This is manufactured in South Korea, yes – but this one’s specifically for the Us market. I’ve had the pack version and it was really great. Let’s cook up a bowl!
Tag: 拉麺
#4699: Acecook Tomyum Soup Instant Noodle – South Korea
Thisd is a very interesting one found at GMart in Lynnwood, Washington state. This is made by Acecook Vietnam for the South Korean market. Honestly, I’ve never heard of tomyum eaten in South Korea. Do they do that? Thai food is popular in Taiwan, that much I know. Malaysia too – but they’re neighbors so that makes sense. I suppose they wouldn’t make this is nobody liked tomyum soup in South Korea. Anyways, it’s interesting – let’s checkk it out.
#4698: Galanlang Lanzhou Noodles – China
Think I found this one at 99 Ranch Market. I’ve had a few Lanzhou beef noodle instant varieties before. Let’s see how this stacks up.
#4697: Myojo Chuka Zanmai Tategata Akasaka Rikyu Canton Fu Shoyu – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
The Wonderful Easy Ramen Grilled Cheese!
I went out walking yesterday morning and it was cold – like 17 degrees cold. That’s -7 to those blessed with the mtric system. Anyways, wind chill dropped it to 8 and it was cold – bitter cold. While out walking, I had a thought – it would be fun to make something weird in the kitchen after I did my regular reviews for the day. So, that’s what I did and here it is.
#4696: YouUs GS Retail Premium Omori Kimchi Stew Ramyun – United States
Found this one at GMart – that’s yet another Korean grocery, one in Lynnwood, Washington. Cool place actually – especially since I’ve not been there awhile so found some groovy stuff. Let’s try this, the pack version – made in South Korea, packaged for the US market.
#4695: Norita Tonkotsu Ramen Miso Pork Flavor – United States
Another one from James of Lakeside, CA – thanks! He noticed me reviewing the Norita products and that I was curious about more, so he sent this. Let’s see what we have here.
#4694: Indomie Kori Aromali Hazir Noodle (Curry Noodle) – Turkey
Woot woot! Another cool one from James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again! This will only be the second Turkish made instant noodle I’ve ever reviewed. Ever. Plus, it’s curry. Let’s do it!
#4693: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Classic – Germany
Well, here’s the last of the big Soba varieties that Nissin Germany sent – thanks again! I’ve got a bunch of other Nissin Germany stuff to review so that will be forthcoming. Let’s give it a try.
#4692: Culley’s World’s Hottest Ramen Noodles 2.0 – New Zealand
In the light of the recent Denmark debacle, I thought I’d update this one a little bit with where you can get it below. This one makes Buldak 3x taste like cotton candy. It’s like the difference between iced tea and straight Everclear. Be warned.
#4691: You Us GS Retail Extra Spicy Jjamppong – South Korea
Ahhhh jjamppong! Awesome – I freaking really love jjamppong. Seafood and spicy and sometimes smoky – kind of imparts a grilled seafood flavor – those are the best. Let’s waste no time and give it a try!
#4690: Sugakiya Ginza Kamitoku Kanshu Tottori Gold Gyukotsu Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4689: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Chili – Germany
So my sister is really into German stuff and when I review these, I save the plastic cups for her knick knack shelf. Just noticed this appears to have a Vegan logo on the lower right there. This morning, my wife is flying to the memorial service for her grandfather in California, so I’ve got a few days solo with the kids which will be nice but we’re already missing her. Her grandfather was quite a guy – I did a slideshow for them with music if you want to check it out. He was a 3 time purple heart recipient and was in WWII. He was a neat guy and will really be missed. Anyways, let’s cook up some yakisoba!
#4688: Hezhai Sour Soup Noodles – China
This one looks really interesting as you’ll see below with the noodles. Found this at 99 Ranch Market – they’ve had quite a few of this brand and I think I have one more. Time to review…
#4687: Trader Joe’s Peanut Satay Thai Noodles – United States
Here’s the second variety of these Trader Joe’s Thai noodles. The last one I tried was the red curry, and it wasn’t bad. Let’s see how they approximate peanut satay.
