Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Next, let’s head over to Osaka’s Koreatown for some delicious yakisoba. This yakisoba is a Nissin collab with the Korean Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen. It features a delicious sweet and spicy feel like yangnyeom chicken and a downright addictive cheddar and gouda cheese flavor.”
Tag: cheese
#4602: Daebak Ghost Pepper Cheese Spicy Chicken Flavour – Malaysia
This is it – the last of the great varieties that were sent by Mamee-Doubledecker. Thank you so much – it’s really been an amazing journey of flavor and new varieties! This is the cup version of the ghost pepper cheese. I previously did the pack version which was a real tough go. This one looks to be just a smaller version. They both have a sachet of ghost pepper oil – I think it works pretty darn well. Let’s do another mukbang!
#4561: Daebak Ghost Pepper Cheese Spicy Chicken Flavour – Malaysia
Well, I suppose it’s time to burn my face off. This is the pack version of their cheese flavor spicy chicken cup which has been around a little while – but never a pack version… Well, let’s see if I regret this! Let’s find out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition
After a couple years, here’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition. It’s been a sort of tough go lately; so few new Korean varieties have crossed my desk. Usually they’ve all been ultra spicy ones, and while good, they’ve not been ones that are top ten listers. There should be a few new ones to the list for next years list that have yet to be published, though. If you’ve an instant noodle company in South Korea, I’d love to review your products. I used to receive samples from the larger companies quite often, but unfortunately not so much recently. This list is comprised of varieties from South Korea that I’ve reviewed up to my 4,300th review. With that, here’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition!
#4157: Maruchan QTTA Garlic Cheese Cream Flavor – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4128: Paldo Teumsae Cheese Tteokbokki – South Korea
Here’s one from James in Lakeside, CA – thanks again! Wow – this looks burly. I had to read around to verify cooking instructions and they aren’t hard to cook – just wanted to do it right. This will be my first mukbang I’ve done in ages – not only that, I’ve been hardcore on diet and exercise lately, so not only will it be spicy, it’s going to be a gut buster. Egad. Let’s give it a shot!
#3985: Paldo Cheese Ramyun – South Korea
Had this just over 7 years ago – it can take another shot. Well, this is one I’ve enjoyed very much in the past – a Top Ten list variety. I think revisiting this with a heap of cheese is the right thing to do.
#3954: Shinsegae Mamee Daebak Ghost Pepper Cheese Spicy Chicken Flavour – Malaysia
My God yes! New varieties from Malaysia arrived the other day and I’m absolutely thrilled! Do you know anything about Malaysia? If you did, you would know it’s perfection. I can’t think of a more awesome place. Really. Okay, I love Taiwan and Thailand too. Every place I’ve had the fortune to be able to visit has been just amazing – Mlaysia was the first though. I see YouTube folks that go and visit these amazing places all the time and I envy them. I officially BEG YOU – Mamee Doubledecker, bring my family for a visit? I’ll do a ton of videos and everything. It would be so awesome – just fly us over and give us a couch to sleep on! Well, I am speaking for myself; I think my wife and kids would need a little more – but please? Somebody! I will tell you, Malaysia has the flavors you desire if you can’t get enough of bright flavors and innovative taste. This one will be interesting – ultra spicy. Cheese. Let’s give it a go!
#3779: Nissin Togarashi Men Umakara Tomato & Cheese – Japan
Here’s one from a box! You can get these every month with some neat varieties like this one inside! Use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3727: Cheetos Mac’N Cheese Cheesy Jalapeno – United States
This. This created quite a stir (no pun intended) in the Instant Noodles – The Ramen Rater Facebook group. The spicy crowd was fascinated, and the ramen crowd espoused disdain. Cries of ‘that’s not ramen’ rose up in protest. Obviously not; it is pasta – rotini to be exact.
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With ABC President
#3479: Yamamoto Seifun Spicy Cheese Napolitan – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3455: Young Poong Yopokki Cheese Topokki (Rice Cake) – South Korea
Okay, I think I found this one at HMart up in Richmond BC at Aberdeen Centre. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure. Anyways, yeah this is topokki. Why, you ask? Because topokki is wonderful stuff and lives in the section with the noodles, so there. Let’s get it on!
