Tag: 2788

Meet The Manufacturer: #2788: Mike’s Mighty Good Craft Ramen Fried Garlic Chicken Flavor Ramen Soup

Meet The Manufacturert: #2788: Mike's Mighty Good Craft Ramen Fried Garlic Chicken Flavor Ramen Soup

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Usually, the first instant product a noodle company will put out will be chicken flavor. In fact, the first instant noodle product that was ever produced was chicken flavor. Chicken is just about universally palatable, and most don’t have a religious rule against it. A chicken instant noodle is the beginning and so that’s where we will start today. Fried garlic chicken sounds really good, and on the package, it promises an ‘insanely rich broth.’ Alright – the proof is in the noodle – let’s give it a try! ...see full post