Tag: canton

#2962: Canton Instant Noodles Chicken Curry Flavour

#2962: Canton Instant Noodles Chicken Curry Flavour

Okay – guess where I got these? Yeah – Canada. At the Real Canadian Superstore. These are made in Bangladesh. So, are they a Bangladesh product, or something geared this way for Canada. This is always a tricky thing for me to figure out and ultimately, I have to just pick. The pack mentions that it’s a product of Bangladesh and has many languages, however the Nutrition Facts are designed for Canada – in English and French. So I’m going to go with this is an export product and labeled just for Canada, but it’s not made in Canada. One thing also to note is the absence of Canadian mentions – made by so-and-so for insert Canadian company here. Usually, this would make it Bangladesh, but then there’s the bar code – it’s a 12 instead of 13 digits. Leaning Canadian again. But then if you look at the commercial at the bottom, this package is in English instead of the local language. I’m slapping a Bangladesh label on it. Let’s check it out. ...see full post

#339: Payless Xtra Big Chilimansi Pancit Canton

So I’ve been waiting for a good time to try this stuff and today seemed the right time. My 5 year old stuck his headf in the ramen box and picked it out for me. I have so many and its so hard to pick that I often ask family to pick the one I’m going to have – and usually after they pick once or twice I agree to the one the pick the third time. ...see full post