Recently, I added a chat feature to The Ramen Rater, allowing readers to comment and ask me questions directly. It’s been very eye-opening; great to hear about why people are here and what they’re interested in seeing. One thing I have been asked repeatedly is ‘when will there be an update to the Japan list?’ Well, I heard you. The last list came out in 2014. I’ve been reviewing a LOT of Japanese varieties lately, and it looks like there will be an influx of Japanese varieties for the foreseeable future crossing my desk. This most likely will be an annual list from now on. With that being said I should also mention that with the huge amount of varieties that are released annually in Japan, many are discontinued. While this is the ‘of all time list,’ spanning all my reviews, I try to make sure that what is on it is available. This is very hard with Japanese varieties. Finally, I should mention also that if you’re an instant noodle manufacturer from Japan or elsewhere for that matter and you’d like me to review your products, I encourage you to use the contact form and drop me a line. That being said, let’s take a look at this new list, encompassing my favorite and most memorable reviews from the over 2,500 reviews I’ve done to date.
Tag: 日清食品
#2265: Nissin Cup Noodles Rich Soft Shelled Turtle Soup
Thhis was sent to me by Ippin, a purveyor of wonderful Japanese items! Thank you again! I heard about this variety a few months back and was immediately interested. I’ve never had turtle soup although I’ve heard it’s a very fancy dish. This new Cup Noodle Rich line is supposed to be very fancy and quite nice – excited to try it! This one isn’t available as it has been discontinued by the manufacturer and I don’t think anyone is selling it anymore (Ippin mentioned that they weren’t selling it either). There was some concern by animal rights activists over it being turtle flavor. Kind of confused by this since turtle seems to be available most places. But that’s a conversation for a different day – today is about flavor – let’s give it a try!
#2221: Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood Flavor
I know, I know… ‘You haven’t reviewed THIS one yet?!’ This was sent to me by a reader named Colin (thanks again!) and he got it at a specialty shop in Mexico. This is a really common Japanese Cup Noodle but I’ve never been able to get a hoold of it – until now. Let’s give it a look!
#2195: Nissin Gyorai Inaniwa Chuka Soba
Here’s a new one from Javier over at Box From Japan offers subscription boxes of instant noodles and other Japan related awesomeness like candy! For $25/month, you get 4 really unique instant noodle bowls to your door – that includes shipping. What’s more, so far I’ve not received one duplicate or any I’ve ever reviewed before, which is quite amazing since I’m approaching 2,200 reviews. Here’s what they had to say about this variety –
#2189: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour
Here’s one of the many I still have left from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. They sure have a lot of SKU’s! Sesame Demae Ramen is a classic favorite around the world and especially in Hong Kong. Let’s check out the cup version!
#1605: Nissin Demae Iccho Mushroom With Vegetables Flavour Macaroni
Another one I figured I ought to get to before we move. This one is from Hong Kong and one of a line of interesting flavored macaroni instants by Nissin. Amongst them are seafood, chicken and abalone and many more. Let’s check out this mushroom vegetable flavored Nissin Demae Iccho variant!
#1578: Nissin Gonbuto Tempura Udon
I thought today would be a nice day to deal with one I’ve been a little confused about. The instructions on this one have had me confused; drain it but it has soup? Hmmm… Well, a YouTube video I found helped with that and now it makes a lot of sense! In fact, it’s looking like a very easy one to prepare to be honest. Let’s have a look at this Nissin Gonbuto Tempura Udon and it’s unique preparation.
#1566: Nissin Cup Noodles Tomato Enjoy Noodles With Hot Soup
This one I got at a large Indian grocery in Bellevue a month of so ago. I had a couple from this line waaay back – a Pani Puri and a Manchurian one. This one sounds pretty good to me – also curious how must of the hot sour I’ll enjoy as I’m going to bet this sucks up almost all the liquid. Anyways, let’s see!
Christmas Review: #1263: Nissin Cup Noodle Curry X Gunpla RX-78-2 Gundam
I’ve been really wanting to review this one before now but I decided to do it for the Christmas review quite a while back. I don’t usually barge in with a different review during Meet The Manufacturer, but it’s Christmas so here it is. The ABC President Meet The Manufacturer will continue after Christmas. For now, let’s check out this cup. I’ve had cups that have come with little doo dads before; a ticket for a contest, a sticker, a little card… But this is something completely different. A little model kit! Let’s check it out!
#1241: Nissin Donbei Kansai Soy Sauce Flavor Udon
Was digging through the box today and decided I’d better get on this one. I couldn’t really find a lot about it other than the Google translation from Nissin Japan’s site. It mentions something about being special for the rainy season. Also mentions seaweed. Let’s give it a try!
#1158: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Noodle With Soup Base XO Sauce Seafood Flavour
Here’s another one my wife got me up in Canada on my birthday earlier this year! This is one big cup of noodles! You might be wondering what XO Sauce is. Well, the ‘XO’ part is a status thing; it’s considered to be a prestigious prefix in Asia denoting luxury or high quality as in cognac. As for what’s in it, Wikipedia says:
#1107: Nissin Demae Ramen Kimchi Flavour Instant Noodle With Soup Base
Another one from my birthday trip to Canada – thanks, Kit! I’ve seen plenty of Demae Ramen varieties, but not until I visited Canada did I find bowls! Let’s check it out.
#1083: Nissin GooTa Demi Hamburg-Men
Well looky what we got here! This was one of the new varieties sent by Ichiro Yamoto of Yakantei! So if you’re wondering what this is, it’s a special cup of noodles that includes a dehydrated hamburger patty. No joke! Let’s have a look at this one!
#1069: Nissin Raoh Rich Miso Flavor
Here’s another one sent by Scott over at Nissin – thanks! Turns out the expiration dates on these are short so thought I’d better hit it up! Rich miso flavor… Pretty fancy bowl – let’s give it a try!