Tag: a-sha dry noodle

#4446: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle Dream Team Scallion Sauce – United States

#4441: A-Sha BT21 Dan Dan Noodle With BT21 Sauce - United States

First off, thanks to the folks at A-Sha USA for sending these over! There are two different boxes, four varieties in total. I thought I’d go with this box first. So, I live under a rock; I’m not exceedingly hip to things that aren’t noodle related or politics related. God, I’m old. I do know there is a Korean group called BTS that’s quite popular, and a messaging service called LINE. Well, LINE did a collab with BTS and made BT21 characters, and A-Sha collaborated with LINE and made these noodles featuring these characters. ...see full post

#4402: A-Sha BT21 Universtar Noodle With BT21 Sauce – United States

#4402: A-Sha BT21 Universtar Noodle With BT21 Sauce - United States

First off, thanks to the folks at A-Sha USA for sending these over! There are two different boxes, four varieties in total. I thought I’d go with this box first. So, I live under a rock; I’m not exceedingly hip to things that aren’t noodle related or politics related. God, I’m old. I do know there is a Korean group called BTS that’s quite popular, and a messaging service called LINE. Well, LINE did a collab with BTS and made BT21 characters, and A-Sha collaborated with LINE and made these noodles featuring these characters. ...see full post

Low Sodium Dry Noodle From A-Sha At Costco

Low Sodium Dry Noodle From A-Sha At Costco

This is a new one – a pretty regular variety from A-Sha, however they’ve done a lower sodium version. Just over 1,000mg per pack – that’s really quite good. This is/will be available at Costco stores, so snatch some up while you can if you like dry noodles! Thanks to A-Sha for sending this over! ...see full post

#4337: A-Sha Crazy Rich Ramen – United States

#4337: A-Sha Crazy Rich Ramen - United States

Okay so first off, a big thanks to A-Sha for sending one of these! Second off, this is a very premium box. Within are noodles, sauce/seasonings, and then some very fancy extras. This box retails for $199. Yeah – that’s a lot. I often tell people when they’re sick there’s nothing better than noodles. Well, that’s maybe if you have influenza. This box however is if you have affluenza. Read on and see what is within! ...see full post

A-Sha Sends $200 Crazy Rich Ramen!

Yeah, you heard that right – $200! Actually, $199 – but close enough. This is an ultra premium variety. I generally tell people that one of the best thing if you’re sick with the flu is to curl up with a bowl of noodles. Well, that’s influenza. If you’re suffering from the needs associated with affluenza, this might be the noodle you’re looking for. I should mention that at the time of this posting, they’re running a sale of it, so it’s $99 bucks and free shipping. Good timing with the holidays and all. The day after this posts, the review for this will come out. Big thanks to A-Sha for sending this over – let’s check out the unboxing! ...see full post

#4272: A-Sha Dry Noodle Badtz-Maru Mandarin Style With Sesame Boss Sauce – United States

#4272: A-Sha Dry Noodle Badtz-Maru Mandarin Style With Sesame Sauce Boss Sauce - United States

Well, folks – this is it. I’ve had a lot of fun reviewing this special Sanrio tie-in series over the last short while. Everything’s quite good. Now we come to the end of the line with this Badtz-Maru variety. Badtz-Maru is one of Hello Kitty’s friends – let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#4268: A-Sha Dry Noodle Keroppi Mandarin Style Noodles With Silly Spicy Sauce – United States

#4268: A-Sha Dry Noodle Keroppi Mandarin Style Noodles With Silly Spicy Sauce - United States

Onto the third review! There are four varieties of these you can find over at www.ashadrynoodle.com. This one is another of Hello Kitty’s friends. I don’t believe it’s frog flavor, but probably more akin to the Hello Kitty supercute soy sauce flavor with some heat. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4264: A-Sha Dry Noodle My Melody Mandarin Style Noodles With Friendly Scallion Sauce – United States

