Tag: boiled

#442: Nongshim Kal Guk Soo Korean Style Noodle Soup

Okay so I reviewed Samyang’s Kalgugsu a long time ago and it said it was assorted clam flavored noodle soup. This one just says its Korean noodle soup, however its got mussels, anchovy, bonito, shrimp tuna and mushroom going on too. I wouldn’t call it assorted clam flavor this time around – more like assorted flavor flavor. ...see full post

#345: Myojo Charumera Shoyu Noodles With Soup

This is one of those that I’ve only found in 5 packs and had to go ahead and get it. Been so curious about this one and I mean the packaging is probably one of the coolest I’ve seen yet. I wish this guy would come to my town and toot on his trumpet – I’d gladly buy a bowl of noodles from him! I think I can say happily, “screw the ice cream man – this guy’s way cooler.” ...see full post