Lemon chicken sounds good! This isn’t one I’ve seen a lot of. Lemon usually isn’t a pairing with instant noodle flavor profiles. Uniqueness! Hooray! Sure, there’s lemongrass, but this is different. Unique varieties pique my interest – let’s delve into this one.
Category: Vietnam
Meet The Manufacturer: #3605: Vi Huong Spicy Shrimp Flavour Instant Noodles – Vietnam
I really like this packaging – paper with a protective inner liner. It’s definitely unique and I must say I wish more companies would do things this way. It’s so much easier for me to take pictures of the packaging – much less glare! Let’s give the contents a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3604: Vi Huong Pho Bo Artificial Beef Flavor Rice Noodles – Vietnam
I thought it fitting to start things off with probably the variety most familiar to people – pho, and in particular, pho bo. There are a ton of pho restaurants nearby me – haven’t been in a while and as I type this in after reviewing this one, I’m thinking I need to visit one. It’s been too long! Unfortunately, no restaurants open at this point – luckily, I’ve got a series of Vietnamese varieties to review! Let’s check this one out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Thien Huong Food – Vietnam
When I do a review series, one thing I definitely need are samples. Companies send an assortment, and then shortly thereafter I start reviewing them one after another. We start that today with an unboxing of varieties from Vietnam’s Thien Huong Food Joint Stock Company. Thank you!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Thien Huong Food – Vietnam
Time for a new Meet The Manufacturer! Today, we start with an interview with John Nguyen of Thien Huong Food of Vietnam. This is the first Vietnamese MTM I’ve done with a company, so this is pretty special! Look forward to some neat varieties over the next few days! With that, let’s begin with the interview!
#3558: Ao Ba Ba Sup Yen Mach Chicken Flavor Oatmeal Soup – Vietnam
Here’s one fro Jame in Lakeside, CA – thanks again! This is an interesting one – oatmeal soup? Hmm!
Vietnamese Thien Huong Food Instant Noodle Samples
A box of samples destined for aMeet The Manufacturer series! Let’s see what’s inside!
#3548: KORMOSA Kiss My Food Shrimp Instant Noodles – Taiwan
Okay. This one’s interesting. This product is produced by Paldo Vina, a Vietnamese branch of Paldo Food of South Korea. It is for sale in Taiwan (formerly called Formosa). It was sent to me by Daniel – one of the guys from www.exoticnoods.com who visited Taiwan recently and brought it back for me – thanks again! Let’s check it out!
#3543: Micoem Cung Dinh Kool Spaghetti – Vietnam
A big thank you to Daniel from exoticnoods.com – her recently traveled to Taiwan and brough me back a trove of neat varieties and this is one of them!This is the second I’ve tried from this company. The last one was a delightful salted egg. Now it’s spaghetti. Let’s do this.
#3495: Nhu Vietnamese Pho Instant Rice Noodles Beef Flavor – Vietnam
Good morning! I’m getting this post ready at 2am. I actually shot the pictures around 1am. Did 18 miles of walking yesterday and so when my buddy Matt decided to play with his Google Nest device and call me at 11:50pm and wake me up and alerted me to a bad leg cramp about o catch fire I ended up staying up. I’ll sleep tonight… Anyways, yeah – been a while since some pho – fingers crossed. Let’s give it a go!
#3407: Vifon Viet Cuisine Asian Style Instant Noodle With Mushroom – Vietnam
This one was sent in by a reader named Steven – thanks! So I’ll start off with saying I’m really not a big fan of mushrooms. I’m curious though because this one does contain a retort pouch – but my hopes aren’t up. That’s okay though because I’ve been pleasantly surprised in the past. Let’s give it a go!
Vietnamese Instant Noodles Sent By A Reader
Here’s one sent in by Steven – thanks, man! I rarely get any Vietnamese varieties! Let’s check it out.
#3125: Micoem Cung Dinh Kool Mi Tron Trung Muoi (Salted Egg Flavor) – Vitenam
Here’s one I found up at the Osaka market at Yaohan Centre in Richmond BC, Canada. I found this a few weeks before Christmas and usually like to peruse the interesting specials this store has around that time. They had some really interesting things like sake flavored Kit Kats and other things. Kind of expensive. But I did find this, and it wasn’t too pricy. Let’s hit it!
