#3563: Sokensha Shio Ramen – Japan

#3563: Sokensha Shio Ramen - Japan

Here’s yet another one sent by James from Lakeside, California – thanks! Man, I’m beat – woke up at 12:30am. I have one night every once in a while that I end up starting my day exceedingly early. I know I’ll sleep really well tonight. It’s funny too as I’ll be hanging out with the kids in the morning and nod off. They run up to me and yell ‘Papa! Wake up! Wake up!’ I think that’s going to be going on this morning… Luckily, my kids are cute and awesome… Today my plan is to go get a ton of steps in. Starting at 3:30am. Let’s get this done. ...see full post

#3562: Snapdragon Miso Rice Ramen – United States

#3562: Snapdragon Miso Rice Ramen - United States

First things first – thanks to James of Lakeside, CA for sending this one! Alright, so no, this is not produced in the United States, but it’s definitely produced for the United States. It sounds interesting, honestly – miso rice noodles. I don’t know that I’ve seen miso rice noodles before however I could be wrong. Let’s see what we have. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition

Bowls, cups, , trays, packs, and boxes. Well, I haven’t done a list of boxed or tray-style instant noodles – maybe that will come soon. But I think that separating these is important. The experience that a cup is meant for is different than a cup or bowl. Cups are more for a snack on the go, packs for when you’ve got a stove, and bowls are, well, for lunch. Although in the finished shots of these you’ll see them plated here, generally people will be looking at the bowl they came in, possibly using the plastic fork they came with, and tossing everything once they’re done. These are my favorites, current as of review #3545. Let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2020 Edition. ...see full post

Exotic Noods – Ramen Noodles Subscription Box – July 2020

Looking for something a little different? Head over to www.exoticnoods.com! Their subscription boxes are from different countries! Not just Japan, you’ll get to try varieties from around the SE Asian region! Plus, use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order! Here’s what you’ll find inside The July 2020 box. ...see full post

#3553: Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy Duck Blood Bean Vermicelli – Taiwan

#3553: Mom's Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy Duck Blood Bean Vermicelli - Taiwan

Here’s another fancy one from Mom’s Dry Noodle! Now, many of you probably haven’t tried anything with blood in it. Let me reassure you that I have and there are some really great foods that do contain it from many places. Malaysian White Curry often contains coagulated duck blood, while in Taiwan I’ve tried pork blood rice cake which was absolutely wonderful stuff. I know it’s popular in a Vietnamese soup as well. ...see full post


You like noodles? Well, a company participating in Meet The Manufacturer (you’ll start seeing reviews soon) decided to go big. They sent a 400 pound pallet from Hong Kong! Sun Shun Fuk, maker of the Sau Tao range of noodle products (and 2 years in a row Top Ten lister I might add)thought perhaps I’d like a lot of samples! What follows is the unboxing of the century! ...see full post

#3552: Daisho Rich Soy Sauce Tonkotsu – Japan

#3552: Daisho Rich Soy Sauce Tonkotsu - Japan

Here’s one that came in the mail a couple of days ago. This is from Daniel over at www.exoticnoods.com – they’re a subscription box company (use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a nice discount) – and he had some samples of this one he wanted to get my opinion of. I figure let’s give it a try – and so here we are. Thanks! Let’s crack ’em open! ...see full post

New Ramen Express By Chef Woo Noodle Cup Samples + MUKBANG

Saw these new varieties at my local grocery store recently, so I thought I’d contact the company. They got back with me, and I’m happy to say I’ll be doing a collab with them soon where you’ll have the chance to get something neat as a prize! Rad!!! Let’s look inside and look further down for a mukbang! ...see full post

#3551: Vite Ramen Sichuan Chili Crisp Instant Noodle Soup v1.2 PROTOTYPE – United States

#3551: Vite Ramen Sichuan Chili Crisp Instant Noodle Soup v1.2 PROTOTYPE - United States

Here’s we’ve got something new – a mashup of Vite Ramen and Fly By Jing Sichuan Chili Crisp! It’s kind of funny – I had just discovered chili crisp a week or two before I ended up having a conversation with the guys at Vite Kitchens about it. Turned out they were collaborating with Fly By Jing on this and sent me a bottle of it – good stuff! This is a prototype without packaging (you’re saying then what’s that above) – I snagged the pic and did that top image in Photoshop. So there. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3548: KORMOSA Kiss My Food Shrimp Instant Noodles – Taiwan

#3548: KORMOSA Kiss My Food Shrimp Instant Noodles - Taiwan

Okay. This one’s interesting. This product is produced by Paldo Vina, a Vietnamese branch of Paldo Food of South Korea. It is for sale in Taiwan (formerly called Formosa). It was sent to me by Daniel – one of the guys from www.exoticnoods.com who visited Taiwan recently and brought it back for me – thanks again! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#3547: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Sabor Galinha Caipira – Brazil

#3470: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Sabor Galinha Caipira - Brazil

This one came from Mr. Saturn – thanks again! I know galinha is a kind of young hen – a little oilier than standard chicken, but not exactly up on the whole caipira. I’m getting ‘bush cutter’ which seems a little odd. Maybe one of you will know. Not only that, this is review #3470 and I think 3470 was a standard of terminal emulation from back in the finer days of computer stuff. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

A Million Fitbit Steps In A Month – A Fundraiser For My Mom

So as many of you know, I’ve lost a ton of weight in the last two years. I started in October 2018 and now am down 160 pounds. One thing that has kept me motivated was changing things up to keep it interesting. At the end of last month, I’d done the most steps I’d ever logged on my Fitbit – close to 900,000. I thought hey – maybe I can get to 900,000 in June 2020. Then I thought hey – whynot a million? ...see full post