#4264: A-Sha Dry Noodle My Melody Mandarin Style Noodles With Friendly Scallion Sauce - United States

Here’s the second in a series of four Hello Kitty & Friends varieties from A-Sha Dry Noodle of Taiwan. This one’s made for the US market. So far, impressed as the soy sauce one was excellent. Let’s continue on with some friendly scallion sauce noodle – should be able to find them at www.ashadrynoodle.com. ...see full post

#4262: A-Sha Dry Noodle Hello Kitty Mandarin Style Dry Noodles With Supercute Soy Sauce – United States

#4262: A-Sha Dry Noodle Hello Kitty Mandarin Style Dry Noodles With Supercute Soy Sauce - United States

Well, I’ll have you know that my daughter is incredibly pleased this was sent to me. She’s a big fan of Hello Kitty and her friends. My daughter’s name is Mimi, which is the name of Hello Kitty’s sister. Now where it gets weird is that the creator of Hello Kitty says is that she is NOT a cat. She is a girl named Kitty White. Oddly though she does have ears, whiskers, and no mouth. Well, she does in the cartoon and she talks too. Let’s give them a try – definitely one Hello Kitty fans will want to try – should be able to find them at www.ashadrynoodle.com. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition

I’m very happy to announce that the long time that I wasn’t able to step in from of the green screen is over and I’m back to doing top ten videos are back to the way I used to do them. It’s been a long time coming! Turning the family room into a recording studio is hard when the kids aren’t in school! But they’re happily back to enjoying learning and having recess! This is the first of many special videos to come. Taiwanese noodles are among the finest in the world, with such amazing flavors and textures not only born of tradition, but elevated by competition and innovation. This list comprises the best and most memorable varieties I’ve tried from Taiwan – current as of review #3950. ...see full post

#3714: A-Sha Dan Dan Noodle – Taiwan

#3819: A-Sha Dan Dan Noodle - Taiwan

This one is from A-Sha and it’s going to be available at Costco for a limited period just in time for Chinese New Year! Like is says on the box, there’s aren’t any sachets in here; it’s literally just blocks of noodles in individual packages. I’ve got an idea for something to do with these, and I thought I’d get this review out in a timely fashio. So let’s check ’em out and give ’em a try! ...see full post

#3352: A-Sha Rainbow Noodles – Taiwan

#3352: A-Sha Rainbow Noodles - Taiwan

Check this out! Multi-colored noodles! This is an interesting set. What is coloring these? Well, you have Matcha noodle (green) with original sauce, Red Yeast Noodle (red) with onion sauce, Purple Yam Noodle (purple with sesame paste sauce, Danzai Noodle (yellow) with spicy BBQ sauce, and finally Blue-Green Algae Noodle (blue-green) with chili sauce. Pretty neat! I want to try making a bowl of multi-colored noodles I think. This could be interesting! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition

This is the seventh year of the Top Ten Taiwan Instant Noodles list! Every year, I’m truly amazed at the innovation and unique varieties coming from the beautiful island of Taiwan. If you haven’t had the experience of visiting, you really should – the food, the culture – it truly has been a life changing experience for me. Growing up, all I knew of Taiwan was labels on products that simply said ‘made in Taiwan’ – but it so much more. One aspect is the noodle, and they’re really unique and delicious. This is a list of my favorite out of the reviews I’ve done up to number 3,284. Many images you will see have garnish, however only the base product before any is added is what’s reviewed, as in all of my reviews. I hope you enjoy this year’s list and consider trying some of these great varieties if you’ve not tried before – they’re really great! With that, here’s the Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition

Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019

This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition! ...see full post

Unboxing A $15 Gourmet Wagyu Beef Noodle Box – Taiwan

So this is some epic looking stuff. A-Sha USA was kind enough to send one of the fanciest products A-Sha Taiwan makes – their Gourmet Wagyu Beef Noodle Soup. So first things first – you want to get some? Well, it’s only available during the holidays i.e. Lunar New Year – so you might have a year to wait for it. But here I can show you what it looks like and tell you some about it – including the fact that this goes for $15. ...see full post

