I think this is the last of the new versions of the Cup Noodles from the USA. They changed the recipe last year to commemorate the 45th anniversary of Cup Noodles. Here’s a little from Wikipedia about the history of Cup Noodles –
Category: United States
#2569: Yamachan Yokohama Tonkotsu Shoyu
So this is the last of the three fresh varieties sent to me by Yamachan – thank you again! First off, Yamachan is pretty easily found in the United States – I’ve not only seen their products in Japanese/Asian supermarkets but at higher-end domestic grocery stores. Here’s a little from Wikipedia on Tonkotsu and Shoyu Ramen –
#2559: Jackpot Teriyaki – Beef Ramen
On June 22nd, we met my sister up in Tulalip, Washington to check out the outlet mall. It’s kind of a misnomer; you think outlet mall, you think cheap prices, right? Well, these are outlet stores for stuff like Coach, Burberry, etc – so you can get overpriced things that are still overpriced but not as cool as if you got it currently for this season. Ugh.
#2557: Yamachan Sapporo Miso Ramen
I contacted Yamachan a couple of weeks ago and they had new varieties for me to review! I did a Meet The Manufacturer with them a long time ago and their stuff is really great. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about miso –
#2563: Yamachan Tokyo Shoyu Ramen
Here’s another fresh variety from Yamachan. Yamachan’s in Southern California. So this is a fresh noodle (must be refrigerated) and is a shoyu variety. Shoyu translated to soy sauce, but it’s definitely not just a soy sauce flavor. Here’s a little from Wikipedia on Shoyu style ramen:
#2544: Lipton Cup-a-Soup Chicken Noodle With White Meat Instant Soup
Okay so I’m guessing what you are thinking right now. He must be out of varieties to review. Nope. Actually, I saw this on the shelf and thought about the uncountable times that people have called domestic instant noodles Cup-a-Soup. This could be due to the fact that Nissin Cup Noodles here in the USA were called Cup ‘O Noodles up until 1993. Yep – sounds kind of alike, doesn’t it?
#2541: Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Rounding out the Cup Noodles Very Veggie range is Spicy Chicken. All I can say is that if it’s anything like the other two this will be a no-brainer. I still am beside myself on these; these are just about the best thing I’ve seen come from the United States in a long, long time. So Very Veggie has 1/2 cup – which is one full serving – of vegetables. Let’s check it out.
The Ramen Rater On 92.9FM KISM Bellingham, Washington
Just did a radio show this morning called the Brad & John Show. Check it out below!
‘Discovery Of Ramen’ Children’s Book On Kickstarter
I heard about a book coming out soon called ‘The Discovery Of Ramen.’ The book can be found on Kickstarter currently – here’s a little information about this book and what’s special about it:
#2538: Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
This is the second variety I’m trying of the Very Veggie range from Nissin Foods of America. Soon as I heard about these products I was extremely curious. Will they have enough vegetables? Will these vegetables be good?
#2535: Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
When I read about this new product line in my news feeds, I was very curious. For years, I’ve though that the amount of vegetables included with instant noodle varieties in general was way too slim. Of course, vegetables cost money to put in there and so that’s something to consider.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
After a few years, I thought I ought to update this list. I thought I even ought to change the name a little. Honestly, not a huge amount of instant noodles from the United States cross my desk these days and of those that do, not many are 5 stars. Nonetheless, there are some changes in the past few years that I thought were noteworthy and so here you go! These are the best instant noodles from the United States out of the 2,500+ varieties of instant noodles I’ve reviewed thus far.
New Very Veggie Cup Noodles From Nissin
I saw an article mentioning a new product from Nissin Foods America which focused on a lot of vegetables and thought ‘it’s about time.’ I’ve had a ton of instant noodles in my time and honestly very rarely have I been satisfied with the amount of vegetables in them. I dropped a line to my contact over there and boom – a day later here are samples. Let’s see what’s in this box!
#2611: Meet The Manufacturer: Nona Lim Tokyo Ramen + Miso Ramen Broth
Thought it would be logical to try these Tokyo Ramen noodles with the Miso Ramen Broth – I mean, it makes sense. These noodles and broth are Vegan, however, I’m going to lay it on thick with some toppings that will not be so Vegan. Let’s give it a go!
#2607: Meet The Manufacturer: Nona Lim Hakata Ramen + Miso Ramen Broth
I thought it a no-brainer to pick Hakata Ramen to try with the miso. The other I’ll try with it will be the Tokyo Ramen. Anyways: Hakata Ramen. What is it, Wikipedia?
