Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4455: 7-Eleven Gold / Maruchan Iida Shoten Ramen – Japan
This came out of a box from Frank over at 5amRamen! Check out his stuff over at – use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Super premium stuff!
#4454: Vite Ramen Massaman Curry v3.0 – United States
Yep – another Vite Ramen. This has been really neat trying all these new versions and varieties! You should take a look at the image below of the nutrition facts – they’re very impressive. Curry. This is a serious thing for me – let’s tale a look.
#4453: Maruchan Ramen Yokozuna Tonkotsu Shoyu – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4452: Samyang Buldak Jjamppong – South Korea
Here’s another Buldak variety that came by way of The Fat Hipster – he’s got a great YouTube channel you should check out! This guy drank s’mores flavor Pepsi. You should really look at what he’s up to!
The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast
A couple years ago, Nissin Foods USA came out with something called Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice. Honestly, I really enjoyed it and made many different recipes out of it, stretching it to the limit. This time, it’s a breakfast variety. I couldn’t find it, but luckily Stumpy from North Little Rock, AR, James from Lakeside, CA and Nissin Foods sent me cups which I truly appreciate. Here, I will go into meticulous detail about the product, and create five different things with it. With that, here’s The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast.
#4622: Nissin Cup Noodles Creamy Tom Yam Flavour – Singapore
Here’s one that came in a really neat box from Singapore’s arm of Nissin Foods – thank you! This is a limited edition variety and it sure sounds good. Tom Yam and Tom Yum? Same thing – just a different spelling – as far as I can tell – guess I should look that up – one moment.
#4451: Vite Ramen Yuzu Shoyu v3.0 – United States
This is one of their newer ones and I’ve not tried any version of it previously (I don’t think there has been one?). This one is in collaboration with Girl_DM. Never heard of that – okay what does Google have to say?
#4450: Myojo Hiyashi Chuka Mazesoba – United states
Here’s a neat cold variety from the United States! Summer months are great for cold noodles as they are more refreshing. My friend Taku-san from Myojo was kind enough to share some new refrigerated varieties recently and here’s one – arigato! This is going to be a little different though – it’s not summer when I’m making this – it’s late fall and there’s frost every morning. I got a recipe for Hiyashi Chuka Mazesoba from Myojo – a twist which will end up as a hot noodle dish! Shall we give it a try?
#4449: Myojo Ippei-Chan Yakisoba – United States
I can’t tell you how stoked I am about these! I’ve been a huge fan of Myojo Ippei-Chan in the tray – the ones you make by steeping. This is something different – these are refrigerated section yakisoba! They’re made in the United States! I am really looking forward to this – got the chashu ready! Let’s make it so!
Umai Crate Ramen Subscription Box – April 2023 + Coupon Code
Check this out! These subscription boxes come straight to your door and have some neat stuff inside! It’s a pretty great thing to get people who are into ramen for the holidays! Check out and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles! Here’s the latest unboxing of the March 2023 Umai Crate!
#4448: Vite Ramen Vegan Sichuan Chili Edition v3.0 – United States
The guys over at Vite Ramen recently sent their entire range of the v3.0 products. I should stress that these guys are pretty amazing – healthy ramen isn’t a small feat. Look at the nutrition facts on the backshot of the package. Protein, fiber, vitamins up the wazoo. I’m really curious about this new patch version. It’s neat – they’re always working to improve their products – something I remember hearing that the street hawkers in Malaysian food courts would do as well which I think is admirable. Let’s see how this new version tastes!
Nissin Singapore Sends Limited Edition Creamy Tom Yam!
The folks at Nissin Singapore keep sending me these wonderful boxes in the mail – they usually are about a brand new product (well, they always are) and they have such interesting things inside. It seems my postal carrier doesn’t like to deliver them though. They’ll say it need a signature, leave a slip, I’ll sign it, leave it for them, and either they won’t do anything with the slip or not even fill out the info so I can have it redelivered. They’re really a pain. However, their incompetence led to some fun in this one – check out the video and you’ll see and of course a neat limited edition Cup Noodles variety from Singapore!
