Tag: 漢斯里納許

#4310: A Taste Of Thai Peanut Noodles – United States

#4294: A Taste Of Thai Peanut Noodles - United States

As I’ve mentioned on Instant Noodle Recipe Time episodes lately, I’m running incredibly low on instant noodles to review. Found this one at the local Safeway grocery store today. Mind you, today is May 18th, 2022 and this will be probably posting in late September or early October. Why is that? Well, I do three reviews a day – and done that most days in the last month or so, so I’m not only ahead, I’m way ahead. Today I posted review #4153 – this is review #4294, so that’s 139 reviews ahead – possibly the farthest ahead I’ve been ever. I’ve really found a groove and I’m loathe to mess with it. I get up early, get the kids ready for the day, my wife heads to work, and between 715 and 8am, I do three reviews. After I get my son on the bus around 9am, I then come back and do up the videos and images and save my review. Then I get my daughter on the bus a bit later and go out walking ten miles, get home about a half hour before I have to go pick my daughter up from the bus, then start taking pics of the varieties I’ll be reviewing the next morning. It really works out great! But yeah – I’ve run through a hoard of varieties in the past month or so. This one sounded interesting. I also noticed today that the categories drop-down that has been on the website forever wasn’t there anymore, so I fixed that. ...see full post

Samyang Buldak 2x Spicy Ice Cream

Samyang Buldak 2x Spicy Ice Cream

Well, today is the big election day – lots of issues, too many political ads. This guy eats babies, that lady wants you to suffer. It’s pretty tiring – but this should serve as a respite before the very end of it… Well, hopefully the end of it – I’m sure it will get even more ridiculous – hopefully I’m wrong. But there’s nothing like ice cream. I’ve sworn off recreational use of ice cream – been over a month. The only ice cream I’m having now comes from these creations in my kitchen. This is research kitchen ice cream. ...see full post

Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Pizza Party!

Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Pizza Party!

Well, once again, it’s pizza time. Time for a pizza party. If you like ramen and pizza, this is the place for you as the two worlds collide in this special post. So, why ramen infused pizza? Why the heck not? Anyone can make pizza, and the pizzas I’ve seen involving ramen in the past have sounded more like silly things rather than something intended to be delightful and somewhat gourmet-ish. Today dear friends, I rescue you from marinara atop uncooked noodle bricks! Today I bring you the Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Pizza Party! ...see full post

Maruchan Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup Ice Cream

Over the last year or so, I’ve been experimenting with infusing bread with instant noodles and their seasonings and making pizza with instant noodles. What’s the next logical step? Well, ice cream of course! Perhaps not logical, but it seemed like something to try. This is the first of many different ice creams I’ll be making which include noodles and seasonings from instant varieties. ...see full post

#4309: Samyang Foods Buldak 2x Spicy Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Cup – United States

#4309: Samyang Foods Buldak 2x SpicyArtificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen - United States

You know, I was surprised. Thought I’d reviewed the 2x Spicy cup before – but apparently, I hadn’t! Lucky me! I’m curious if this will burn my face off. While I thoroughly enjoyed my recent review of the Curry Buldak, it was less spicy than I’d expected. How will this one fare? I’m guessing it’ll light my mouth on fire! Let’s find out! ...see full post

#4308: Marutai Asahikawa Soy Sauce Ramen – Japan

#4308: Marutai Asahikawa Soy Sauce Ramen - Japan

Well, it appears it’s time for something from Japan. Hopefully I’ll be doing more Japanese stuff again soon, but currently this is the only variety I have. This is another one I got at the Bellevue S*Mart – and it has a story. It was on the shelf, however it hadn’t been entered into the system as of yet. The lady called the manager to come down and had us wait. We were about to leave (two young children aren’t too interested in standing at a check stand for long before troublemaking ensues). Well, he came down, then went back up to enter it into the system. So we got it. It’s a really interesting store – they’re got a lot of stuff I haven’t seen anywhere else. Well, it’s probably a good one to wait for – Marutai straight noodle ramen products tend to be some of the best around. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Homiah Sends Flavors Of Southeast Asia!

