Here’s another one I believe that was sent by Mr. Saturn – thanks again! So I translated this and it spits out creole chicken. Seems odd, but okay. I think this bears more investigation. Let’s give it a try.
#3473: MyKuali White Fish Broth Noodle – Malaysia
This is a brand new variety from Malsyai’s MyKuali. This company’s had three different varieties in the past end up on my global top ten rankings and after trying the vermicelli and cup versions, here we have the pack (you’ll see the other two in upcoming reviews. Let’s give it a try!
#3472: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (New Recipe) – Malaysia
I gotta say, there have been a TON of new recipes for this instant noodle. I don’t know how many brands are changing recipes out there, but it’s nice to know when they do. This is something they do in Malaysia, specifically Penang, Malaysia, an awful lot. The folks at MyKuali told me how you might go to a hawker stall one day and have something really great and a week later it’s almost unrecognizable in hopes of having the next super popular food item. Food creators there never seem satisfied with ‘good enough.’ Let’s see what this iteration of the legendary MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle has to offer.
#3471: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodles Soup Chinese Herb – Ginseng Flavor – Taiwan
I really love Taiwan. I have been through Taiwan a couple times and visited a couple times. If you’ve never been, go. That’s all I have to say on the matter. It’s a neat place with so many different things going on. Let’s try this one!
#3470: Myojo Ippei-chan Rich & Sweet Thick Yakisoba – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $3 off!
#3469: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Rice Vermicelli Soup – Malaysia
Simply looking at this bowl evokes memories of travel for me so happy… Penang is such a place of wonder and fascination. The sights, scents and sounds crescendo in a vibrant, harmonic din that haunts my soul in such a way that not a day goes by without a sigh of returning. As the mighty salmon is compelled to return whence it came, so I must return to old Penang someday to experience its charm.
#3468: Little Couples Dry Noodle Onion – Taiwan
I did a Meet The Manufacturer with this company a while back and thought I’d see if they had anything new – and they did! So here we go. I was in the mood for some Taiwanese stuff so this works out.
#3467: Sapporo Ichiban Mentai Agodashi Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off!
Umai Crate Japanese Ramen Subscription Box April 2020
Hey look – another Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater! This one came today and we brought it inside set up the lights, shot the video, edited it and boom here it is! Lots of neat stuff in this box! Check it out! Get yours here:
Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for extra discount!
#3466: Kang Shi Fu Never Met Noodles Artificial Roasted Beef Flavour – United States
Here’s another one of these bowls I picked up at 99 Ranch Market. There’s still a couple more to go too! Let’s give it a go.
#3465: Mamee Monster – Malaysia
If you didn’t know, Mamee Monster is a snack noodle. It’s all over – you should have known by now. You smash the bag, open it up and eat it. Yes, really. This is popular and common is Southeast Asia. Yup! Let’s take a look.
#3464: Takamori Agodashi Udon – Japan
Here’s one from the December 2019 Umai Crate! Umai Crate is a monthly subscription box you can get from Japan with all sorts of noodles and Japanese things inside. Should check ’em out and if you get one or a subscription, use coupon code THERAMENRATER at checkout for a discount!
#3463: Wai Wai Brand Oriental Style Instant Noodles – Thailand
Okay so there’s Wai Wai in Thailnd, then Wai Wai in India, which I suspect is an exponentially larger affair. However I think they are part of the same company. It’s uncanny – Thai instant noodle companies have names with repeating syllables.
#3462: Mi ABC Mi Instan Goreng – Indonesia
Found this on in Richmond, BC at FoodyWorld. On the super cheap too – I think a five pack was $1.99CAD! Let’s crack into it – it’s always a good time for mi goreng!
#3461: Mr. Min Original Korean Ramen Instant Noodles – France
Mr Min is a range made in South Korea by Paldo, however it’s for sale on the French market! Let’s give ’em a spin!
Spicy Mamee Shinsegae Samples From Malaysia!
Been really looking forward to getting these samples for a little while! Hope you’re really for mukbangs coming up! Let’s check em out!
#3460: Paldo Bibimmen (35th Anniversary Edition) – South Korea
This is a longstanding favorite of mine and probably the first cold noodle I came in contact with. First time I had it I wasn’t so sure, but over time it definitely grew on me. This is usually enjoyed in the summer months, but seeing as the folks at Paldo sent it to me recently, I’d give it a go right now. Let’s cook it up!
Ultimate Ramen Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe
I hope you’re ready to sit and watch the creative juices flow. I’ve been kind of sitting here ruminating over a sandwich for a while. As I don’t ever really eat sandwiches these days, I wanted to make something really good. This fits that bill. This will make you happy to be in quarantine. Because you can spend time with this sandwich. It’s something that I will make again, that’s for sure. Now, bear witness to the finest ramen grilled cheese sandwich in the entirety of the universe.
Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy Duck Blood Bean Vermicelli Samples!
Here’s something unique and wonderful from Taiwan – a bean vermicelli with Sichuan pepper heat and duck blood! Check it out!
#3459: Samyang Foods Buldak Meat Spaghetti – South Korea
Well, Merry Christmas! Hochi has her Santa hat on for this one. Meat spaghetti, huh? Sounds interesting. Christmas is over, but they must have had some leftovers – got these last week and thought hey – maybe some burning would do me good. Let’s give this new variety a try!
Vite Ramen x Fly By Jing Prototype Instant Noodle Sample!
Here’s something new from the healthiest instant noodle company I know of. Low sodium, lots of protein, fiber, and a zillion vitamins and minerals. Check out this new prototype!