#3237: Samyang Cheese Ramen – South Korea
I’ve mentioned a few times recently how much I’ve really been into Samyang Ramen in the last year or so. It’s really quite good – has a ham flavor, nice level of spiciness. It’s just got a good all around comfort food thing going on. Well, here’s the same thing – but now it’s got a cheese component. I’ll admit it – I like cheese. There. That feels better. Load off my mind. I usually add cheese to South Korean ramen, so let’s see how this one with a cheese component included goes.
#2918: Nissin U.F.O. Cheese Curry Yakisoba
Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This variety is a yakisoba with a cheese curry flavor! I tell ya, this sounds really quite good to me! Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
The 0.5x Spicy Mala Fire Noodle Challenge
Here we are again with the Fire Noodle Challenge. This is the Samyang Foods Mala Buldak Bokkeummyun. So, all over YouTube, people are wincing and screaming as they choke down packs of Mala – why? Well, for some reason, they are under the impression that it’s 4x spicy. Don’t get me wrong – it’s quite spicy – it’ll kick your butt. But it is a far cry from the 2x Spicy Nuclear Fire Noodle, that’s for sure.
#2621: Maggi Pazzta Cheese Macaroni
Here’s one from India we found this summer at an Indian grocery in Pleasanton, California. There are a few different varieties of these with different shapes of noodles. Let’s check out this macaroni style one.
#2424: Samyang Foods Cheese Type Buldak Bokkeummyun
Well lookie here – another one from Colin – thanks again! This one’s a cheesy version of the ever popular Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun. This is what people use to do the famous ‘fire noodle challenge’ – although this is the cheesy version. This stuff is hot – real hot. The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodle Of All Time list kinda hot. Let’s take a look.
#2397: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkummyun Cheese Flavor (Black Bowl)
Wait a second – this looks familiar. So there are two versions of the Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkummyun cheese flavor bowls. Indeed there are two versions of the packs as well. Here’s the orange version I reviewed – #2291. What’s the difference? I’m going to guess that they came out with the black one first and people mistook it for the regular version and were annoyed. Kind of makes sense since the black one definitely looks like the standard Buldak Bokkummyun bowl. Well, except for the chicken with the cheese. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the original variety:
The Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun
#2364: Samyang Foods Cheese Buldak Bokkeummyun
Part Of The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods’ Buldak Bokkeuymmyun
HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen Cheese / 치즈불닭볶음면 / Cheese Buldak Bokkueummyun
Launch 2016.3 / SHU 2,323
This one came by way of eBay seller 1theKorea – they’ve got all sorts of neat South Korean varieties, and lots of the spicy ones that aren’t the easiest to find or are unavailable in the USA. .
#2291: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkummyun Cheese Flavor (Orange Bowl)
Okay so most of your should be familiar with the popular ‘fiore noodle’ challenge. That’s where you take a bowl of Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkummyun (spicy fried chicken flavor) instrant noodles and scarf ‘e,m down in one sitting really quick. If you don’t know about this, just go to YouTube and type in fire noodle challenge – you’ll get a ton of videos. Nobody’s ever challenged me to do this; kind of bummed. Anyways, this is a new variety – I think there will be three of these spin offs, but right now we have cheese. Let’s see is the cheese chills this fiery noodle out or if it still has the burn of burns.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2079: Nissin Nupasta Carbonara Flavour Instant Noodle
Well this looks interesting – Italian inspired pasta in a take out box style package. Reminds me of the Cup Noodles Pasta Style from Japan a reviewed before – at least in color scheme and design on the package. It looks like it stops there though! Let’s see what we’ve got here!
#2060: Nissin Cup Noodle Light Plus Cheese Fondue
During the Nissin Japan Meet The Manufacturer, I reviewed 15 varieties. Well, Daisuke-san from Nissin Japan sent many more – amazing varieties that I get to put into the regular rotation and share with you now! Thank you again, Daisuke-san! This is one of the new new Cup Noodle Light varieties – let’s take a look! By the way – he mentioned that just recently, Cup Noodle(s) has been enjoyed over 40 BILLION times since the 1970s! Wow!