#4686: Myojo Ippei chan Yaten no Yakisoba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4685: Bulramen Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Carbonara – South Korea
Usually I try to track down the manufacturer and this one if rather difficult. It seems that Seoul Trading is distributing it, but not the manufacturer. It’s made in South Korea, however. There are three varieties of these – this carbonara, a spicy, and a fire spicy. This one gets a South Korea label since it’s an export version for many countries. Let’s see how spicy this stuff is.
UNBOXING: Culley’s World’s Hottest Ramen 2.0
So you might think ‘with a claim like that, I bet it’s not hot at all.’ Well, you’d be wrong. Mr. Culley has let me know that this is hotter than the original version, which was quite hjonestly the hottest variety I’ve had to date and it blew my head off and had me writhing on the floor for hours. Not joking. Here’s the unboxing, and below that is the video where I ate the original 1.0 version and as you can see and hear, it cleaned my clock. You might be wondering when you will get to see me go through the baptism of fire yet again – and all I can say is that it will be quite soon. It’ll be getting fast tracked too, so I’m guessing in the first week of 2024. Plan is to do it on a day the kids have a full day of school so I can do it right away and have time to recover and get a full kitchen cleaning done as getting this in their eyes or mouth would be really more painful that I can imagine. So check it out – amazing looking stuff!
#4684: MyKuali Penang Mi Goreng Mamak – Malaysia
Here’s the second of the new varieties of MyKuali’s new stuff, the other being their Black Curry. If you’ve never tried any of MyKuali’s offerings, you really owe it to yourself to do so. The flavors of Malaysia are simply more than you’ve probably ever experienced in the United States; bright, strong and truly wonderful. Surely, you’ve heard of mi goreng, but here’s a little on the term mamak from Wikiedia – Ramen Unboxing – January 2024 + Coupon Code
It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out!
#4683: Marutai Kagoshima Tonkotsu Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup – Japan
The third and final iteration of the Marutai varieties found at the Bellevue, WA Uwajimaya supermarket. My daughter Mimi picked a couple varieties at 99 Ranch Market that day and one was a tonkotsu. She tried the Kumamoto Marutai and liked it, so she’s going to get to try this one too. Ramen Unboxing – December 2023 + Coupon Code
It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out!
#4682: Paldo Teum-sae Stir Fried Ramen For Spicy Lovers – United States
For those who crave spicy things, here’s Paldo’s Teum-sae. It didn’t used to be hyphenated, but it is now. There’s the soup version, and then this, the dry noodle version. Let’s do this.
#4681: Nissin Geki Instant Fried Noodles HOT Carbo Flavour – Indonesia
Another one from Pher Engi of Australia – Thank you!! This looks to be a play on Buldak perhaps which usually is nott a good idea. However, you never know. Let’s see how spicy this is.
#4680: Nissin Ramen Masters Special Miso Ramen – Germany
This looks interesting – haven’t seen this range before, so assuming it’s new! This is from Nissin’s German arm and is a collab between them and different ramen restaurants in Japan – pretty cool. Let’s give it a try!
#4679: Nissin Assari Odashi ga Oishi Donbe Umakara Chige Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4678: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Screamin’ Sichuan Beef Flavor – United States
This is the second of two pack versions of Nissin Fire Wok, this time a beef variant. This one’s supposed be hotter than the chicken one I reviewed prior – I guess we will see.
#4677: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Torched Teriyaki Chicken – United States
I was contacted by Nissin USA a few weeks ago and learned about this one and it sounded interesting. Indeed, their Fire Wok bowls are quite good – especially the Sizzlin’ Rich Pork. Pack versions? Interested! So I hit them up and they provided. There’s this one and another. Let’s give it a try!
