mac & Cheese Spaghetti – United States
Okay so this one comes with an included… story! One day, the family went up to Canada to do the regular stuff – get some toys, peanut butter, hit up the Asian markets, etc. Well, we went to Smart’n’Save at Lansdowne Centre and saw these bowls. Got one and eventually drove home.
#3626: Myojo Chukazanmai Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen – United States
Here’s another one that came by way of an Exotic Noods subscription box – use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount! So these are kind of fancy – higher grade of noodle and dry as well as liquid base. Let’s check it out!
Another Donation From James In Lakeside, California!
A while back I got a few boxes of donations from a reader in Lakeside, California named James. Well, he’s struck again and sent another box – thanks! I’m always surprised that even though we’re both on the west caoast, the varieties he’s finding as opposed to the ones here and very different. Let’s have a look inside!
Bone Broth Cup Noodles From Lonolife – 20g Protein!
Jesse over at Lonolife sent some samples recently to try out of their new chicken and beef bone broth instant noodle cups! 20g of protein per cup is pretty impressive! Let’s check them out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition
This yeah has just been rough – for everyone I know. After the hardest part of it for me – the passing of my mother – I took a week off from walking after doing 1,000,000 steps on my Fitbit in June and dove in to working on top ten lists. I did four of them, all current as of review 3545. This list hasn’t been updated since 2017. I’ll be rolling out lists here and there for the next couple of months and maybe do this again a little ways down the road. Here’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition.
Unboxing: Exotic Noods Subscription Box – September 2020
Looking for something a little different? Head over to! Their subscription boxes are from different countries! Not just Japan, you’ll get to try varieties from around the SE Asian region! Plus, use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order! Here’s what you’ll find inside the September 2020 box.
Tapatio Ramen Rolls Out An Extra Spicy Variety!
In my ongoing research into what’s hot and what’s not, my latest discovery was a new Extra Spicy Tapatio Ramen! I’ve reviewed all the other varieties, but this one’s new! Let’s check out the unboxing!
#3592: Menraku Tokyo Style “Soup-less” Ramen Rich Soysause – United States
Herwe’s one that came by way of the guys at – use the coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount! Thanks! Lots of new Menraku varieties pouring out lately… This is a range that is for the US market but made in Japan. So, labeling them US seems logical. Okay – let’s give it a go.
Exotic Noods – Ramen Noodles Subscription Box – August 2020
Looking for something a little different? Head over to! Their subscription boxes are from different countries! Not just Japan, you’ll get to try varieties from around the SE Asian region! Plus, use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order! Here’s what you’ll find inside The August 2020 box.
#3591: Lemonilo Naked Ramen Chicken Chow Mein – United States
This is another one sent over by James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again, buddy! So man… It’s Wednesday at least. So Monday my wife Kit got a dreaded kidney stone so if you know what that is, your know what that is. I’ve never had one, but watching her go through dealing with one before, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Luckily, when I type here it’s generally 100 days down the road that it’s published, so hopefully that stone is long gone. Evil things, these stones…
#3703: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Soy Sauce Flavor – United States
Following suit with the other major economy pillow pack producer in the United States, Maruchan has retired ‘Oriental flavor’ in favor of soy sauce flavor. Let’s check it out!
Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup – United States
This is a kind of rare occurrence. I reviewed this one yesterday. Usually the posts you see here every day are from at least 100 days prior – it’s nice being ahead of the game. But, this being a re-review, it doesn’t get a new review number or anything. I was at the store and thought it would be nice to have something easy to do up and post.
#3585: Myojo Chukazanmai Oriental Flavor – United States
This one is from a box from Exotic Noods. Exotic Noods has subscription boxes you can get every month! Use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order!
#3562: Snapdragon Miso Rice Ramen – United States
First things first – thanks to James of Lakeside, CA for sending this one! Alright, so no, this is not produced in the United States, but it’s definitely produced for the United States. It sounds interesting, honestly – miso rice noodles. I don’t know that I’ve seen miso rice noodles before however I could be wrong. Let’s see what we have.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition
Bowls, cups, , trays, packs, and boxes. Well, I haven’t done a list of boxed or tray-style instant noodles – maybe that will come soon. But I think that separating these is important. The experience that a cup is meant for is different than a cup or bowl. Cups are more for a snack on the go, packs for when you’ve got a stove, and bowls are, well, for lunch. Although in the finished shots of these you’ll see them plated here, generally people will be looking at the bowl they came in, possibly using the plastic fork they came with, and tossing everything once they’re done. These are my favorites, current as of review #3545. Let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition.
Myojo USA Send Some Stuff To Wear!
So I have been asking companies if they have hats and shirts for a while and Myojo sent a couple items for Instant Noodle Recipe Time videos – check it out!
Myojo USA Sends Samples Of Their Refrigerated Ramen
These will be part of an upcoming Meet The Manufacturer series – check it out!
Kiseki Ramen 10 Calorie, 0 net Carb, Keto Instant Noodle
Hey what’s this all about? Konjac noodles are very low in calories and zero carb! Check it out!
Exotic Noods – Ramen Noodles Subscription Box – July 2020
Looking for something a little different? Head over to! Their subscription boxes are from different countries! Not just Japan, you’ll get to try varieties from around the SE Asian region! Plus, use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order! Here’s what you’ll find inside The July 2020 box.