#2876: nunu Fresh Flavors For Life Creamy Curry
Here’s one I picked up while waiting to go to Din Tai Fung at the Taipei 101 – this was at the Jason’s Market there. First off, it’s curry – a flavor I always gravitate towards. Second, the graphics on this one just kind of dragged me to it. Never seen this brand or anything before so I guess the only thing to do now is crack it open and give it a try!
#2728: Vifon Hoang Gia Instant Noodles With Minced Pork
We found this one at a place called Hen Long Market up in Surrey, BC on a trip a few months back. Thanks to my friend Ken for telling me about this place! So this one’s from Vietnam and I don’t often have come across Vietnamese varieties like this one. Usually, I see the same thing again and again and this one is definitely different. Let’s have a look at this minced pork variety!
#2718: Banzai Instant Noodles “Tom Yam Kung” Shrimp Flavour
These came by way of Snackoo – a company that supplies you with great snack boxes, containing all sorts of fascinating things as well as ramen noodles. Why not check them out?
#2562: Binh Tay Mi Hai Cua Artificial Crab Flavored Instant Noodles
These came by way of Kimmy N. of Connecticut, USA! Thanks again! It’s rare these days that a new Vietnamese variety crosses my desk – always welcome of course! I know there’s quite a few that I’m not getting which bums me out. Definitely would love to try more of them. I’ve tried a ton of them in the past, but going forward I’d like to do a lot more of these reviews.
#2527: Uni-President Unif Tung-I Ramen Noodles Mushroom Flavor
Here’s one sent by Colin from Massachusetts – thanks again! So I don’t usually get thrilled with instant noodles that are mushroom flavored. Mushroom can be hit or miss and usually I find mushroom to be a little funky. Let’s give it a try with an open mind.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
Now for the third year, I’m coming out with the latest Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles list. Rice noodles have some benefits as opposed to their fried wheat counterparts. First, they’re virtually fat-free. Also, they’re not fried. Rice noodles are gluten-free by nature, although the ingredients in the sachets that come with these varieties might not be. People ask me for a gluten-free list often, but that would be rather difficult as I’d have to pore over every ingredient list on every review to do this. Well, let’s have a look at these great rice noodle varieties – the best instant rice noodles varieties of the almost 2,500 reviews to date!
Vietnamese Crab Noodles Donated By A Reader
I got an email a couple weeks ago from Kimmy N. or Connecticut asking if I’d tried Binh Tay Crab noodles. I haven’t, and she offered to send some!
#2435: Mum Ngon Lau Tom Chua Cay
Here’s another one I found during a November 2016 trip to Taiwan. I found this one at Carrefour in Taipei at the Miramar Entertainment Center. So one thing I found while there was that almost everything (unless you go to a Family Mart of a 7-Eleven) comes in a multi pack. I really didn’t want to get any of those – they take up extra space in luggage and a lot of the time they were really big multi packs. This one’s from Vietnam and looks to be a shrimp variant.
#2354: Vifon Viet Cuisine Bun Rieu Cua Sour Crab Soup Instant Rice Vermicelli
Been awhile since I’ve had something Vietnamese… This one sounds tasty – sour crab! This bowl has a lot of things inside, so let’s get to it!
#2257: Fuku Tom Yum Soup Instant Noodle
This one sounds really good. I really like tom yum and this looks like it’ll be good – I’ve liked most of the Fuku products I’ve tried so far and hoping this will be a continuation of that trend! Let’s dig in!
#2213: Acecook Oh! Ricey Pork Flavour
Here’s another one sent by reader Colin – thanks again man! So it’s been a while since I’ve had any of these Vietnamese Acecook variants. Sounds like a good one for today – let’s check it out!
#2143: Thien Huong Food Lemon Chicken Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s another one sent by a reader named Colin – thanks! He’s sent quite a few! This one’s from Vietnam – haven’t reviewed many from there in a while… Let’s have a look!
#1906: Vifon Chicken Flavor Asian Style Instant Noodles
With my son Andy over here, it’s usually a good bet that he will like some chicken noodles with some nice garnish. His favorites include fish cake and cheese – which don’t always go with everything. I’d usually choose something like that combo for spicy Korean seafood ramyun. He did indeed get his cheese after the final picture of the noodles were taken today, and so all things are good in the world. Let’s check out this variety from Vietnam!
