Exotic Noods (www.exoticnoods.com) is a monthly subscription box – 4 varieties from around the world arrive at your door with chopsticks and info on them. Pretty great, especially if you don’t know what to try, don’t have an Asian grocery anywhere near where you live… Many reasons to check out an instant noodle subscription service. I think the best reason is to try something new and expand your palate! This box is a ‘premium’ box – wioth a lot of extras! Let’s look inside!
Category: United States
#2315: Goku-Uma Ramen Noodles Miso Flavor
Here’s one of a line I’ve been kind of on the fence about lately. I tried their tonkotsu and was a little disappointed and hopeful that this miso will be a different story. Shall we have a look?
#2298: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Chile Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
Finally, after decades of sticking with the same recipe, Nissin has decided to go with something new. On Cup Noodles’ 45th anniversary here in the USA, they’ve changed it to make it healthier. Some changes are no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Furthermore they’ve lowered the amount of sodium in these cups from the previous versions using potassium chloride. So, let’s give this Spicy Chile Chicken a try!
The January Box From Exotic Noods!
Exotic Noods is a monthly subscription service where you can get a few neat varieties of instant noodles shipped to your door! This is really great for those who are nowhere near an Asian grocery – or those of you who are but have no idea where to start or what to try. Their picks are usually pretty good – stuff most people will enjoy. Let’s crack this box open and see what’s inside!!
#2277: Goku-Uma Ramen Noodles Soy Sauce Flavor
Some days I really need to wake up before I get started. Case in point, today I deleted the above image after I had taken pictures of what was inside of the bowl! If you didn’t, know, you cal ‘undelete’ files – lots of utilities out there that do it. So there it is. Let’s crack it open figuratively and check it out!
#2276: Nissin Cup Noodles With Shrimp Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
After decades of sticking with the same recipe, Nissin has decided to go with something new. On Cup Noodles’ 45th anniversary here in the USA, they’ve changed it to include no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Let’s give this a try!
#2267: Shirakiku Karami Ramen Spicy Chili Flavor Japanese Style Noodle With Soup Base
Here’s another one sent by a reader named Colin from the east coast – thanks again! I’m giving this one not a re-review but a full new review. I tried it in the past – it was review #125. Why a new review and not a re-review? Well, I don’t see anything on the old one mentioning non-fried noodles and think that maybe this has changed. The packaging has changed, but unsure if that’s denoting a difference. The brand Shirakiku is one of Nishimoto. Basically, kind of think of Trader Joe’s – they source foreign/domestic brands and re-brand them for sale in the USA under their name. That’s the case usually with Shirakiku. Let’s have a look!
#2262: Dream Kitchen Curry
Here’s one we found when in Renton, Washington’s Uwajimaya a while back. From what it looks like on the label, this is a private label for a big distributor here in the USA by a company in Singapore.I love curry but have been a little confused by this series. Let’s give it a looksie.
#2259: Farmer’s Heart Pho Beef Flavor Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup
Let’s start with the brand name of this one – Farmer’s Heart. I think many of you will be surprised that it’s a translation of a brand that’s very well known – Nongshim. Usually Nongshim’s flavors lean towards Korean flavors – logically. But this one’s definitely Vietnamese. I’m really curious about it also because not only are these rice noodles, but they can be made in the microwave. Let’s check it out!
#2256: Goku-Uma Ramen Noodles Artificially Flavored Tonkotsu
I haven’t reviewed anything by this brand in a long time – they were ubiquitous for a while then kind of disappeared, then came back with more traditional Japanese ramen flavors. Let’s check out this tonkotsu bowl!
#2248: Nongshim Shin Noodle Soup
Every year in January I come out with a Top Ten list of South Korean varieties. Much to the disappointment and anger of many people, this will never be on that list. Why? Simple. It’s made in the United States. People have debated me into the dirt on it too ‘so, why does it matter?’ Well, if I put Nissin top Ramen on the Top Ten Japanese list that would be a little ridiculous, wouldn’t it? The differences between the Nongshim Shin Cup manufactured here and manufactured in South Korea might be only geographic and packaging, but those are the rules. This could be on the Top Ten Made In The USA list at some point (I haven’t come out with a new one of those lists in a while – maybe next year perhaps). I’m working on getting some South Korean varieties soon, so I guess we’ll see this January!
#2246: Dream Kitchen Soy Sauce
The last Dream Kitchen variety I had wasn’t all that great; it was tonkotsu but didn’t seem to really scream tonkotsu to me. This one is soy sauce (shoyu) and hopefully will be a good one. Let’s find out!
#2239: Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
After a few decades, Nissin decided they wanted to make some changes to one of their flagship products here in the United States, Cup Noodles. They’ve lowered sodium and now there is no added MSG and no artificial flavors. I thought this was kind of interesting as last year they came out with these new cups, but it looks like they’re not available anymore. Let’s have a look at this iconic domestic instant noodle in a cup.
