Tag: 074603005212

#4646: Samyang Foods Samyang Ramen – United States

#4646: Samyang Foods Samyang Ramen - United States

So here’s one I’ve really enjoyed for a long time. Indeed, it has also been in exitence for quite awhile as well. It’s the original variety that was introduced to the South Korean market back in 1963. Initially, it was mistaken as a textile which is kind of funny, but that didn’t last long at all. This is the packaging for export, but it’s the same as what you’ll find in South Korea. ...see full post

Re-Review: Samyang Ramen

A few weeks back I was at an HMart – the one on 184th next to Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood, Washington state. I saw this perky orange pack practically jumping off the shelf at me saying ‘pick me, pick me!’ I’ve reviewed this one a couple times in the past, but it just screamed eat me. Today, I’ve got so much craziness going on – I’ll let you in on it. First, I want to say that if you take really long flights, you should get up and walk around every hour or so. Why? Well, when you don’t, you can end up with blood clots in your legs. Then those blood clots can get into your lungs. Then you can end up in the hospital like I did last weekend with my first IV in my arm and a very timid feeling for the universe. Luckily, I’ll be fine, but it could’ve been much worse (i.e., no more The Ramen Rater). I’ve been having to get my blood checked, get injections this week… Not much fun. On the up side, I should be fine – the only pain I’m in is from shots (fleeting little bits of pain when I’m jabbed) and the clots will go away naturally. The other crazy business is that in 9 days Kit and I expecting our second child together! We’re very excited and I’ll definitely post pictures of her when she’s born! Those are the bigguns – aside from those, I have a sore tooth (drove me bonkers in the last 24 hours but totally eased up now), it’s about to snow any minute now, and oh yeah – Christmas is just around the corner! A lot in a small period of time. New life and dodging a bullet. Wow. Today, I slept in a little and decided to skip reviewing. Well, couldn’t figure out what to have for lunch – I didn’t want anything that would anger the tooth again, and so again this orange pack of noodles was staring at me. Today is your day! ...see full post