Nissin Sends New Fire Wok Pack Version!
When Nissin USA contacted me about pack versions, I was very interested – and they were kind enough to send some! Today we’ll unbox – and following this one I’ll share a review of the chicken variety as well as a mukbang, so stay tuned!
#4676: Paldo Teum-sae Ramen For Spicy Lovers – United States
It’s time for some of the old ‘Fun&Yum’ (Paldo’s motto) with a bowl of Teum-sae ramen. It used to be just Teumsae I swear but now it’s hyphenated. These newly packaged varieties feature this woman on the package and it appears she has trouble getting her jacket over her angular shoulders or something. Well, let’s give it a try!
Happy 7th Birthday Miriam! Repost: #2330: Ve Wong Little Prince(ss) Brand Snack Noodles Artificial Mexican Pizza Flavor
So I did this review the morning that my daughter Miriam was born seven years ago today. Happy Birthday, Miriam! I’ve been reposting it every year with a little update. So, here it is!
#4675: Nissin Cup Noodles Thai Style Crab Curry Flavour – Hong Kong
Another great one sent by Pher Engi – thanks again! I used to see these very commonly – never this variety though. They’d have ton of them at 99 Ranch Market and now I don’t see them at all. Very strange. Well, this one looks really good so without further ado let’s cook ’em up!
#4674: Yum Yum Pad Thai Thai Style Stir Fried Noodles – Thailand
Big thanks to Pher Engi of Australia for sending these over!! It always cracks me up – almost all Thai brands have the same sound twice as their brand name. Yum Yum works here – and pad Thai sounds really good. Curious how it will be – a dry noodle? Let’s find out.
#4673: Marutai Kumamoto Tonkotsu Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup – Japan
Here’s another one we found at Uwajimaya a couple weeks ago. Marutai stuff is quite wonderful – especially their Kumamaoto variants. Without further ado!
#4672: Indomie Sebzeli Hazir Noodle Vegetables Flavour – Turkey
Huge thanks to James from Lakeside, California for including this and two others from this range in his last box he sent. Yeah – Turkish ramen! Indomie has factories all over the place! Let’s cook it up!
#4671: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Teriyaki – Germany
Big thanks to the folks at Nissin Foods Germany for sending this and quite a few others my way! These are really neat cups and now they’re even bigger! That means a lot of yakisoba. Let’s make it!
UPDATE: The Ramen Rater Humbly Asks For Your Help
UPDATE 12/8/2023 – I want to personally thank every single one of your for your donations – it’s really been kind and immensely helpful to my family. We could still really use your help, though. If you can, we would really apreciate it. Again, thank you so much for helping with donations!
I’ve been reviewing instant noodles since 2002, doing episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time, The Chocolate Break with my wife, Professional Mukbang, Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater and more. Right now, we’re in a pretty crummy financial situation and hoping that some of the fans will be able to help out. I really loathe asking like this. I’ve set up a GoFundMe. It really is strange – you hear about statistics like ‘this percentage are one paycheck away from financial ruin.’ I love going to the thrift store and finding some trinket on the cheap. Right now, that’s a luxury I can’t even fathom, really. What’s crummy too is the time of the year that this is happening. Holidays plus my daughter’s birthday is a week before Christmas. Ugh. Here’s the link if you can help out.
#4670: Shen Gong Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup – United States
Here’s another one I found at 99 Ranch Market recently. Again, Vietnamese flavor, new Chinese authentic style, and packaged for sale in the United States. It’s almost as if it’s got some kind of flavorful identity crisis! But it sounds interesting so let’s get to it.
#4669: Acecook Tategata Nomihosu Wakayama Kotteri Chuka Soba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4668: FF (Fashion Food) Tom Yum Shrimp – Thailand
Another great one sent by Pher Engi – thanks! This should be pretty good – tom yum is an excellent flavor. Let’s give it a try!