#1816: Vifon Asian Style Instant Noodles Artificial Beef Flavor
This one came by way of Michael over at EastLand Foods – thanks! I haven’t reviewed a Vietnamese instant noodle in ages it seems like – let’s see what we have here!
#1726: Vina Acecook Oh! Ricey Pho Ga
Been a while since I’ve done a pho review. I would definitely say I’m a fan of pho, but definitely the beef varieties. Where I live, there’s no end to the pho restaurants – I’m guessing there’s probably at least 20 within 5 miles of here. Anyways, let’s check this one out.
#1718: Vina Acecook Hao Hao Sate Onion Flavour
Here’s a cup from Vietnam’s Vina Acecook. It’s been sitting in my hamper a little while so thought today’d be a good day to give it a try. So I looked up satay and found this:
#1669: A-One Mì Ly Instant Noodles Mì Chay Vegetarian Flavor
Another one from the bottom of the hamper! A very plain looking label – but how’s it taste? Let’s check out this variety from Vietnam.
#1666: Vifon Curry Instant Noodle With Chicken
Once in a blue moon I find an instant noodle in my hamper of which I have absolutely NO CLUE WHERE IT CAME FROM. I mean, yeah – I know it’s made in Vietnam and that it’s a chicken curry variant, but I have no idea how it got into my hamper. Where did I get it? Hmmm… Well, it needs to be reviewed so here I am. Let’s check it out!
#1665: Paldo Vina Koreno Premium Mushroom Flavor
Paldo Foods is a South Korean company, and it looks like they’ve expanded to Vietnam with Paldo Vina. Now mushroom isn’t generally my favorite flavor, but I’ve been surprised in the last year or so at how much I’ve liked many mushroom instants. Let’s see how this one pans out.
#1663: Vina Acecook King Chef Authentic Kimchi Flavour
Here’s one from Vietnam. Vietnamese instants usually tend to be pho flavors for the most part, but a lot of them are Thai or in this case, South Korean styled. Let’s see why this one’s leaning South Korean, other than the flavor.
#1659: United Instant Noodles Xi Gon Satay Onion Flavor
Here’s one of the ones sent by Marvin R. of Ft. Worth, TX – thanks again! So he originally asked me about identifying there. They look a lot like another Vietnamese brand, but the info on the back seems to show that it’s definitely not them. I’ve found in general that onion flavor is usually a good bet – but what about satay? Here’s what wikipedia has to say about satay:
#1646: New Way Spaghetti Instant Noodles
Here’s one I got this year up in Canada on my birthday! My wife spied this one on a lower shelf . She’s got a knack of finding ones that I don’t notice which is really quite handy! It’s also interesting how many spaghetti varieties come from Vietnam! Anyways, let’s check out this New Way variety.
#1633: A-One Mì Ly Instant Noodles Mì Bò Beef Flavor
Last year, my son Andy noticed a ton of these A-One cups at a local Asian grocery. “Do you have these, Papa?” he asked me – and no, I didn’t! So that was a great score thanks to my boy! Let’s check out this Vietnamese variety from A-One.
#1610: Paldo Vina Koreno Premium Ginseng Flavor
I’ve always heard good things about ginseng for vitality, etcetera. But vitality noodles? Hmm. I’ll admit I know little about ginseng, so here’s what wikipedia has on it:
#1602: Vina Acecook Mikochi Tom Yum Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s something new from Vina Acecook – Mikochi. Never seen Mikochi before, but I thought it sounded interesting. These are non-fried noodles, so they’re lower in fat. I’m a big fan of tom yum flavored anything, so I’m hoping it’s a good pick. Let’s check out Vina Acecook Mikochi!
#1581: United 3 Con Tom Instant Noodles Thailand Sour Shrimp Flavor
Here’s one of the ones sent by Marvin R. of Ft. Worth, TX – thanks again! It’s kind of interesting – these packs looks so similar to another brand. Curious how it’ll be… Let’s check it out!
#1564: A-One Mì Ly Instant Noodles Mì Thịt Xào Pork Flavor
Last spring, I remember my son and I took a walk to the local Asian grocery when we were living in Edmonds, WA. We were getting something for my wife for Mother’s Day I believe! Anyways, as always I like to take a stroll down the instant noodle aisle (no big shock, right?). I found a few different varieties of these A-One cups and got them. This is a pork flavored one – from Vietnam. Let’s check out what’s inside!