A long time coming, this one. A reader named Cian sent me this one (thanks again!) as well as a few other Brazilian varieties. He sent the chocolate version of this which was a real score – but this one led me down a research rabbit hole, but yesterday I caught the rabbit. Beijinho is a Brazilian treat – see those little balls in the bowl? Beijinho is basically condensed milk and powdered sugar mixed with unsweetened coconut, chilled, made into balls, and then rolled in more unsweetended coconut and topped with a clove. Problem is the cloves alone were kind of spendy and all the coconut you find here is sweetened. It seemed that making it myself would be a little tricky as well as expensive. I asked in local groups and people mentioned Kitanda, a Brazilian cafe/bakery/mini store in Kirkland, Washington. First time we went, no dice – they only had the chocolate ones. The second time, however – they had what I was looking for, but sans clove and that’s what I’ll be using for garnish. So, let’s do up this 4500th review!
Tag: brazilian
#4498: Nissin Miojo Turma Do Chico Bento Sabor Caldinho De Feijao – Brazil
Pretty stoked – found this locally in Kirkland (no, not Costco, but the city of which is where Costco started, actually) at a coffee shop/store called Kitanda. What’s kind of a bummer though is that caldinho de feijao is a creamy black bean soup and what it appears is a standard garnish is nothing I have in my kitchen. Hmm… Well, I’ll make do with what I’ve got .
#4492: Nissin Miojo Turma Da Monica Sabor Galinha Suave – Brazil
I’m very happy to say that I found this one locally! Brazilian instant noodles only a town over! So, I’m trying to find something specific to go with review #4500 – abd the only place I can get it is a coffee joint called Kitanda. Really great place with coffee and acai smoothies and a baklery and a small grocery selection – all Brazilian. They’ve got instant noodles! What I’m looking for is something called Beijinho – so that’s a giveaway for what it’s going to be. Anyways, let’s do up this one which is flavor of young hen.
#3547: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Sabor Galinha Caipira – Brazil
This one came from Mr. Saturn – thanks again! I know galinha is a kind of young hen – a little oilier than standard chicken, but not exactly up on the whole caipira. I’m getting ‘bush cutter’ which seems a little odd. Maybe one of you will know. Not only that, this is review #3470 and I think 3470 was a standard of terminal emulation from back in the finer days of computer stuff. Let’s give it a try!
#3418: Nissin Miojo Lamen Hot Sabor Calabresa – Brazil
Here’s another one sent by Mr. Saturn – thank you! I translated calabresa and Google spat out linguica and kielbasa. So, looks like we have sausage juice broth with noodles? Let’s find out!
#3397: Nissin Myojo Cremoso Carne Com Chilli – Brazil
These Cremoso varieties have been a blast! This one’s meat with chili – let’s give it a try!
#3383: Nissin Miojo Lamen Sabor Frango Assado Com Toque De Limao – Brazil
Here’s another Brazilian variety from a reader – thanks again!! This one’s roast chicken with a touch of lemon – sounds good to me – let’s give it a go!
#3371: Nissin Miojo Cremoso Sabor Estrogonofe De Frango – Brazil
I was initially very confused by this one but it seems to have fallen in place with a little translation from Google. Chicken stroganoff flavor! What a unique one here! Never have I seen a stroganoff instant before. Let’s give it a go!
#3350: Nissin Miojo Cremoso Costela Barbecue – Brazil
I really like it when readers send me a ton of varieties from somewhere I’ve never been able to get them before. This is one of those! I know there’s lots of cups and other brands out of Brazil to try as well. Brazilian varieties have very savory flavors, centering mostly on meat. This one’s barbecued ribs flavor! Let’s check it out.
#3326: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Hot Sabor Galinha – Brazil
I was told a while back that Brazilians don’t go all in for ultra spicy and that this range does have varieties that are spicier than others, but not super duper spicy. Either way, this sounded like a good one for today, so here we go.
#3186: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Light Legumes – Brazil
This was sent to me by Daniel from Brazil a while back – thanks again! Brazilian varieties fascinate me; the flavors are very unique and so far quite tasty! Let’s check out this light variety.
#3142: Quero Galinha Caipira Refogada – Brazil
Here’s one that was sent by a Brazilian reader named Daniel – thank you again! I couldn’t figure out a whole lot about this one – I do know that galinha is young hen. Usually tends to be on the oilier side. So let’s give it a try!
#3020: Panco Lamen HOT Sabor Galinha A Moda Baiana – Brazil
Here’s one sent by Daniel from Brazil – thanks again! A new brand I’ve never tried – Panco! So Galinha I have been told is kind of like a ‘young hen’ flavor. I’ve also been told it’s a little oilier. Anyways, spicy chicken is what I’m guessing here – let’s see what it’s all about!
Unboxing Time: Brazilian Instant Noodles Sent By a Reader
Thanks go out to a fellow names Daniel from Brazil for sending along a box of different instant noodles from his home country! I’m really excited as while I’ve only reviewed a scant few from the South American country, what I’ve tried I’ve been really impressed with. Let’s check it out!
#2204: Nissin Cup Noodles Sabor Galinha Caipira
Thanks again to Adriana and Steve O. for sending me these great Brazillian instants! I think this is the last of them – was a lot of fun! So I *think* this one translates to country style chicken. Well, let’s give it a look!
#2144: Nissin Lamen Sabor Picanha
Here’s one of the last two sent to me by my cousins Adriana and Mike O. – thank you very much! Picanha is considered to be the best cut of meat in Brazil – let’s give it a try!