#2941: A-Sha Dry Noodle Guanmiao Noodle Hakka Sesame Oil Scallion

#2883: A-Sha Dry Noodle Guanmiao Noodle Hakka Sesame Oil Scallion

A-Sha’s US distributor messaged me a little while ago about these new varieties about to hit the US market that are very popular in Taiwan right now. Guanmiao noodles hail from southern Taiwan in the agricultural heartland. Hotter weather and lot of noodles! Let’s crack it open and have a look! ...see full post

Unboxing Time: Guanmiao Noodle Samples From A-Sha Of Taiwan

Unboxing Time: Guanmiao Noodle Samples From A-Sha Of Taiwan

five years ago, there was a big kerfuffle involving myself and the entire island of Taiwan. They weren’t on the Top Ten 2013 Edition and they were angry – to put it mildly. I decided that a little noodle diplomacy was the ticket here and so put out a call for Taiwanese companies to contact me, send me samples and see how it goes. A-Sha was the first company to come calling and since then they’ve kept me updated on their new offerings – let’s have a look at their new Guanmiao noodle! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition

 This is the fourth year of The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time lists. The list definitely has had a lot of movement every year – a good sign as those who produce instant noodles in Taiwan are innovating and producing new styles and flavors all the time! Here are my pick of the tastiest and most memorable Taiwanese varieties from my over 2,000 reviews to date. ...see full post

#2156: A-Sha Chow Mein Oyster Sauce BBQ Flavor

The next edition of The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time will be coming out in about a month, and so I’ll be cramming in as many late ones to arrive as possible. Today, one of a trifecta by A-Sha Dry Noodles – microwavable trays! Definitely something I’ve not seem out of Taiwan before that I can think of. Anyways, let’s give it a whirl in the ol’ microwave! ...see full post

#1638: A-Sha Veggie Noodle Tomato Noodle With Vine Ripened Tomato Sauce

Got this sample recently and been really wanting to try it. Well, today’s the day. They told me that it has a very strong tomato flavor and is ‘robust.’ I have been asked by people quite a few times ‘so whatever happened to the tomato flavor instant noodles? They were really good!’ I’ve never really figured out what the heck they were talking about, guessing that they were referring to a domestic brand most likely. Well, let’s check out A-Sha’s take on tomato! ...see full post

Friday Video: Takeru Kobayashi Chugs Down A-Sha Noodles!

Takeru Kobayashi is one of the most famous competitive eaters in the world. For those who’ve never heard of competitive eating, yes – there’s such a thing! In this episode of a popular Taiwanese TV show, watch him scarf down what looks to be ten bowls of A-Sha noodles! Very impressive! He’s doing some special stuff with A-Sha Dry Noodle right now, and I will have more on that soon! For now, enjoy and Happy Friday! ...see full post

#1058: Meet The Manufacturer: A-Sha Dry Noodle Mandarin Noodle – Original Sauce

Here’s the last of the varieties that A-Sha sent. This has been a really interesting Meet The Manufacturer – I’ve immersed myself in Taiwan documentaries and listening to music from Taiwan and checking out the architecture. I really never knew anything to speak of about Taiwan, but I must say it looks like an amazing place! Today, I’ll try the original flavor – A-Sha told me it’s their most popular. ...see full post

#1056: Meet The Manufacturer: A-Sha Dry Noodle Mandarin Noodle – Onion Oil Sauce

As most of you have probably noticed, I like onions. I usually pick sweet onion since it tends to smell up the freezer a bit less as I get a ton of them, prep them, then put them in a freezer bag. One time I got some at a grocery that were simply called brown onions, and they stunk up the entire fridge! Looking forward to this one by A-Sha – onion oil flavor! ...see full post