Homiah Sends Flavors Of Southeast Asia!

I got an email from Michelle over at Homiah.com recently. She mentioned she started a company out of her apartment in New York – one to expose people here to the flavors and nuance of Southeast Asian cuisine. Well, she sent me a box of her products and it’s really amazing stuff – all 5 stars, all top notch. Check out what she sent as well as images of what I created which will appear in upcoming posts! ...see full post

#4428: Homiah Singaporean Laksa / Laksa Noodle – United States

#4228: Homiah Singaporean Laksa / Laksa Noodle - United States

I was contacted recently by a woman named Michelle over at www.homiah.com – a website specializing in the flavors of Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. She asked if I’d like to try some of their products and of course I’m all in on that. So this is the second of three reviews I’ll be doing – stay tuned for the last one. The products are gluten free and as I’m writing this after trying this red curry, so far so very good. Let’s cook some laksa! ...see full post

#4300: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor – United States

#4300: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor - United States

Okay yeah I know. ‘What? You’ve never had this? The hell kind of Ramen Rater are you?’ Fine. That’s a logical thing. Well, let’s see – that was over 4000 reviews before. This isn’t a re-review, this is a completely new review. Suppliers and sourcing changes throughout the years, and tastes change. here is the original review. #104! This is review @4300. God, that’s insane. Only 700 reviews until I hit 5000. What am I going to review for 5000? It better be absolutely fascinating. Well, let’s do this up. ...see full post

#4296: Paldo Teumsae Stir-Fried Ramen – South Korea

#4296: Paldo Teumsae Stir-Fried Ramen - South Korea

If you’ve been following my reviews lately, you might wonder why this isn’t marked as for the USA – but the thing is if you look, it’s in English as well as French. This definitely means this is for the US and Canada – so, since I can’t pin it down for one or the other, this one gets the country of origin’s stamp on the review. ...see full post

#4294: Mom’s Dry Noodle Spicy Goose Oil With Shallot – Taiwan

#4310: Mom's Dry Noodle Spicy Goose Oil With Shallot - Taiwan

It’s probably a surprise to you, but I haven’t done a regular review in about a month. Why? Well, for almost two months I was doing 3 reviews a day, almost every day. So, I got way ahead of myself and decided to take a break. I also ran out of noodles and thought maybe I’d let my noodle supply grow a little bit, which it has. This is a variety that came in the last month. I did an interview for a fancy food publication called Magazine F from South Korea – they did a ramen themed issue. They hired a local photographer to do a photo shoot and I made some of this for it. It’s Friday right now – June 23rd. I’m guessing it’ll be late autumn when it comes out. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#4292: MyKuali White Fish Broth Rice Vermicelli – Malaysia

#4292: MyKuali White Fish Broth Rice Vermicelli - Malaysia

I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I have only reviewed the non-rice vermicelli pack version of this – with a wheat noodle. This is some of my favorite soup these folks make. They never fail to surprise – first twas the White Curry, then the Hokkien Mee, and then the Red Tom Yum Goong – and then this one. I should mention the mi goreng that has a spicy prawn bite to it as well. These folks are a real powerhouse when it comes to my tastebuds. Let’s give this pack version of their White Fish Broth rice vermicelli! ...see full post

#4289: Ibumie Penang White CurryMee – Malaysia

#4289: Ibumie Penang White CurryMee - Malaysia

I tried this way back – looks like I reviewed it on Christmas Day of 2014! They’ve changed packaging a bit since then; they used to feature a little info about Malaysia and Penang in particular – but that’s fallen by the wayside it seems. This pack is very interesting as it comes with a ‘free face mask holder’ which I find thoroughly fascinating. I’m guessing in the almost seven years between tastings, this has changed a bit. When companies make things on a large sale, they rely on ingredients from different sources. Those sources may not be able to supply the ingredients they once did, so a new ingredient may be used instead. Also, companies (especially Malaysian ones) like to update their recipes often. Let’s give this one a try – and check out that mask holder! ...see full post