#4447: Nissin U.F.O. Osaka Takoyaki Flavour Yakisoba – Singapore
Takoyaki is a little octopus ball – here’s what Wikipedia had to say –
Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼) is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus (tako), tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger (beni shoga), and green onion (negi).[1][2] The balls are brushed with takoyaki sauce (similar to Worcestershire sauce) and mayonnaise, and then sprinkled with green laver (aonori) and shavings of dried bonito (katsuobushi).
#4446: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle Dream Team Scallion Sauce – United States
First off, thanks to the folks at A-Sha USA for sending these over! There are two different boxes, four varieties in total. I thought I’d go with this box first. So, I live under a rock; I’m not exceedingly hip to things that aren’t noodle related or politics related. God, I’m old. I do know there is a Korean group called BTS that’s quite popular, and a messaging service called LINE. Well, LINE did a collab with BTS and made BT21 characters, and A-Sha collaborated with LINE and made these noodles featuring these characters.
The Ramen Rater’s Global Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition
Another year and it’s time for yet another top ten list. There’s a let of movement here, and a lot of favorites which have stood the test of time. This is a list of my favorite varieties from reviews up to #4440. If you’ve got a variety you think I should try or are a manufacturer who would like me to try your masterful creations – please drop me a line; I don’t know that in the 20+ years I’ve been sampling and opining about instant noodle products that I’ve refused a request for me to try a product. As I’ve said for years, my true favorite variety is the one I haven’t tried yet. With that, let’s look at these true diplomats of flavor in this, The Ramen Rater’s Global Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition.
#4445: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup 45th Anniversary Chicken Flavor – United States
This is a special commemorative packaging for the 45th anniversary of Maruchan in the United States. Want to learn more about this iconic range of Ramen Noodle Soup products? Look no further than my Definitive Guide To Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup! Alright, let’s peel back the wraps and give it a try. Note – the only thing different here as far as I know is the packaging.
#4444: Aces Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup Original – United States
Well, the name Aces reminds me of playing cards, and the number 4 sort of looks like an A missing a leg, and 4444 looks like 4 of a kind, so I thought this seemed a fitting review number for this one. My wife said something earlier about the number four being unlucky – never heard that before. Well, I like the number four so there. Let’s try
#4443: Mom’s Dry Noodle Wasabi Almond Sauce Noodle With Tapioca – Taiwan
This is really quite interesting – I’ve never tried a noodle with boba! Boba is what you’d find in bubble tea. It’s big tapioca. Also, I’ve never heard of that particular ingredient paired with wasabi. This is going to be a trip – let’s try it!
#4442: Aces Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup Extra Spicy – United States
A lot of spicy stuff coming my way lately – that’s pretty rad! Not so many last year for the new spicy list, so I’m guessing some new stuff will bring new heat. Let’s see how hot this one is!
Best Wok Sends Mi Goreng Made From Corn!
A little while back, you may have been a review I did of a product called Doroku and it was a corn based noodle. This is a full product with sachets using that same noodle. You might think ‘what, does it taste like corn?’ Not really – but I think most would like the consistency of this and the fact that it’s not too wet, not too dry, and rather light. Have a look and thanks to Best Wok for sending this over to try!
#4441: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle With BT21 Sauce – United States
First off, thanks to the folks at A-Sha USA for sending these over! There are two different boxes, four varieties in total. I thought I’d go with this box first. So, I live under a rock; I’m not exceedingly hip to things that aren’t noodle related or politics related. God, I’m old. I do know there is a Korean group called BTS that’s quite popular, and a messaging service called LINE. Well, LINE did a collab with BTS and made BT21 characters, and A-Sha collaborated with LINE and made these noodles featuring these characters. Japanese Snack Box Taste Test April 2023
It’s time to unbox a box – this is a new one. I usually do unboxing of their ramen boxes – which I will still be doing. However, they’re also sending me their new snack boxes which have a noodle variety, and then a ton of candy and snacks. What’s cool is I’ll be not only doing the unboxing, but inline with it will be a taste test with my daughter Mimi. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out!
#4440: Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast Ramen Noodles In Sauce – United States
Well, I got one. More coming. There will be a definitive guide. That being said, it’s spring break and the kids are home with me. I’ve been walking ten miles a day for the past 44 days. I think I broke them; I did almost 7 with them today in two walks. I think they had fun, but they look pretty tired. Only four more days of it, kids! Anyways, I went crazy on the Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Ramen Noodles In Sauce a couple years back; did a whole definitive guide and even a poster heralding it’s existance, with a graphic combination of that cup, a 2001: A Space Odyssey (it was review 4001) as well as references to Dune which had just come out. Now it’s time for a Cup Noodles Breakfast meltdown. Let’s give it a try.