#2227: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Sriracha Chicken Flavour
Time for a new domestic variety! found this one a while back down in Renton, Washington at the Uwajimaya there. It’s right next to where they have Pokemon League at a card shop. Anyways, it was kind of a shock since I found this one, their new chipotle chicken cup, and a few new bowls they came out with recently. I think this is the last of the new stuff. Let’s give it a look!
#2208: Roland Ramen Japanese Style Quick-Cooking Alimentary Paste With Chicken Artificially Flavored Soup Base
A big thanks to Colin for finding and sending me this one! Okay, so I have been trying to get this one for a while; anything by Roland honestly. I called them, emailed them, and always got the same reply – ‘we don’t send sample.’ I really love it when companies have such a rigid policy against basically what amounts to free advertising. This one is made in Singapore for Roland company here in the USA, and I have a feeling it’s a private label by Tat Hui/KOKA – all boils down to one aspect which is a giveaway. Let’s check this one out and I’ll show you what that is.
#2205: Maruchan Bowl Taste Of Asia Hearty Pork Flavor Tonkotsu Ramen
Tonkotsu is probably my favorite traditional ramen flavor. This and creamy broth with pork. Can’t beat it. Well, it’s now available from Maruchan in the USA in this bowl form! Let’s see how it fares!
#2203: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Independence Day Limited Edition Spicy Chicken Flavor
I saw this at the local supermarket the other day and just couldn’t pass it up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an instant noodle showing such patriotism before! Also, before anyone starts sending me comments saying ‘how dare they use our flag – that’s made in South Korea,’ I have news for you. Nongshim America is down in Rancho Cucamonga, California and employs a LOT of Americans! Yep – chances are that if you’re living in the USA and enjoy Shin Ramyun or Shin Black or any of the Bowl Noodles, it was most likely made here in the states. Make sure to check out the factory tour video at the end of this post – I went on it in 2012 and it was a blast! Anyways, let’s check this one out!
New Cup Noodles From Nissin Foods USA (2 of 2)
Nissin Foods USA recently changed their instant Cup Noodles recipe for the first time in decades. Why? To lower sodium, MSG and artificial flavorings. Here are the samples they kindly send – they got new clothes as well!
New Cup Noodles From Nissin Foods USA (1 of 2)
Nissin Foods USA recently changed their instant Cup Noodles recipe for the first time in decades. Why? To lower sodium, MSG and artificial flavorings. Here are the samples they kindly send – they got new clothes as well!
#2170: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Mushroom Flavor
Here’s another one sent by a reader named Colin – thanks again! Today, I thought I’d cook up something for my wife Kit. Her actual name is Christine, but I’ve called her Kit for years. She’s always been a big fan of mushrooms – in fact, it’s because of her that I’ve started to like them. Oddly, here’s a Maruchan instant noodle I’ve not reviewed yet. I didn’t even know it still existed til Colin sent it over. Let’s have a look at this one.
#2161: Nongshim Chal Bibim Myun
After perusing Nongshim America’s website, I saw these noodles I hadn’t heard of before. A quick message to my contact at Nongshim and these magically arrived in a couple days! This is what you would call a Summer variety – the noodles are served cold with a spicy sauce. It’s made in South Korea, but definitely in packaging for the United States. Let’s give it a try!
#2147: Maruchan Instant Lunch Pork Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
Before I start, I wanted to thank Happiness Engineer Anne and the folks at Automattic, makers of the Jetpack plugin for WordPress. There was a bug in the way it handled mobile themes with their newest release and I asked for help. In less than 2 days, a fix was out and everything’s looking nice again!
#2145: Dream Kitchen Tonkotsu
Found this one at the Uwajimaya in Renton, Washington. Never had seen it before and by what it looks like on the label, this is a private label for a big distributor here in the USA by a company in Singapore. Unsure which company makes it though. Let’s check it out!
#2142: Maruchan Bowl Taste Of Asia Miso Chicken Flavor Spicy Miso Ramen
Here’s another one of these interesting new Maruchan Taste Of Asia bowls… These are really interesting; such a departure for their traditionally domestic flavors that are sold here in the United States. I like it! Let’s give it a try!
#2132: Maruchan Instant Lunch Chipotle Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another new one from Maruchan – Chipotle Chicken. It looks like an interesting one – let’s look inside and find out!
#2105: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Tortilla Flavor
It’s been pretty nice lately – I’ve been seeing more domestic products coming to market! I like when I can find something I really like and tell people here in the states that they can just run down to a local supermarket and find it. Found this one at Uwajimaya a few weeks ago. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: NuTek Food Science
Lowering sodium without compromising taste: a visit to NuTek Food Science
‘Aren’t you worried about the amount of sodium you’re taking in?’ This question has been following me around for years now – from people commenting on a news article to a journalist interviewing me for a story. I’ve usually shrugged it off in some way as I’ve not had high blood pressure – ‘worst I’ve had has been borderline when visiting a doctor from time to time.’ These days however with my second son here and another child on the way, my thinking has shifted a little bit. I’m in my early forties (I mean twenties, cough cough) and thinking about how I definitely want to be there for my children and watch them grow into adults, live forever, and review instant noodles as long as they keep coming up with fascinating and tasty new takes of the local cuisine of the world. I’ve cut back on how much of the noodles I take in when I review in the last year or so – a slurp of broth, a mouthful of noodles and then the supplied garnishes to get the full feel for a product and review it. I then just try to eat the garnishes I might add in after that, and once that’s done, the rest goes down the garbage disposal. It’s hard though; there are varieties that I just have to eat the whole bowl after reviewing – the really tasty stuff, you know?