Binders Full Of Women? Nope – Noodles
Since my 200th review or so, I’ve been keeping the packaging from the instant noodles I review. Why? Well, there are a few reasons. First, it’s kind of a physical representation of the varieties I’ve sampled. Also (and more importantly), the bar codes are on them all. These can be added as tags to the posts and be added. I started adding bar codes in the tags around review 800 or so. The Ramen Rater apps all have bar code scanning capability and so adding these in makes the app more functional for the site. Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of tedious work to do in that area. Anyways, Someone asked about how I store my noodle packaging and was curious to see some binders, so here you go!
The Ultimate Instant Noodles Collection
Okay so some of you may be wondering – and some have asked as well: what do you noodle holding pens look like? Well, they’re next to my desk – actually next to and under.
#2513: Pringles Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Potato Crisps
Well folks, the United States has started to see the light. There’s nothing I love to see more than a tie-in/crossover product and this is something I’ve seen zillions of times overseas but really never before here.
Pringles Top Ramen Chips & Where To Get ‘Em
Pringles Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Potato Crisps
Okay so you may have seen that there are new Pringles Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Potato Chips on the market. This is a pretty surprising thing for the US – less so elsewhere. Apparently, the only place you can buy them in stores is at a place called Dollar General. There aren’t any in Washington State, so I had to look elsewhere. I found an eBay Seller who has them and at a very reasonable price. Some people are selling six cans of Pringles for $99! That’s $16.50 per can! Egad; what has this world come to… Anyways, yeah I don’t think they currently have any in stock but I asked and they said that they were going to restock again ASAP!
The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
So today it’s the fifth annual The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time. On my other lists, I exclude varieties that no longer are on the market. On this list, everything’s fair game for the bottom ten. As I say in the video presentation, if you like some of these, there’s nothing wrong with you – I just find these detestable personally. These are my least favorite varieties of the over 2400 varieties posted to date. Without gurther ado, the bottom ten.
Product Samples From Yamachan (Take 2)
I got a box the other day with refrigerated samples that t had thawed. Yamachan decided to send another box – this time with overnight shipping to make sure everything stayed cold.
Samples From Saraga – Columbus, OH
So a reader sent me an image of the 2016 Toip Ten list image that was at a grocery store in Columbus, OH called Saraga. They hadn’t asked to use it and so I got on their case a bit, although asked if we could work together. As a kind gesture, they sent some Korean noodles!
New Samples From Yamachan (Take 1)
Yamachan let me know about some new varieties! They sent some on ice – let’s check ’em out!
#2470: Myojo Udon Japanese Style Noodles With Soup Base Hot & Sour Flavor
Here’s one that comes by way of a reader named Colin from Massachusetts – thanks again! So I’ve reviewed a slew of these packets of udon in the past. It’s been a while though – don’t know that I’ve ever seen this hot and sour either. Udon is a lot different when it comes to noodles than your standard instant – here’s a little from Wikipedia –
Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Beef Flavored Soup
There are some varieties that I hear people raving out about a lot and I start thinking ‘I should re-review this one.’ Well, today’s the day. I even have a little story about these which is sort of funny.
#2460: Daifuku Bowl Katsuo Udon / Katsuo Bowl Udon
I think I found this one at HMart a little while back. Indeed, I must say the nomenclature is pretty interesting; I mean, c’mon – commit to a name already! Alright so this is a katsuo udon variety – let’s ask Wikipedia about katsuo udon –
#2431: Dream Kitchen Udon Japanese Style Fresh Noodle
Here’s a bowl we found a little while back at Uwajimaya. So udon is definitely different from instant noodles – it’s a lot thicker. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about it:
#2426: Dr. McDougall’s Vegan Pad Thai Noodle Soup
Well it’s been quite a while since I’ve reviewed anything by Dr. McDougall’s. Why? Well, the first one I tried was a disappointment. I saw this one recently and thought maybe I should give them another chance. I am not expecting this will be one I like very much though; the two lines in large print immediately contradict eachother: ‘Pad Thai’ and ‘Noodle Soup.’ This just sounds wrong. But hey – maybe this is really good stuff. Let’s give it a look.