Samyang Buldak Meat Spaghetti Fire Noodle Samples!
Look! A new spicy one from Samyang of South Korea! Meat spaghetti with a Christmastime motif. Check it out!
#3458: Maruchan Chikara Mochi Udon – Japan
Here we have one from Japan sent by Zenpop. Zenpop does a few different kinds of subscription boxes you can get and they’re pretty neat! Use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount at checkout!
#3457: Samyang Buldak Corn HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen – South Korea
Special thanks go out to Normalgorl for shooting this over! Much obliged! So what the heck is this? Corn?! I’m thoroughly fascinated. Let’s check it out!
#3456: Daisho Seafood Vermicelli Noodles – Japan
Here’s one from an Umai Crate! Umai Crate is a subscription box you can get via Japan Crate that comes packed with ramen and Japanese goodies of all types, but focusing on noodles. Use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3455: Young Poong Yopokki Cheese Topokki (Rice Cake) – South Korea
Okay, I think I found this one at HMart up in Richmond BC at Aberdeen Centre. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure. Anyways, yeah this is topokki. Why, you ask? Because topokki is wonderful stuff and lives in the section with the noodles, so there. Let’s get it on!
Daisho Ramen Samples Sent By Exotic Noods
My buddy Daniel over at asked if I’d like to review a variety he got some samples of and of course you know my answer! So, he sent some and here they are! Thanks! By the way – check out and use coupon ode RAMENRATER15 for a 15% discount!
#3454: Red Chef Spicy Sakura Prawn Soup Rice Vermicelli And Noodles (New Recipe) – Malaysia
When I tried this previously, I was totally stoked. Often you can find prawn noodle in Penang that has both vermicelli and wheat noodles present. Well, you get that here. Not only that, this one while insanely good prior to this review now has a new recipe. Very curious how it is – let’s find out!
#3453: Seven & i Premium Curry Ramen – Japan
Here’s another one kindly sent by Alexander from Hong Kong – dude thanks! So these are cool – I really like convenience store tie-in ramen. This one is a little bit of a mystery; usually they’ll be by Nissin or another brand and it’s easy to tell. This one, not so much. But that’s mainly for identification purposes. This is definitely 7-Eleven either way, whomever is private labeling it for them. Let’s give it a try!
Exotic Noods March 2020 Instant Ramen Noodles Subscription Box Unboxing
Looking for something a little different? Head over to! Their subscription boxes are from different countries! Not just Japan, you’ll get to try varieties from around the SE Asian region! Plus, use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order! Here’s what you’ll find inside The January box.
#3452: Paldo Teumsae (9,413SHU) – Japan
Okay so recently I reviewed and mukbang-ified the Paldo Teumsae version that was sold in South Korea. This time around it’s the same SHU on the package but most certainly for Japan. Let’s see how i rates!
#3451: Nongshim Shin Light Air Dried Noodle Soup – South Korea
It’s been quite a while since a new Shin variety came out I think. On the edge of the package it mentions it being ‘Shin Black Class’ but I mean look at the packaging. Clearly, this is Shin White – am I wrong?I’m guessing this is going to be quite different – fried vs non fried noodles are like night and day, and I expect I’m going to like this one to be honest. Let’s find out!
#3450: Taihodien Green Chilli Paste Noodles – Taiwan
It’s been a while since I had the original Taihodien spicy mala noodles. On those, the noodles themselves were decent but the flavor was just such an onslaught of Sichuan peppercorn. Just too much. This one sounds much different – green Sichuan peppercorn and a lot of other chilli pepper action going on. Hoping to like thing one! Let’s check it out.
#3449: LMF Hong Kong Chow Mein Tan Tan Flavor – China
Here’s one I got up at Smart’n’Save in Richmond, BC Canada. It’s my favorite noodle store currently that I don’t have to hop on a jet to get to. Let’s check it out!
New Hakubaku Fresh Ramen Singles Samples
I’ve tried the Shoyu and Tonkotsu from these folks and I can honestly say it’s among the best I’ve had. From the noodle quality to the broth, they definitely cover all the bases.Now they’ve got single packs of it for sale! Check it out here!
#3448: Jongga Real Kimchi Ramen – South Korea
I reviewed the pack version awhile back and been sitting on this bowl version. Actually I saw the cup version at Boo Han Market in Edmonds, Washington a few minutes ago right before we got our Christmas tree at Country Farms. Anyways, This one sounds like a good idea today. Let’s give it a try.
IWOOT – Great Japanese Ramen Themed Gifts + Coupon Code – Unboxing Time Part 2
I was contacted last month by an outfit called IWOOT in the UK. They have a line of neat ramen related products – like mugs, shirts, posters, etc. They asked if I’d share some of them and I said sure! Here’s the second of two unboxing times showcasing their stuff! By the way, they also ship to the United States! Check out IWOOT and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for 20% off your order!
#3447: Itsuki Chinese Lemon Cold Noodle – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. Pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at checkout.
The Canadian Prison Ramen Burrito
The world has gone bonkers. We’ve got that pesky Coronavirus gnashing it’s teeth, and numerous other oddities making daily life less enjoyable that usual.
IWOOT – Great Japanese Ramen Themed Gifts + Coupon Code – Unboxing Time Part 1
I was contacted last month by an outfit called IWOOT in the UK. They have a line of neat ramen related products – like mugs, shirts, posters, etc. They asked if I’d share some of them and I said sure! Here’s the first of two unboxing times showcasing their stuff! By the way, they also ship to the United States! Check out IWOOT and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for 20% off your order!