Tag: 8935311111768

#5103: Vifon Mien Suon Heo Instant Bean Thread Pork Rib Flavor – Vietnam

#4960: Vifon Mien Suon Heo Instant Bean Thread Pork Rib Flavor - Vietnam

I don’t know what I did… Maybe it was the amount of walking I’ve been doing… I do tend to walk as fast as I can… I have a suspiciom it was stretching to grab a bowl off the high shelf that was accompanied by a little feeling and sounded like biting a piece of raw chicken gristle. Whatever it was, I’m really sore. Not fun. Anyways, enough griping  – found this one at Evergreen Asian Market in Everett, Washington. What’s more, is the pack green or pink? I thought it was green the whole time. Colors can be really hard for me to see. Better consult an expert. Well, my daughter says it’s pink. Alright – it’s pink. Let’s cook it up. ...see full post