Tag: bowl noodle

#4514: Nongshim Bowl Noodles Ramen Noodles With Seasoning Mix Hot & Spicy Flavor – United States

#4514: Nongshim Bowl Noodles Ramen Noodles With Seasoning Mix Hot & Spicy Flavor - United States

New clothes for the classic! Originally, it was a foam bowl with a paper lid in shrinlkwrap. Then, they reformulated for microwave and had a cardboard sleeve. Now, it’s a plastic wrap with the graphics on that. This is classic – ubiquitous with gas stations and little corner shops, many o which are run by Korean Americans. I used to live in a place that had a little grocery/deli mini mart across the way. The fellow there was Korean American and he had these in there, but with a ridiculous markup. I asked him why once. ‘Because that’s my lunch!’ ...see full post

#3374: Maruchan Fire Bowl Ramen Spicy Beef Flavor – United States

#3374: Maruchan Fire Bowl Ramen Spicy Beef Flavor - United States

Here’s another one the folks at Maruchan were kind enough to send over – thanks! This is a late comer to the ultra spicy category – at least it looks like that. I’m very curious as to how spicy it is exactly though; I’m guessing it won’t throw me down and kick me, but I could be wrong – time to find out. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2019 Edition

Th Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2019 Edition

Every year I come out with new lists in many categories. The more reviews I do, the more I figure the lists will change less and less. It amazes me though how much they do change and how much the industry evolves and changes. Here’s the latest list of bowls, current as on review #3180. All products are prepared according to labeling on the package, and scores are given before any external garnish is added. Let’s check out the Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls for 2019! ...see full post

#3107: Samyang Foods Bowl Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor – South Korea

#3107: Samyang Foods Bowl Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor - South Korea

This one might be a bit of a surprise to you – insofar that I haven’t reviewed it, that is. Well, two other brand have these ‘bowl noodle’ style products from South Korea as well. This is Samyang’s entry into the fray of this form factor and style. Don’t get me wrong – one that’s been popular for years is their Yukgaejang bowls which look almost identical – except the name. They recently sent a bunch of these in different flavors – let’s give chicken a try! ...see full post

#2838: Nissin Hot & Spicy Blazing Hot Flavor

#2838: Nissin Hot & Spicy Blazing Hot Flavor

Alright o as you all know (at least I think you all do), I do a Top Ten Spiciest list every year. I used to review hot sauces (did 250 of them on Saucerater), and do a series of YouTube videos called Spicy Noodle Mukbang on YouTube. So when a variety with a pepper gauge and mention of being XXtra hot crosses my desk, I’m interested. So let’s see if this one is truly as spicy as it certainly looks like it’s going to be. ...see full post

#2203: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Independence Day Limited Edition Spicy Chicken Flavor

I saw this at the local supermarket the other day and just couldn’t pass it up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an instant noodle showing such patriotism before! Also, before anyone starts sending me comments saying ‘how dare they use our flag – that’s made in South Korea,’ I have news for you. Nongshim America is down in Rancho Cucamonga, California and employs a LOT of Americans! Yep – chances are that if you’re living in the USA and enjoy Shin Ramyun or Shin Black or any of the Bowl Noodles, it was most likely made here in the states. Make sure to check out the factory tour video at the end of this post – I went on it in 2012 and it was a blast! Anyways, let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#1503: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Shrimp Habanero Lime Flavor

It’s been so long since I’ve reviewed a new Bowl Noodle! I remeber a few years ago I was hunting high and low for certain varieties, many long gone. I remember the beef anfd ginger flavor was pretty good! Then they switched over to these microwaveable versions instead of the foam bowls – and I like them better! Curious how this one will be. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2014 Edition

Bowls of noodles. They’re made all around the world and are a great option for those with access to boiling water and are ‘on the go.’ Some are basic and have very little imagination to them or perks, while others are really full meals that include meat and vegetables, seafood and other niceties. I’ve review 1,410 different noodle varieties and of those, many have been bowls. Here’s a list of the best, most memorable bowls I’ve come across is my adventure in tasting. ...see full post

#977: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Yakisoba Japanese Style Stir Fry Noodles With Powdered Sauce


Here’s the first review of the Sun Noodle Meet The Manufacturer spotlight, their Yakisoba. Yakisoba is one of my favorite Japanese noodle dishes. What’s nice is that the flavoring contains one of my favorite flavors – Worcestershire sauce! ...see full post

Donation From South Korea

Kristen W. of Arizona sent me some noodles she got while she was in South Korea!

This is a great little collection of South Korean varieties you can’t easily find here! Ottogi Cheese Ramyun and Spaghetti bowls – been wanting to try them for a while! The two above are Paldo Korea varieties – I think Rabokki and Jjajang. The Nongshim Shin Cup in the lower right is the South Korean version. Thank, Kristen! Soon as they’re made, some The Ramen Rater stickers will be coming your way! ...see full post

#972: Meet The Manufacturer: Annie Chun’s Soup Bowl Chinese Chicken

This is it – the last of the nine Annie Chun’s samples that were sent for Meet The Manufacturer. It’s definitely been an interesting jaunt! Some I really liked quite a bit, some I didn’t like so much. What’s very evident here is that Annie Chun’s definitely has a wide range of flavors. The last one is Chinese Chicken. ...see full post

#970: Meet The Manufacturer: Annie Chun’s Noodle Express Spicy Szechuan

As we are starting to wind down the Annie Chun’s Meet The Manufacturer (there are only two left), we find the last Noodle Express I have – Spicy Szechuan. It mentions that the Szechuan sauce is made with gochujang, a Korean standard as far as spicy fare goes. Let’s check it out. ...see full post

Show Your Noodles #21: Momofuku Ando Day Edition

Welcome to Show Your Noodles #21: The Momofuku Ando Day Edition! It’s been a couple of months since I’ve done a Show Your Noodles, mainly because I haven’t received any submissions. Well, recently people have been sending in quite a few and I thought today would be a good day to try it again. As always if you would like to participate in show Your Noodles #22, all you need to do is email a photo of anything you’ve made with instant noodles (a new recipe or a sculpture; really – go wild with it) with your first name, last initial, general location and a description of your noodles to hans@theramenrater.com. Don’t forget to check out the Momofuku Ando Day 2013 post – worked hard on that one! With that, let’s check out some noodles! My wife judges them – here we go! ...see full post