A lot of things have changed in the last year. I decided it would be a great time to come out with the Top Ten American instant noodles list; it’s November 2nd. Tomorrow is the last day to vote in a crucial election – whichever candidate you support, go exercise your right to vote! The video this year is very different. With the pandemic and my kids home from school doing about 25 Zoom meetings a week, my time has been critically limited. This way however, I’ll be able to bring you more top ten lists I think. This list is comprised of my favorite American varieties out of all the reviews up to #3,636, which count 446 varieties. Let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition!
#3645: Miliket Pho Huong Vi Ga – Vietnam
One of the remaining few from James of California – thanks again! Here we have a chicken pho variety from Vietnam. Let’s check it out!
Halloween Eyeball Ramen & Candy Deep Dive
I grabbed some Halloween-appropriate content from previous years and well, here you go! Enjoy and have an awesome Halloween!
Holiday Gift Guide: Ramen Gifts From Umai Crate
Holiday shopping is going to be a little different this year. What neat about these is you can get someone a subscription for neat Asian foods without going anywhere! They’ll show at your door and provide some monthly fascination. This one came today and we brought it inside set up the lights, shot the video, edited it and boom here it is! Lots of neat stuff in this box! Check it out! Get yours here: http://bit.ly/UmaiCrate
Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for extra discount!
#3644: Wei Lih Men Ma Jiang – Taiwan
This one came by way of a buddy at www.exoticnoods.com – thanks,man! Use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a nice discount on one of their subscription boxes.
#3643: Baixiang Artificial Pork Bone Soup Flavor Instant Noodle – China
Pork bone soup is a particular favorite of mine – whether it be creamy tonkotsu or something more like this, I’m usually quite partial to these styled varieties. Let’s see what this one from China holds in store.
#3642: Itomen Seafood Miso Ramen – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3641: Myojo Chukazanmai Soybean Paste Flavour Noodles – United States
Okay so yes these are produced in Japan, however they’re for the US market. These were in an Exotic Noods box – check out their site and use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount!
#3640: Sau Tao Mushroom Flavour Sichuan Spicy Noodle – Hong Kong
I’m really not a mushroom fan, so I thought I’d see how much I disliked the variety. It’s pretty rare there’s a mushroom instant that I actually like, but it has happened… Let’s check this one out!
#3639: Love To Share Xiangnian Daoxiao Noodles – China
Found this neat little box of noodles recently at 99 Ranch Market and thought oh yeah I’m trying this. The name is kind of hard for me to say – pretty long too. I don’t always like to share which has been a failing of mine I’ll admit. Maybe my daughter will try it. Then I can say I shared, but I won’t say I love to share.
#3638: Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle – Taiwan
I was contacted in July 2020 about a new variety of noodle hailing from Taiwan. I was very interested in trying and gave the company the go ahead. Fast forward to mid September and I’m going to give it a try – they arrived last week. These sound interesting; they’re Vegan friendly and have a minced pork sachet which is made with so protein, mushrooms, white fungus, celery and other vegetables. A chewy noodle and a ‘secret sauce’ with Sichuan pepper is mentioned in the promotional sheet that accompanied these. Let’s give it a try!
#3637: Samyang Foods Buldak 3x Spicy HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen – South Korea
Well, well, well. Here we are yet again. Just not hot enough for you, eh? Well, maybe this will do it for you. I mean look – Hochi (the Buldak mascot) is right there, tears streaming, breathing fire… 3x Spicy – so what it 1x spicy? Well, 4,400 SHU (scoville heat units). 3x would be 13,200 SHU – I guess we’ll have to see if that’s spicy. I know it will be. Time to burn!
#3636: GB Company The Devil Of Fire Ramen – South Korea
A big thanks for this surprise from The Fat Hipster – look him up on YouTube! This one’s saying it’s the hottest in the world. I would wager it’s really trying to challenge as the hottest in South Korea. Let’s find out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Cup Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
Last year, I decided I’d bow to some readers who thought maybe like cars, lists should have the following year in the title. This caused some confusion; but I really can’t just undo this. So, going forward, lists that come out in the latter half of the year, August and beyond, will have the next year’s name in the title. We’ll see how that goes. These are my favorite cup varieties of all reviews up to number 3,545. Now, let’s look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Cup Noodles Of All Time, 2021 Edition.
#3635: Acecook Fujicco Pure Tororo Konbu Soba – Japan
This one comes from Zenpop.jp – a subscription box service. If you want to check out their boxes and get one, use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount.
#3634: Acecook Yokosuka Navy Curry Udon – Japan
This one comes from Zenpop.jp – a subscription box service. If you want to check out their boxes and get one, use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount.
Meet The Manufacturer: #3656: Myojo Ramen Vegetarian Shoyu – United States
Today, we come to the fourth and final review of the Myojo USA Meet The Manufacturer on their Ramen range. Just got back from the store – got some vegetables to dress this one up a little – let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3655: Myojo Ramen Seafood Tonkotsu – United States
I was told this one’s their most popular product! I’m very curious – I recently tried a nice seafood tonkotsu so I’m curious how a fresh one’s going to be. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3654: Myojo Ramen Garlic Miso – United States
The second of four reviews of Myojo USA products – garlic miso. This again is one you’ll find in the refrigerated section. Excited to try this – let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3653: Myojo Ramen Shio Tonkotsu – United States
Today, we have the first of four varieties from Myojo USA, a shio tonkotsu. That pic on the from of the pack says it all – this should be a milky and savory pork bone broth with really good noodles. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Myojo USA
I received a couple of boxes with samples of products for this Meet The Manufacturer series – thank you! These are fresh varieties you’ll find in the refrigerated/frozen section. Let’s have a look at them!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Myojo USA
Today, we start a new Meet The Manufacturer! This time its a US company called Myojo USA down in California. They produce fresh ramen, udon and yakisoba varieties. I conducted an interview with Mr. Taku Yokoyama, President of Myojo Foods USA –
#3633: Sau Tao Laksa Flavour Ramen – Hong Kong
I had this one a while back but the packaging was a little different, so this one gets a new review. I’ve been incredibly impressed with the laksa and ton yum kung flavor profiles coming from Sau Tao – so much that they’ve been on the Top Ten for 2 years now. What’s more is they pair them with a myriad of noodle varieties. Let’s do up some laksa!
