A One: Bun Tom Shrimp

Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff was really good - had had a few beers beforehand and decided to 
try it as a preventative hangover cure.  Didn't work all that great for it's intended purpose, 
however it was good.  The package contained a packet of dried green onions, seasoning oil 
and soup base.  The noodles [rice variety] were strangely enough sealed in their own plastic 
bag. I cooked the noodles and green onions and dropped in a couple eggs and then dropped 
that mixture [drained of course] into a bowl with the oil and flavor base and stirred.  Was a very 
burly dealio.

Doll: Instant Fried Noodle w/Chili Sauce [Box]
Stars: ***
Notes: A nice sqare box of noodles - hot chili flavor was alright - not too hot though.  
One thing I found very unique about this particular bowl was that it came with a a little packet of tea!

Doll: Instant Noodles with Sesame Oil and Soup Base
Stars: *
Notes: These were chicken flavor stiff noodles with
a bit of sesame oil.  Nothing real special.

Company Info: http://www.nissinfoods.co.jp/english/corp/main/his_m.html

Hua Feng Noodle Expert: Favoury Pork Flavor
Stars: *
Notes:  Aside from being 'favoury,' this wasn't really all that good.  More like 'pork rancid favoury' if you ask me.  

Hua Feng Noodle Expert: Spicy Instant Noodles - Spicy Seafood Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes:  This stuff's actually quite different - it comes in a round cake of noodles, and fits quite snugly 
into the cooking pot.  Afte cooking it, it really sucks up water and basically turned into a big bowl of seafood 
spaghetti!  Wasn't too shabby with some roman peasant bread left over from mother's day.

Company Info: http://www.nissinfoods.co.jp/english/corp/main/his_m.html

Indomie: Chicken Cup

Stars: **
Notes: A little too salty for my taste; was missing some important things like really tasty flavor and seasoning oil.
            I suppose that's the trade-off when having a small cup-o-noodles style cup.  However, one of the
            coolest things in the ramen industry is the Indomie Folding Fork, which is included.  It just folds and
            snaps into place!  Sturdy too.  So yes, it's worth it for the fork.

Indomie: Chicken Curry Flavor

Stars: ****
Notes: Ah now this stuff is classy.  First off yes, it tastes like curried chicken.  There's oil, cabe [chili powder],
            fried onions, and bumbu sauce [the powdered base].  Another fine Indomie product to be sure.  Best with
            a couple small pieces of BBQ pork on the side, a fried egg on top and some pickled ginger garnish.

Indomie: Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor

Stars: *****
Notes:  This has to be the penultimate achievement in the ramen producing world.  Fist off,
             these noodles are great; they are flat and curly with an unsurpassed, fine
            character.  The package comes with a myriad of flavorings, including sweet soy,
            bumbu sauce, seasoned oil, chili powder, and finally, an extra special packet.
            After boiling the noodles and mixing with the seasonings in a bowl, you add 1/2
            a cup of boiling water to this packet and stir - it's a soup base.  This stuff is really
            good - especially when you put two fried eggs on top of the ramen, then pour it
           over slowly.  Fried shallots on top of that with a bit of shedded pickled ginger makes
           the scene complete.  I can't recommend any ramen more than this one.  This is top!

Indomie: Fried Noodles

Notes:  Another one of Indomie's great line of noodles.  These are your basic variety of noodles - 
just plain fried.  Best with some form of meat/vegetable garnish.

Indomie: Hot Fried Noodles

Notes: Exactly the same as the above fried noodles, only this one has a bit of hot chili with it.  
It's quite hot and very good stuff - best with garnish, even better with fried eggs.

Indomie: Shrimp Flavor

Stars: ***
Notes: Not a bad bowl of noodles, although a little salty.  Of course quite good when made with a
            bit of fried or scrambled egg on top.

Indomie: Jumbo BBQ Chicken

Stars: ***
Notes:  It's pretty good - a big bowl of noodles that don't really taste like barbecued chicken.
             However, it's flavor is quite good and reminisent of the Satay variety.

Indomie: Jumbo Meat Ball

Notes: Strangely enough, this did have a slight hamburger-like flavor to it.  It's best quality is 
that it's a jumbo pack - can't gete nough of this stuff!  Basically very much like the regular fried noodles.

Indomie: Satay Fried Noodles

Stars: *****
Notes:  This is the stuff that really got me into ramen.  First off, five seasoning packets.
             Second, by displaying sunny side up eggs on the packaging, I of course had to
             try it for breakfast and quite enjoyed it.  This is truly the alpha and omega of
             the ramen hunter's holy grail.  The first ramen I found that required the noodles
             be drained, then added to the dry bowl with the seasonings/oils and stirred.  An
             extremely spiritual experience.

Indomie: Special Chicken

Notes: Beats the living hell out of the domesticated 'Top Ramen Chicken' flavor.  Although 
it does lack a soup base as do all of Indomie's products but the special curlies, it's very 
chickeny and great with eggs and even better with a bit of chicken.

