If you follow my annual global top ten list, you’ll know that Prima Taste’s Wholegrain Laksa LaMian has been at the top of the list of my faves for many years. But that’s not the only product they produce. Here are four others that you might not have seen, some of which unavailable in the United States. Let’s check ’em out!
Tag: black pepper crab
#4474: Nissin U.F.O. Singapore Black Pepper Crab Flavour – Singapore
This one should be good. Nissin SG seems to do justice to Singaporean flavors and this is certainly a well-known Singaporean flavor. Let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3608: Vi Huong Black Pepper Crab Flavor Instant Noodles – Vietnam
Those crab claws there look really nice. Man, that sounds so good right now! I remember when in Penang, Malaysia, sitting around a table which was on a little dock – one of many that were roped together and you picked the seafood you wanted and they prepared it. It was amazing – and we got crab. The meat was so good! We also had duck and sea cucumber – that’s an interesting thing. They work well together, but sea cucumber by itself wasn’t my favorite thing. Anyways, I digress – black pepper crab it is!
#3446 Prima Taste Singapore Black Pepper Crab Flavoured La Mian – Singapore
We meet again, black pepper crab! I tried this awhile back as a special pre-release variety, but this is the full-fledged version. Black pepper crab is considered of one of the top dishes of Singapore – here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
A Special Box From Prima Taste Of Singapore
Prima Taste has made some really top notch products. I should say, the top notchiest products since their Wholegrain Singapore LAksa La Mian has topped my annual Top Ten Instant Noodle Of All Time lists for the past 4 years. I got a package I wasn’t expecting from them yesterday – and we opened it!
New!! Prima Taste Black Pepper Crab & Other Recipes – Singapore
I’ve already just posted the review for the new Prima Taste Black Pepper Crab La Mian, but here’s the video unboxing! It’s been busy and I really wanted to try it so here we are. I had an energy drink today so getting a lot of stuff done today! Enjoy!
#3096: Prima Taste Singapore Black Pepper Crab Flavoured La Mian – Singapore
Here’s something pretty cool – I was contacted by the folks at Prima Taste who said they had a new product. Now their Whole Grain Laksa has been number one on my top ten for 3 years now, so naturally I want to try something new from them. They don’t come out with new stuff often and never had anything I didn’t like.
#3025: Uncle Sun Dry Black Pepper Crab Noodle – Malaysia
Got an email awhile back about a couple new Uncle Sun varieties. I’d not tried anything from them since their white curries and was happy to hear about their black pepper crab and chili crab offerings. Really want to try this one… Well, no time like the present!
Chili Crab, Black Pepper Crab Noodles From Uncle Sun – Unboxing Time
Let’s get crabby! Uncle Sun contacted me a while back about sending some product samples! After a little snag, things fell in line and here they are! Let’s crack open this box and see what lies within!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2881: Miandom Tasty Asia Black Pepper Crab Flavoured Instant Noodles
Here we have a black pepper crab noodle cup from Miandom’s Tasty Asia range. Black Pepper Crab is another very popular flavor in Singapore – let’s see how it stacks up!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Miandom – Singapore
#2802: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour Potato Chips
Here’s another potato chip variety from Nissin Hong Kong – thanks again! So they have a series of Cup Noodles showcasing flavors of Singapore and this is one of them. Black Pepper Crab is very popular in Singapore as is Chilli Crab. Here’s a little about Black Pepper Crab from Wikipedia –
#2521: Nissin Cup Noodles Potato Chips Black Pepper Crab Flavour
Okay before you start swinging your fists around and marching in the street screaming ‘these aren’t instant noodles,’ Well, for the instant noodles version of this, go to the last review. These are potato chips infused the the same seasoning! Sounds good to me – here’s a little about black pepper crab from Wikipedia –
#2520: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour (More Angry Crab)
So this is one they’ve had before however now it has more angry crab! I love angry crab! Actually, black pepper crab is good stuff and I don’t know anyone who would argue with more crab in there. Let’s check it out!
#2243: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour
Here’s the last of the varieties that Prima Taste sent a while back – thanks! You might be wondering – why would they send a product they don’t make? Well, I asked for anyone who could help to send me noodles – I was down to three or four varieties in my hamper – a bad situation! Well, lots of people sent noodles – even Prima Taste! So let’s check out this one from Hong Kong with a Singaporean taste!
#1785: Super Instant Noodles Black Pepper Crab Mi Goreng
One of the last ones I got during my trip to Penang, Malaysia last year to visit the folks at MyKuali. This is from a store called Econsave. I had seen this Super brand before but was always curious if I’d end up with any of them; very elusive. Let’s check out the pepper crab mi goreng!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1461: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour
Well, we come finally to the end of the Nissin Singapore Meet The Manufacturer. It was a nice little journey through a multitude of great flavors! Today we finish with Black Pepper Crab flavored Cup Noodles. What’s Black Pepper Crab? I’ll ask Wikipedia:
Product Samples From Nissin Foods SG
Got a package yesterday! These are samples from Nissin Foods Singapore!
These are two new varieties of ramen noodles – Tokyo Shoyu and Kyushu Black! Sound interesting!