#2103: Roland Ramen Japanese Style Quick-Cooking Alimentary Paste With Beef Artificially Flavored Soup Base
A big thanks to Colin for finding and sending me this one! Okay, so I have been trying to get this one for a while; anything by Roland honestly. I called them, emailed them, and always got the same reply – ‘we don’t send sample.’ I really love it when companies have such a rigid policy against basically what amounts to free advertising. This one is made in Singapore for Roland company here in the USA, and I have a feeling it’s a private label by Tat Hui/KOKA – all boils down to one aspect which is a giveaway. Let’s check this one out and I’ll show you what that is.
#2098: Nongshim Kimchi Flavor Noodle Soup
I don’t remember where or when I picked this one up, but it was towards the bottom of my hamper and peering up at me a little bit ago and so I figure hey – I’d better give it some attention! It’s kimchi, it’s Vegan friendly – plus its microwavable! Let’s check it out!
New Product Samples Fron Nongshim America
I was checking out Nongshim America’s website a few days ago and noticed a new product I’d not seen before. I sent my friend Ray a message and he sent me a package!
#2072: Maruchan Bowl Taste Of Asia Beef Flavor Sukiyaki Ramen
Hey look at this! So every two weeks, my wife and I bring my son Andy down to Renton, Washington to go to Pokemon League. Yeah – there’s such a thing! Kids (and some adults) play the Pokemon card game. Well, my wife and I don’t play Pokemon so we have time to look around and stroll. As it happens, there’s a Uwajimaya nearby which is awesome. The first time we went I found two big bagfulls of noodles! What was a surprise was finding a LOT of Maruchan products I’d not seen before. There are a couple new Instant Lunch cups (sriracha which I reviewed previously as well as a cihpotle chicken) and these Taste of Asia products in the Bowl line. Let’s check out this sukiyaki variety!
#2064: Nongshim Arrabiata Rice Bucatini
Here’s one I’ve been curious about. Looks like South Korean take on rice noodle spaghetti perhaps? It certainly looks tasty… Hmm! Let’s check it out!
Yet Another Box From Colin
So if you like the reviews lately, many of them can be attributed to a guy named Colin from Massachusetts. He has sent three boxes in the past few months, full of varieties I’ve not reviewed. What’s amazing is that he’s in the USA – just on the opposite coast! Thanks, man! Let’s take a loo inside this one.
#2056: Koyo Reduced Sodium Garlic & Pepper Ramen
Can’t remember where I got this one, but it’s been a long time since I’ve reviewed anything by Koyo so I thought I’d check it out. So lower sodium, organic noodles, Vegan… But how will it taste? It’s tough to cover all these bases and make something that’s going to have a lot of flavor. Let’s find out!
#2053: Maruchan Instant Lunch Sriracha Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s something new – found this at the Uwajimaya in Renton, Washington. It’s funny; we go a little out of our normal sphere of shopping and boom – all sorts of new things! Actually, found quite a few new Maruchan varieties – a Chipotle Instant Lunch as well as three new Bowl varieties – Miso, Sukiyaki and Tonkotsu! Those will be coming up for review soon. Until them, let’s check out this neat little cup.
The Ramen Rater Reviews The Red Robin ‘Red Ramen Burger’
We were out doing grocery shopping and thought ‘hey there’s that Red Robin over there – wonder if they have those Red Ramen Burgers.’ Well, after a quick phone call to make sure they did, we swooped in to give them a try.
#2007: Nongshim Rice Fettucine Alfredo
Found this one at Uwajimaya the other day. We thought it sounded interesting – a fettucine alfredo made in South Korea? Hey – why not. I thought the idea of it being made with rice noodles was enthralling as well. Let’s have a look!
A Nice Gift From The Man Who Wrote The Book On Asian Noodles
A couple years ago, I had the opportunity to check out a course taught by Dr. Gary Hou at the Wheat Marketing Center in Portland, OR. It was a short course on making instant noodles and really fascinating. It’s coming up again and as a thank you for letting everyone know about it, Dr. Hou sent me something!
APRIL FOOLS! After Almost 15 Years, The Ramen Rater Is Retiring
Asian Noodle Technology/Ingredient Application Courses At Wheat Marketing Center
I was fortunate to be able to check out Dr. Gary Hou’s instant noodle course at the Wheat Marketing Center in Portland, Oregon a couple years ago – turns out he’s doing it again and if you’re interested, you should give it a look!