Product Website: http://www.indofood.co.id/

Kim Ve Wong Brand Jaopai Series: Vegetarian Instant Noodles Mixed Flavor Bowl

Stars: ZERO
Notes:  Never thought it possible to give a zero star rating to noodles, but this one gets it for sure.
             Sometimes, the noodles I try are almost too hot to eat, but I eat them anyways.  However,
             these noodles weren't at all palatable; they were horrid.  A bowl with a retort pouch and a
             sesame oil packet and base.  Very nasty, due to the low quality retort pouch innards.  I
             wouldn't wish this stuff on my worst enemy.

Knorr: Seafood Taste Cup

Stars: nr

             Product Website:  http://www.knorr.com

Kung Fu: Chicken Flavor

Stars: *
NotesWell, as far as this stuff goes, I can truthfully say NOTHING SPECIAL GPING ON HERE.  I really
            was hoping I would be able to beat up bad guys and work it like Jackie Chan after eating it, but
            this was not even remotely the case.  Basically a bowl of chicken flavor noodles.  Very much like
            your standard Americanized noodles you'd find in a big supermarket.

Little Cook: Pork & Mustard Stem Bowl

Stars: 1/2
Notes:    This stuff is bad - very bad.  Boasting great flavor because of fresh meat and
                vegetables [retort pouch], the freshness wasn't there.  As with many bowl noodles,
                the ramen's quality is overlooked and the retort pouch is added.  The pok was
                spongy, like wet pork rinds and had a bitter, almopst sour coffee taste.

Lucky Me: Chili Mansi Flavor

Stars: ***
Notes: This is like the Kalamansi [Lime] flavor, but with a little kick.  Perfect noodle to 
go with gin and tonics.

Lucky Me: Bulalo Flavor Bowl [Beef Marrow]

Stars: ***
Notes:  This stuff was really decent - tasted like good beef broth and the noodles stood
             firm and potent.  What this bowl needed was perhaps a packet of dried onions
             with it - would have pobably earned it another star.

Lucky Me: WOK Noodles - Savoury Shrimp Flavor

Stars: nr

Lucky Me: Citrus Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes:  This was something new for sure - citrus ramen?  Well, it didn't taste all that
              extremely fruity.  I ate it without any adulterants [veggies, chicken, eggs etc]
              and found it to be quite good - was like the way lemon juice highlights a good
              salmon dish.  Was definitely lime juice doing all the marketing here.

Lucky Me: Hot Chili Flavor
Stars: ***
Notes:  I was quite ill with horrible seasonal allergies when I tried this flavor, but
              it was about perfect.  What I found odd was that since ramen packs that
              say hot chili usually live up to the name - not this one - not hot at all. I
              suppose it could be due to the fact that I was sick and couldn't taste much...

Lucky Me: Itnok
Stars: ***
Notes:  This is some really decent stuff.  A very tasty chicken broth and very curious noodles
           round out this small bag.  It seems this may be a children's style of ramen also.

Lucky Me: Lusog Sarap
Stars: nr

Lucky Me: Lusog Sarap Beef
Stars: nr

Mama: Oriental Style Instant (Chand Clear Soup)

Stars: ***
Notes:  This stuff ain't too bad.  Definitely rice noodles.  The broth was extremely good - a little
              spicy, but clear as it purports.  Tasted like a celery soup.  Did just fine with it even
              though I have a severe unrelated gut-ache.

             Product Website: http://www.yifanmall.com/english/product.asp?id=102

Maggi: Pansit Canton with Kalamansi

Stars: nr

Maruchan: Noodle Soup - Shrimp Flavor

Stars: **
Notes:  I don't know why, but the ramen companies that cater to the U.S. customer really dropped the
             ball here - there's only one packet and the noodles are of very poor quality.  However, this type of ramen's
             saving grace is it's ability to be used to make a bastardized version of 'Spaetzel," a Scandinavian dish.

             Product Website:  http://www.maruchan.co.jp/index2.html

Mi Hai:  Crab Flavor and Prawn Flavor

Stars: *** 1/2
Notes:  This is some really decent stuff - not a whole lot to it, but definitely tastes like crab and prawn.
              The noodles are better than expected too.  One note though, it does tend to give me extremely bad
              heartburn.  I don't like that.

             Product Website: http://www.ramencity.com/asian/asianm21.htm

Myojo: Brown Package

Stars: nr

Myojo: Ippeichan Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles
Stars: ****
Notes: This stuff was way cool - it cxomes in a box with four seasoning packets.  So ya take em' out and
            fill it up to the line with boiling water for 3 minutes.  Then, you drain it [the lid has very keen drain
            spouts] and mix in the flavors.  There's vegetables, nori, soba sauce and this very odd packet
            of mustard mayonnaise.  Wish that dijonnaise tasted halfd as good.  So yeah - very good box
            of ramen, and lives up to it's claim of being japanese style.

Myojo: Special Duck Flavor

Stars: *
Notes:  This stuff is nasty.  It does live up to being duck flavored, as it's VERY gamey and really
             stinks.  Will NEVER eat this again.

             Product Website: http://www.mama.th.com/TMFoods_Profile.htm