#3632: Gurimi Rasa Kaldu Ayam – Indonesia
This is your basic chicken instant noodle. It’s from ABC who I just did a short series on. We’ve been out of chicken lately and this morning I ducked out of the rain into the store and got some. $1.99/lb! That’s not bad, really. Let’s chicken it up!
#3631: Sichuan Baijia Yibin Burning Noodle – China
My initial though was ‘wow – what a good price!’ Found these at 99 Ranch Market for 99 cents! However, I did notice they expire in 4 days and immediately realized why they’re so cheap! Let’s give them a try.
#3630: Sau Tao Instant Noodle King Lobster Soup Flavour – Hong Kong
Time for more lobster from Sau Tao! This is one of the many varieties that came to my door a couple of months ago on a pallet. Yes, a pallet. Four hundred pounds of noodles. That’s a lot! Let’s crack it open and have a look.
#3629: Sau Tao E-Fu Noodle Abalone Soup Flavour – Hong Kong
Still have a ton of these varieties of Sau Tao noodles. This one features a huge pack of noodles with two blocks. Made in a process that includes soda water which causes the noodles to end up quite large. Let’s check ’em out!
Vegetarian Samples From Mom’s Dry Noodle Of Taiwan
Was happy to hear about new varieties coming from Mom’s Dry Noodle of Taiwan! They sent them over for me to try which was nice. Notice the rabbit on the picture above – we’re about to enter the year of the rabbit! Pretty cool – I was born on the year of the rabbit – let’s check these out!
#3628: LMF Hong Kong Chow Mein Sichuan Hot Spicy Flavor – China
As promised yesterday, here’s another one we found up in Canada at Smart’n’Save at the Lansdowne Centre mall. My daughter Mimi asks every once in a while these days ‘can we go to the Hello Kitty store, Papa’ and Miles immediately says ‘no Mimi, Canada is closed.’ Pretty sad. Man, I hope they come up with a vaccine for COVID-19 soon! I miss the wonders of the land to the north…
A Heap Of New Stuff From Nongshim!
I was curious about a variety that it turns out has been retired, but happily a few new ones are now in the game – Nongshim sent those over! Thank you very much! Let’s have a look.
#3627: Ottogi Mac & Cheese Spaghetti – United States
Okay so this one comes with an included… story! One day, the family went up to Canada to do the regular stuff – get some toys, peanut butter, hit up the Asian markets, etc. Well, we went to Smart’n’Save at Lansdowne Centre and saw these bowls. Got one and eventually drove home.
#3626: Myojo Chukazanmai Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen – United States
Here’s another one that came by way of an Exotic Noods subscription box – use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount! So these are kind of fancy – higher grade of noodle and dry as well as liquid base. Let’s check it out!
#3625 Wang Teriyaki Udon Original – South Korea
Okay, this one comes from the folks at www.ExoticNoods.com, purveyors of neat subscription boxes – check ’em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount!
Another Donation From James In Lakeside, California!
A while back I got a few boxes of donations from a reader in Lakeside, California named James. Well, he’s struck again and sent another box – thanks! I’m always surprised that even though we’re both on the west caoast, the varieties he’s finding as opposed to the ones here and very different. Let’s have a look inside!
#3624: Nissin Top Ramen Curry – India
Found this over at India Supermarket in Bellevue, WA. One of many ‘four-in-one’ packs. India. Curry. Let’s do this!
Newgate Express Instant Noodles Sent By A Viewer From Ireland!
I was contacted recently by a fellow names Cian from Dublin about trying out some store brand instant noodles he found over there. He said they weren’t the greatest, but I am always interested in store brand varieties – so of course I accepted the offer – thank you! First varieties from Ireland to cross my desk! Let’s check ’em out!
#3623: Itsuki Sesame Wakame Udon – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3622: Sau Tao Tom Yum Flavour Trolley Noodle – Hong Kong
I like how the characters have wheels! This is another one of the ‘trolley noodle’ varieties – still unsure what kind of trolley they’re referring to. Let’s give it a try.
#3621: Sau Tao QQ Vermicelli Abalone Chicken Soup Flavour – Hong Kong
Decided to start off the week with a couple Sau Tao varieties today (you should be seeing the second one tomorrow). They sent a ton for a Meet The Manufacturer series (okay, not a literal ton – just 400lbs of samples). Let’s check out their QQ Rice Vermicelli!
#3620: Mamee SLRP! Mi Segera Perisa Kari Xtra Pedas – Malaysia
Alrighty – it has been staring at me for a few weeks and today it’s time for a mukbang. This is a super spicy one from Mamee of Malaysia. I love curry stuff, spicy stuff – and Malaysia. Let’s give it a try!