Category: United States

Exotic Noods To The Rescue! Send Noods! Last Minute Holiday Gifts w/Coupon Code!

Need help? Haven’t finished your holiday shopping? Win! Go to and use the coupon code RAMENRATER15 to get a big 15% off your order. Then tell whomever you want to send them to to be ready for a cavalcade of international varieties of noodles! These boxes have stuff from around the world. Check out the video below! ...see full post

#3327: Ramen Hero Spicy Shoyu Tonkotsu Ramen – United States

#3254: Ramen Hero Spicy Shoyu Tonkotsu Ramen - United States

I’ve gone to a couple ramen restaurants and hotten something mentioning spicy. Well, it hasn’t impressed me in flavor or spiciness in the past and been, well, bitter. I’m really curious about this one, though. Ramen Hero is based in the Bay Area and serves a few surrounding states at the time of this post – check their site for current service area. You pick your ramen, pay, and they’ll overnight you a set of ingredients to make a bowl of ramen at home – including garnish! Not bad. Let’s give this one a try – they send four and since they’re perishable, I’m going to do them over the next couple days. ...see full post

#3293: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Texas Beef Flavor – United States

#3293: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Texas Beef Flavor - United States

After years of searching, here we are. Where are we and what is this? This is a pack of instant noodles that is only for inmates in correctional facilities – prisons. I found them on eBay and asked fans on the Facebook page if they would be interested in purchasing them (it was a pack of 24 and I only needed a couple) and send me a couple. A fellow named Nick Bizarro was kind enough to take up the task, and thanks to him, here we are. ...see full post

#3280: Mama Pat’s Seafood Gumbo Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles – United States

#3280: Mama Pat's Seafood Gumbo Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles - United States

I’ve reviewed Mama Pat’s products in the past, however there have been some changesto the packs (no more drink sachet and no vegetable sachet either) and now there are cups (which I’m reviewing for the first time). I think these are neat ranges – very unique varieties Chef Ron is bringing to market. Let’s check out this cup version! ...see full post

#3269: Vite Ramen Vegan Mushroom Shio Instant Noodle Soup – United States

#3269: Vite Ramen Vegan Mushroom Shio Instant Noodle Soup - United States

The third of the Vite Ramen offerings. The first time around when I sampled the prototypes, this was my favorite – curious how I’ll like it this time around as full fledged version 1.0! I should mention that I hear that there will be an updated version coming soon – 1.1? 2.0? Not sure but definitely will be giving the three another go when they update them. Let’s get started. ...see full post

#3256 Ramen Hero Classic Tonkotsu Ramen – United States

#3256 Ramen Hero Classic Tonkotsu Ramen - United States

This is the last of the four varieties sent to me by Ramen Hero – I will say I’ve asked if they want to send more. I really love working with this product – it’s a lot of fun for me. Not only that, they’re really quite good. Hopefully it’ll pan out – and I’ll also find out how that fancy seaweed is done up! ...see full post

#3253: Ramen Hero Classic Miso Ramen – United States

#3253: Ramen Hero Classic Miso Ramen - United States

I got an email asking if I was interested in trying overnight delivery ramen. Hey – why not, right? So, here we are! Ramen Hero is based in the Bay Area and serves a few surrounding states at the time of this post – check their site for current service area. You pick your ramen, pay, and they’ll overnight you a set of ingredients to make a bowl of ramen at home – including garnish! Not bad. Let’s give this one a try – they send four and since they’re perishable, I’m going to do them over the next couple days. ...see full post

#3244: Yamachan Ramen Z Miso Flavor Ramen – United States

#3244: Yamachan Ramen Z Miso Flavor Ramen - United States

So when Yamachan contacted me about a gluten free ramen, I was interested. Really? How does that work? Well, only one way to find out! One thing is these are konyak noodles. I’ve had thick gauge konyak and really disliked it. I have to admit though seeing the gauge of these I’ve got hope. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3239: Vite Ramen Soy Sauce Chicken Instant Noodle Soup – United States