#4287: Annie Chun’s Korean Style Spicy Ramen Soup Bowl – United States

#4287: Annie Chun's Korean Style Spicy Ramen Soup Bowl - United States

It’s been a rough go for brands from the US I’ve not reviewed a ton of before. It really surprises me how many zero star scores I’ve given lately. I have a feeling (and hope) this one’s different. See where it says CJ Foods next to the Annie Chun’s logo? That’s a Korean company. If they’re making this line, I would think that they could make a great spicy Korean ramen. Then again I see corn is an ingredient which is very odd. Ah well – come on let’s give it a go! ...see full post

#4286: Samyang Foods Buldak Curry Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen – United States

#4286: Samyang Foods Buldak Curry Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen - United States

It’s been a long time since I reviewed a Buldak variety, that’s for sure! I have tried the curry before, but it’s been a very, very long time. The packaging is new, and I’m guessing the recipe is slightly different as well. Below you can see everything about this including my review, a video of cooking it, and then of course, a mukbang. This is the version for export to the United States. Let’s give it a go – hope I can handle it! ...see full post

#4285: Maruchan Ramen Bowl Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#4285: Maruchan Ramen Bowl Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

The last one of these I tried was really quite good. It had a ton of noodles, and an excellent chicken flavor which was perfect for Western palates. I’m curious how the spicy element will go with this one. Shall we find out? I should add that if you look in the ingredients, it mentions habanero! ...see full post

#4284: Lotus Foods Spicy Kimchi Rice Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#4284: Lotus Foods Spicy Kimchi Rice Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

Well, hmm. This is the third variety of these I’ll be trying and the first two did very poorly. They both got zero stars. It really bums me out because these folks make some amazing rice products, but I have to say the translation into ramen makes my palate wretch. Hopefully, this one will be better! Third time’s the charm? We shall see. ...see full post

#4283: Dragonfly Premium Hot & Sour Instant Vermicelli – United States

#4283: Dragonfly Premium Hot & Sour Instant Vermicelli - United States

This one’s an interesting specimen . You might be a hardcore instant noodle fan and notice the font of ‘premium’ and the color scheme. Definitely might remind you of something completely different. This one’s definitely packaged for US sale. I’ve had quite a few varieties from Dragonfly and found them generally to be quite good. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#4282: Nissin U.F.O. Truffle Carbonara Flavour Yakisoba – Singapore

#4421: Nissin U.F.O. Truffle Carbonara Flavour Yakisoba - Singapore

This is pretty cool – it only arrived a day or so ago and it’s only around for a short time I believe, so I’m rushing it out. I definitely like carbonara. Truffles are interesting from what I’ve experienced of them. I used to visit a restaurant every once in a while called Perche No in Seattle – an Italian restaurant whose head chef was Malaysian! Anyways, he made all sorts of fascinating fusions. Was at a special dinner there once and he brought out a big container of truffles and let us check them out. Truffles are hard to describe; kind of like the finest old book smell but edible. It’s really different and compelling. Well, this yakisoba has aromatics of truffle which is very interesting to me. Big thank you goes out to Nissin Singapore for contacting me about these and sending some! Let’s get to it. ...see full post

#4281: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sesame Paste Flavor Noodle – Taiwan

#4281: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sesame Paste Flavor Noodle - Taiwan

The last one of these I tried was quite good. This one is a sesame paste flavor. Many would liken it to peanut butter, but it’s a bit different usually. It’s really a nice way to liven up dry noodles, that’s for sure. I’ve had it cold on the streets of Taipei – and it was really delicious. I have to say, visiting Taiwan has been a highlight of my days on Earth. It’s a vibrant place full of new things to try. Yeah – don’t be a square – visit the beautiful island of Taiwan. ...see full post