Part of The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods’ Buldak Bokkeummyun Series
HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen / 불닭볶음면 / Buldak Bokkueummyun
Launch 2012.4.16 / SHU 4,404
This one came by way of eBay seller 1theKorea – they’ve got all sorts of neat South Korean varieties, and lots of the spicy ones that aren’t the easiest to find or are unavailable in the USA. This is the variety that set off the Fire Noodle Challenge. In reality, Buldak Bokkeummyun is spicy fried chicken flavor. In South Korea as well as many places in Asia, fried chicken is extremely popular. Korean fried chicken is great; double coated and comes in violently spicy, regular and honey garlic to name a few.