#3239: Vite Ramen Soy Sauce Chicken Instant Noodle Soup - United States

A few months ago I did a Meet The Manufacturer series on Vite Ramen, but the packs I tried were prototypes and not this, the finished product for version 1.0 (version 1.1 will be coming soon and I’ll be giving that a try when it comes out). It’s a neat concept brought to life by Tim & Tom Zheng. ...see full post

#3233: Nissin Cup Noodles Soup’D Up Zesty Chicken Flavor – United States

#3140: Nissin Cup Noodles Soup'D Up Zesty Chicken Flavor - United States

This came by way of Robert over at – thanks! I’ve never seen hide nor hare of this variety ever before – anywhere. Test market in Kentucky? Perhaps. It looks like these are a meat version of the Very Veggie really; lots of meat instead of vegetables. My thought – screw it – I mean put lots of meat AND vegetables in there. In fact, screw that – do a retort pooch with meat and vegetables – now you’re talking! Nissin – you’re here in the United States already – use real meat! Retort pouches are the salvation – they shall bring a whole new age to the domestic instant noodle industry in America! At least that’s my vision. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3222: Jinmailang Cup Noodles Vegetable Flavor – United States

#3222: Jinmailang Cup Noodles Vegetable Flavor - United States

This is an interesting one. Made in China for the US market. I found this one at a Fred Meyer supermarket here in Lynnwood – the last place I’d expect to see something like this. Not a complaint by any means – nice to see more diversity at domestic grocery stores. Curious what vegetable this one will taste like – broccoli? Peas? Bell peppers? Let’s find out! ...see full post

#3184: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Pork Flavor – United States

#3184: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Pork Flavor - United States

I thought hey I’ve got this other one – I should review it too. So here we are. It’s funny how there are two crowds; one that likes this brand and one that likes the other economy class instant here in the United States. They’ve both got their strengths, and the one with Maruchan I would say is the variety of flavors in their Ramen Noodle Soup range. There’s a ton of them – many of which are kind of hard to find. This is one I haven’t seen often. I think the first time I had this was back in early 2010 – yep that link is good old review #66. Looks like I re-reviewed it the next year. ...see full post

#3182: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Roast Beef Flavor – United States

#3182: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Roast Beef Flavor - United States

I’ve reviewed this in the past, but this one has new packaging and so gets a new number. I dunno – could have a new recipe too. Many companies are making subtle below the radar changes on their domestic product lines including lowering sodium. It’s kind of funny; people complain about the amount of sodium in instant noodles, but when presented a lower sodium product that exclaims the feature, they’ll shy away with thoughts of blandness. It just goes to show people are kind of conflicted. Okay, not kind of. ...see full post

#3173: Sapporo Ichiban Momosan Ramen Tonkotsu – United States

#3173: Sapporo Ichiban Momosan Ramen Tonkotsu - United States

Here’s a new one from Sapporo Ichiban – a collaboration with Momosan Ramen & Sake restaurant, a venture by ‘Iron Chef’ Masaharu Morimoto. Curious if this is going to be good, but guessing it will be; Sanyo Foods doesn’t come out with a new variety too extremely often here in the United States. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#3158: Simply Asia Singapore Street Noodles Classic Curry – United States

#3158: Simply Asia Singapore Street Noodles Classic Curry - United States

So near us we have this interesting grocery store called WinCo Foods. Everything’s pretty cheap there and they’ve got a pretty good selection. Last time when we were in the checkout lane, I noticed these sitting on the sideline. I’ve known some pretty serious people when it comes to Singapore street food and the heritage it portends. Not only that, when it comes to curry, I’m very particular. Could this little box hold within a reason for ex-pats and hawkers to stay home and not bother visiting Singapore again or going to work? Guess I’d better find out! ...see full post