#2412: Shirakiku Sanukiya Udon Japanese Style Noodles Shrimp Flavor
Here’s one I recently received by way of a reader named Colin from Arlington, Massachusetts – thanks again! So you might find these in either a refrigerated or non-refrigerated area at a grocery store. Indeed, I’ve always found this to be a bit of an oddity; why would it be in both places? Well first off, it doesn’t require refrigeration. However, sometimes this style of noodle is called ‘fresh noodles’ and so when you couple that with a refrigerated section, it gives it a little more premium feel. Anyways, here’s a little about udon from Wikipedia:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2411: Mama Pat’s Chicken Fajita Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles
Today, we bid a fond farewell to Mama Pat’s Foods as the Meet The Manufacturer will be ending. Chef Ron informed me though that there will be cups and new flavors coming, so we’ll just say until next time. So chicken fajitas – here’ Wikipedia on the fajita:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2410: Mama Pat’s Lamb Stew Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles
Today, it’s lamb stew! So I really never have had lamb stew, nor really cooked lamb very often. I thought though I ought to at least make an attempt, and so today I’m going to sous vide up some lamb to go along with the noodles. But as for stew, let’s see what wikipedia has to say:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2409: Mama Pat’s Seafood Gumbo Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles
One of the first things I learned about Mama Pat’s foods was when I saw a video of Chef Ron making gumbo at a store demo. He used big bags of shrimp, tons of crab and other really great ingredients. He didn’t hold back and definitely went for the gusto. I’m a fan of seafood but haven’t had a lot of seafood from the USA as of late since it’s usually found slathered in white sauces or copious amounts of butter. I definitely got spoiled in Malaysia and Thailand trying all that seafood from there – amazing stuff! Gumbo however is something different. It’s full of seafood and has a nice strong taste – something I really like. I have high hopes for this one; it sounds good, but will it be? Let’s give this seafood gumbo a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2408: Mama Pat’s Chicken Taco Flavor Instant Ramen Noodles
To kick off this Meet The Manufacturer, I thought I’d start with a flavor that just about every instant noodle company makes. Chicken. Indeed, it’s a kind of universal flavor – one that everyone can identify with. Well, unless your vegetarian. This is a very unique instant noodle insofar as it comes with a free drink – something I’ve never seen before in my well over 2,000 reviews thus far. So let’s check out Mama Pat’s Chicken Taco!
Meet The Manufacturer: Mama Pat’s Foods Product Samples
A box arrived today via FedEx. Indeed, it’s always nice to get a package in the mail and always exciting to see what’s inside. I’ve gotten many donations from readers and companies in the past, but this one arrived in an interesting way.
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Mama Pat’s Foods
#2389: Gefen Noodle Soup Imitation Chicken Flavor
I was at the store the other day and looking in the ethnic section. As it turns out, they’ve got a Kosher section and lo and behold, I find something I’ve not reviewed before. Indeed, there are a lot of Kosher instant noodles out there. So, what makes something Kosher? Here’s some info from wikipedia:
#2383: Nissin Cup Noodles Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
Okay so here’s another one of the new recipe Cup Noodles from Nissin Foods USA – thanks again for sending ’em over! I did a kind of experiment a while back – one that ended pretty well. See, on Instagram I often see people enjoying their instant noodles alongside a beer as well as some form of Chee-Tos, whether they be regular, Flamin’ Hot or Flamin’ Hot Limon. What’s kind of funny about it is that it sort of makes sense. See, Chee-Tos kind of have the same effect on instant noodles as tempura. Weird but true – they’re crunchy but also work well in broth. It’s alright if you think I’m crazy, but I do find this somewhat poetic. Let’s check it out.
#2379: Nissin Cup Noodles Hot & Spicy Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
Well, this is it. Right now, I’m listening to the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. It’s January 20th, 2017 and kind of a weird day. I thought it would be fitting to review something from the United States today. Finally, after decades of sticking with the same recipe, Nissin has decided to go with something new. On Cup Noodles’ 45th anniversary here in the USA, they’ve changed it to make it healthier. Some changes are no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Furthermore they’ve lowered the amount of sodium in these cups from the previous versions using potassium chloride. So, let’s give this Hot & Spicy Shrimp a try!
#2327: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Lime Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
Okay so here’s another one of the new recipe Cup Noodles from Nissin Foods USA – thanks again for sending ’em over! The new recipe features reduction in sodium as well as no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Let’s have a look!
Another Big Donation From Colin
I got an email a week or so ago from Colin, a reader from Massachusetts who has been regularly sending me noodles from time to time. Let’s see what’s inside this big box!