Zenpop Japanese Ramen Subscription Unboxing – April 2023
It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out!
#4439: Nissin Miojo Lamen Sabor Carne – Brazil
Big thank you to Cian for sending this along! So, this should be you basic beef instant from Brazil. I have found the stuff from Brazil to be really great – let’s check this one out.
#4438: Samyang Foods Buldak Lovely Hot – South Korea
A big thank you to The Fat Hipster from YouTube for sending this over – so I figured this sounds like a good place to start. Why? Well, I realized in my post schedule for YouTube that this would come on Valentine’s Day, so hearts, Valentine’s day – not an extreme stretch. This appears to be a less spicy version – but it’s also got something else going on. The packaging scheme looks a lot like Buldak Light.
#4437: Aces Sriracha Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken – United States
I’ve tried these bowls in the past, however never the pillow packs. Really curious – let’s give them a try!
#4436: Itsuki Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen – United States
This one came from an Umai Crate subscription box. It’s a pretty great thing to get people who are into ramen for the holidays! Check out and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles! I’ve reviewed the previous version I’ve seen, however this one is definitely packaged for the US market. Let’s give it a try!
#4435: Phonomenal Bowl Beef – United States
Time for pho. I tried the chicken and remember I wasn’t too impressed, but beef is what pho is all about and it does mention this has received an award so I’ve got high hopes. Let’s give it a try!
#4434: Ippudo Karaka Spicy Ramen – Japan
This came via ZenPlus – a special marketplace where you can get some of the best of Japan easily. Try using coupon code THERAMENRATER at checkout!
#4433: Homiah Indonesian Rendang / Laksa Noodle – United States
Today, I’m trying the third of three different varieties from Homiah, a company started out of an apartment in New York to share the flavors of Southeast Asia. I’ve been seriously impressed – great stuff so far and highly recommend it! Let’s check out the rendang!
Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast Influencer Box Unboxing!
Well I had a nice surprise land at my door today! A neat box showcasing the new Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast variety! Been wanting to get my hands on these and hopefully I’ll find more – but this is a really great box – thank you very much to the folks at Nissin Foods down in California!
#4432: Annie Chun’s Japanese Style Yakisoba Noodle Bowl – United States
I found this at WinCo Foods in Lynnwood, Washington last weekend. It mentions that this is Vegan friendly. I’m very curious about this; we will see how this goes.
#4431: Indomie Mi Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang – Indonesia
A huge thanks to Pher Engi of Australia for sending this among many other Indonesian varieties recently – truly above and beyond. This is one I really loved for a long time when it was an export version to the United States, however it stopped coming our way. This stuff is top notch and really thrilled to be able to review it again. The name translates to curly noodle with grilled chicken flavor. It also comes with a soup to be served alongside. Let’s begin.
#4430: Nongshim Shin Kimchi Big Bowl – South Korea
I’ve a couple fascinating varieties from the Shin range by Nongshim which came by way of The Fat Hipster – thanks man! He’s got a YouTube channel where does reviews you should check out. This is one I though was only in the UK but from the labeling it’s distributed throughout Europe – there fore its getting the South Korea stamp as it’s not just for one country but many. Let’s give it a try!
#4429: Kolson Noodle Doodle Chunky Chicken – Pakistan
Found these at JD’s Market in Lynnwood, Washington while getting Halloween costumes for the kids across from there. Let’s check ’em out!
#4427: Homiah Malaysian Red Curry / Laksa Noodle – United States
I was contacted recently by a woman named Michelle over at – a website specializing in the flavors of Indonesia, singapore, and Malaysia. She asked if I’d like to try some of their products and of course I’m all in on that. So this is the first of three reviews I’ll be doing – stay tuned for the other two. The products are gluten free and as I’m writing this after trying this red curry, so far so very good. Let’s cook some red curry!
#4426: Sapporo Ichiban Curry Ramen Donburi – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4425: Marutai Aji Yoka Tai Tonkotsu Ramen Kumamoto -Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!