The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor
The reactions I’ve seen to this stuff range from curiosity to disgust. Personally, I find it to be something really awesome. You see, I spend a lot of time with instant noodles. A lot. When I see something like this, I see something that’s a shift. This really is a risky proposition, but the reward is high. Look at SPAM – they did pumpkin spice SPAM. Is it good? No clue – but I do have one my wife got me. This however is good and very easily obtained if you want to do the legwork. But not for long – this is only available at Walmart stores – specific ones – and so if you get on it quickly, you can enjoy some – or not. What’s nice is they’re only 88 cents apiece which is very reasonable, especially for a limited edition specialty item. Rest assured though – people will sell them for a great deal more on eBay once they disappear.
I decided to get in the mood, I’d make a poster (click to enlarge). With the new Dune film coming out (the spice reference) and review 4001 (2001: a space odyssey reference), it was kind of an obvious thing to make. But I’m really excited about this stuff; we went to a few Walmart stores and finally got our hands on a ton of it – got 5 cases of it!
I’ll be making a TON of different things with it, too! Bread (with bread flour and one using soy lecithin as an emulsifier alongside 100% Pumpkin Noodle flour), a prison ramen burrito, and maybe a curry combo mi goreng. I’ve already done a mukbang – these are quite good so it’s not a hard thing to do.
Nissin Foods was kind enough to send one cup, however to do this post, I knew I’d need more – a lot more. We did a but of hunting to find them initially. We tried a Walmart Market (Walmart but only the food side of things) in Bellevue, Washington – nothing there. We tried one in Lynnwood, WA as well. Then we hit paydirt at the one on 164th in Lynnwood, WA – got five cases. This brought us from one cup to 31 cups. Honestly, I wish I would have bought more of them.
Look below – there’s a lot in this post. I hope people find it useful as a tome about a short lived fascination in the noodle world – and who knows – they might do these again next year! To do everything in this post, it required 14 cups of this stuff out of the 31 I had. That’s an investment of time and energy, let me tell you – a lot of it! Let’s check out Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor!
Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor – United States
Let’s start here – this is my first taste of Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor. To be honest, I like pumpkin spice flavor, however I’m definitely not usually one to go crazy for such things. This is a little different though. You can see me scarf down one of these cups and my initial reactions. Following this, I had the chance to try many, many more iterations of this product – using 14 cups in the production of this post. I can definitely say that’s the most of one product that’s gone into a single post before. Am I sick of it at this point? Well, actually no, but I think I’m going to take a break as our microwave really smells like pumpkin spice.
Detail of the six cups case box (click to enlarge).
Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, remove lid and add room temp water to fill line. Microwave at 1000W for 3 minutes. Let stand 2 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy with whipped cream!
Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).
The noodle block.
Loose seasoning from the cup.
Finished (click to enlarge). This pic above was simply cooked as per instructions and whipped cream added. The image for the Instant Noodle Recipe Time video below – chilled the prepared cup overnight and topped with whipped cream and nutmeg. The noodle is a little thicker than the standard Cup Noodles style we get here in the United States. This gives them a touch of extra chew. The flavor is definitely pumpkin spice with a buttery component as well. This comes together quite well. It should be noted as well – this is a noodle in sauce. The sauce has a consistency akin to a cheese sauce. There isn’t a huge amount of it; just enough. Chilling it overnight made it more like a thick custard/pumpkin pie, which made it even better. But out of the microwave with a couple minutes to cool, it’s fantastic. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. You might balk at the score, but I wouldn’t give it if it wasn’t deserved. UPC bar codes 070662409022 (single cup), 00070662429020 (case side), and 070662429020 (case bottom).
All Things Pumpkin Spice Over At Amazon
Chilled Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice
This actually was really good – making it and then leaving overnight, the noodles kind of melded together. Texture was more akin to pumpkin pie, although dense. The temperature made more sense too; pumpkin spice coffee – that makes sense to be hot. But a solid thing you chew? This made it even better.
Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie From 100% Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Flavor
Finished (click to enlarge). Added whipped cream and nutmeg. This really reminds me of pumpkin pie – that is except the texture. This is more dense, and it was nice that way. If someone served me this, it wouldn’t occur to me that this was made with instant noodles, let alone had wheat flour in it except for maybe the crust. Has a strong taste of pumpkin spice and tastes really quite good – probably the fastest pumpkin pie that one could make – and it’s great for anti vegetarians because the amount of vegetable matter here is very minimal. Full posting with recipe here.
Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Bread 1.0
Look at that! (click to enlarge) Made bread with all purpose flour, diced Gala apple, and two of the Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice cups. It came out very good – then I made it into french toast with powdered sugar, whipped cream, nutmeg and berries. Syrup, too!
Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Prison Ramen Style Burrito
Yeah, I went there. Used standard nacho Doritos, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, and two cups of Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice. Topped with powdered sugar, whipped cream, nutmeg, berries, and syrup. It looks inviting, but it’s very strange. These flavor profiles don’t jibe well together and leave one questioning mankind’s place in the cosmos.
Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Bread 2.0
This really didn’t work at all (click to enlarge). I had high hopes – I used soy lecithin as an emulsifier and it just rose about a half of an inch. Looked like Shake’n’Bake pork chops to be honest. Tasted good though – and the outer crispness was compelling, but the center really was like one large contiguous noodle.
Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Curry Mi Goreng
Here we go (click to enlarge). This worked pretty well, although it was very sweet. A little curry powder nudged the pumpkin spice flavor already in it in the right direction. Worked with the egg too. The sweet chili sauce didn’t work as well as hoped and added to the way too sweet nature of the thing. This was the last one I decided to do – it’s Monday night and I’m good on Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice for a while – so hope everyone enjoyed this post – back to the regular stuff in a couple days!
In Closing…
Well, that’s a wrap. Thanks to Nissin Foods for sending me one of the 31 cups I ended up with. A huge thank you to my wife Kit and my children Miles & Mimi for putting up with my pumpkin spice endeavors over the past three days. I’m glad this is done now and can go back to my regular reviews. If you still haven’t tried one of these, they’re good. All said and done, they’re good. Shell out the 88 cents. Don’t let indecision cause future regret! It’s for a limited time!