Tag: alaskan gifts

Barnacle Foods Sends Unique Kelp Chili Crisp From Alaska!

Barnacle Foods Sends Unique Kelp Chili Crisp From Alaska!

A few redditors mentioned a few chili crisps they thought should be on my Chili Crisp Roundup post and so I reached out and Barnacle Foods’ Kelp Chili Crisp was one of them. You can get it here. As of publishing this, I haven’t tried it yet, but soon it will be on that roundup post, as well as tried with different ramen! This one sounded particularly interesting as many acquaintances over the years from my hometown of Anacortes would head up to Alaksa to do commercial fishing. I also played with kelp when I was a kid on the shore – yeah we didn’t have a whole lot to do.Maybe your ramen junkie friend would like this for the holidays? Check out the vid and a big thanks to Barnacle Foods for sending it along! ...see full post