Halloween Flashback – Zombear Livingdead Zomramen Shio – Japan

#3399: Zombear Livingdead Zomramen Shio - Japan

I’ve known about this one for a while, but I was finally able to score some – and what better time to roll it out than for Halloween! I’m hpoing it’s good – I mean, when you look at this, your first thought (at least mine) is gimmick – but then again what we find inside looks fascinating – blue noodles! Let’s take a look and see how it tastes! ...see full post

Halloween Flashback – Peyoung Gekikara MAX END Yakisoba – Japan

#3400: Peyoung Gekikara MAX END Yakisoba - Japan

I figured I needed something scary for this pairing of Halloween varieties and so here’s something scary. I have no clue how truly spicy this one might be. I’m hoping it’s not going to kill my gut. This will have not only the cooking video at the bottom but the mukbang where I scarf the whole thing down if I can. Well, let’s see if I can handle it. ...see full post

#3988: Uncle Fun Hai Nan Fen – China

#3926: Uncle Fun Hai Nan Fen - China

An apron, glasses, and a sunny demeanor. Yes, this is Uncle Fun. Fun? Foon? I’m guessing it’s pronounced Foon. When I opened this, the aroma was definitely nice. But what was difficult was the cooking part. I found a new way to image translate, but it was through google, so very confusing. Boiling noodles in cold water seems a little strange to me, but they’ve got some mad tech in China, yo… I hope I can figure out how the heck to cook this stuff… UPDATE – big thanks to Kyle K. over at Mom’s Dry Noodle for huge help in cooking instructions! ...see full post

#3982: Mamee Monster x Daebak Ghost Pepper Daging Cendawan Pedas – Malaysia

#3982: Mamee Monster x Daebak Ghost Pepper Daging Cendawan Pedas - Malaysia

So far, I’ve been pretty happy about Mamee’s Ghost Pepper range. Well, This one happens to be spicy mushroom flavor. I’m not incredibly fond of mushrooms; I’m alright with the texture, but the flavor generally kind of puts me off. That being said, I have experienced mushroom varieties I’ve likes, so hoping this is one of those. Let’s give this one a try – there will be a mukbang video below as well… ...see full post

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Ramen Noodle Subscription Box – November 2021

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Ramen Noodle Subscription Box - November 2021

I’m a little vexed as shortly the holiday season will be upon us. IT’S ALL HAPPENING TOO FAST!!! Well, if you’re ready to start shopping for your loved ones, this is a great idea for a gift for the holidays!  These subscription boxes come straight to your door and have some neat stuff inside! Check out www.japancrate.com and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles! Here’s the latest unboxing of the November 2021 Umai Crate! ...see full post

Zenpop.jp Instant Ramen Subscription Box Unboxing + Coupon Code – November 2021

It’s time to unbox a Zenpop.jp box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. The holidays are quickly coming our way, and these make a great gift for the ramen aficionado! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Ramen Noodle Subscription Box – October 2021

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Ramen Noodle Subscription Box - October 2021

I’m a little vexed as shortly the holiday season will be upon us. IT’S ALL HAPPENING TOO FAST!!! Well, if you’re ready to start shopping for your loved ones, this is a great idea for a gift for the holidays!  These subscription boxes come straight to your door and have some neat stuff inside! Check out www.japancrate.com and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles! Here’s the latest unboxing of the October 2021 Umai Crate! ...see full post

#3974: Sapporo Ichiban x Riken Wakame Soup Flavored Ramen – Japan

#3974: Sapporo Ichiban x Riken Wakame Soup Flavored Ramen - Japan

Found this in a Zenpop.jp box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘ ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition

I’m very happy to announce that the long time that I wasn’t able to step in from of the green screen is over and I’m back to doing top ten videos are back to the way I used to do them. It’s been a long time coming! Turning the family room into a recording studio is hard when the kids aren’t in school! But they’re happily back to enjoying learning and having recess! This is the first of many special videos to come. Taiwanese noodles are among the finest in the world, with such amazing flavors and textures not only born of tradition, but elevated by competition and innovation. This list comprises the best and most memorable varieties I’ve tried from Taiwan – current as of review #3950. ...see full post

A Donation From James Of Lakeside, CA

A Donation From James Of Lakeside, CA

Over the past few years, a guy named James in Lakeside, California has repeatedly sent me boxes of noodles. He pores over the big list to see if I’ve tried a variety he’s seen and sends some over just at the right time. Again, he send a neat combination of varieties I’ve never tried before. Big thanks and my appreciation to James! Never fails to surprise me when readers are willing to send noodles in for review. Let’s take a look! ...see full post

#3971: Yamasa Artisanal Tonkotsu Broth x Sau Tao Sichuan Noodle – USA/HK

#3971: Yamasa Artisanal Tonkotsu Broth x Sau Tao Sichuan Noodle - USA/HK

Today, we combine a noodle made in Hong Kong with a broth concentrate from the United States. I decided this would be a great venue to try out the homemade chashu we made this weekend – I’ll include the recipe in a video below as well. Let’s give this combo a try! ...see full post

Nissin Top Ramen Popcorn Chicken #ramenbread

Nissin Top Ramen Popcorn Chicken #ramenbread

The last ramen bread I made was 100% instant noodles, however had more moisture than I wanted it to have, so I thought perhaps lighter on the eggs and liquids would prove for a more loafy loaf – less cake like. Well, what happened was nothing short of a Christmas miracle really and something new. What if I told you you could take a few packs of Top Ramen and turn it into popcorn chicken? That’s like diamonds in the microwave but it actually happened! Let’s give it a whirl, Earl! ...see full post

Bread Made Completely From Instant Noodles! #ramenbread

At the outset of my bread making journey, the idea of making a loaf of bread by grinding up noodle blocks was always in the back of my head. Literally transmuting instant noodles through kitchen alchemy into a loaf of bread. I tried it once and it failed miserably. I wanted to find out why and I asked an expert in the field of wheat and noodles. Well, he said I needed an emulsifier – that would release the oil from the ramen ‘flour. Huge thanks to Dr. Gary Hou!’ Well, let’s see how it went this time – spoiler alert – it worked! ...see full post