Tag: 886350067793

#5081: Prima Taste Singapore Wholegrain Laksa LaMian – Singapore

#5212: Prima Taste Singapore Wholegrain Laksa LaMian - Singapore

Hey look – it’s different! Yep – slightly smaller size and new design. I should note it won’t be in the West for a while.  I needed to gather some things to be able to review these – you’ll see what it’s garnished. This has been my absolutely favorite instant noodle products for a very, very long time, I first tried the non-wholegrain version back in 2013 and I remember calling a friend who worked at another company and told them – ‘take notice of this – things are changing.’ Well, they have. With this review I’m also unveiling my new background. I’d been using a woven black plastic placemat for about ten years. It was time to change. This is a flooring plank cut to size and I’m pretty happy with it – you’ll see it more as time goes on. Anyways, on to the cooking – I’m very excited to try these again for the first time in the new package/size. Let us begin. ...see full post