#2017: Samyang Foods Honey & Cheese Big Bowl
Here’s one sent by Colin from back east – thanks again! I’ve seen this a couple times online and though it sounded fascinating. Honey and cheese? What an interesting combination… Let’s tear open the lid and see what we have here!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1995: Nissin Cup Noodle Big Cheese Mexican Chili
This looks absolutely awesome. Chili cheese Cup Noodle? Not only that, it’s big – and it has the Mexican wrestler guy on it! I wonder how it would go with corn chips… Anyways, let’s crack it open and have a look!
#1974: Samyang Foods Cheese Curry Ramyun
Here’s another of the many varieties sent recently by Colin from Michigan – thanks! Cheese curry? That sounds really good – you can get cheese curry at Indian restaurants – I’m wondering what a South Korean cheese curry might be like. Let’s find out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition
South Korea has the highest per person consumption of instant noodles in the world. It’s not a surprise that their instant noodle are quite good – usually the noodles (known as ramyun) are thicker and accompanied by a spicy broth. These are my very favorite varieties of South Korean instant noodles – hope you enjoy!
#1892: Ottogi Cheese Ramen
I’ve been wondering when I would find this one for a long time and finally, I have. It was at the local HMart in Lynnwood, Washington on 184th street – if you live in this area, you should definitely check this place out! Anyways, cheese powder and spicy South Korean ramyun – I mean how can you go wrong here? Not only that, you’ve got the added bonus of a little character with a block of cheese on it’s head vomiting cheesy goodness into the bowl with a smile on his/her face. Sounds tasty! Let’s check it out!
#1713: CarJEN Otentiq Cheezy Mushroom Instant Noodles
So here’s a new one from CarJEN – a new line called Otentiq. You might remember seeing CarJEN’s Nyonya Curry Laksa on this year’s big top ten list in the 4th place spot. I’ve seen very few cheese themed instant noodles in the past, and I believe this is the first one from Malaysia. Very curious how it will be – if the Laksa is any gauge, this could be really good! There’s also a CarJEN Otentiq Cheezy Curry coming soon as well! Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition
The Ramen Rater’s top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time made it’s debut last January and I thought this would be a good day to release the new one for 2015! South Korean instant noodles (known as ramyun) are characteristically thicker and chewier than most instants. Spiciness is a common trait as well as beef flavors. Here are my top picks of the South Korean varieties I’ve reviewed of my 1,573 reviews to date.
#1414: Paldo Cheese Ramyun (US Version)
Hey look – it’s the return of the happy little cheese guy with the sign! He looks so happy that he will be eaten – after having been reduced to a powder mix! I wonder how he would look if he really knew he would be eaten?
Momofuku Ando Day: Andy’s Special Review
Tomorrow is Momofuku Ando Day and I thought it would be fun to let my son Andreas do a video review. Just a reminder – today (January 18th, 2014) is the last day to enter the Momofuku Ando Day Photo Contest! The winner will be announced tomorrow. My Momofuku Ando Day video will be up tomorrow!
#1183: Paldo Cheese Noodle
Here’s something new from Paldo of South Korea – cheese noodle! I am a big fan of cheese! I also like noodles obviously, so this should be a nice pairing. Let’s dig in to some cheesy goodness!
Cheese Ramyun Samples From Paldo
My pal Moses over at Paldo sent me a message the other day: “I’m sending you something…”
The Ramen Rater’s Ramyun Sliders
With the recent popularity of the ‘ramen burger,’ I felt it necessary to try them out, but with a twist. South Korean ramyun is easily available by many brand and the noodles are thicker as well as more plentiful than other country’s varieties. Let’s give this a try!
Recipe: Kit’s Cheesy Mac ‘N’ Udon
My wife was under the weather last month and I thought I’d make her something special. She liked some Saimin I made recently and she really likes udon. Another of her favorites is cheese. Well, I decided to bring all of that together and make cheesy udon with SPAM in it. Here for you is the method to the madness.
#938: Maruchan Yakisoba Four Cheese Flavor
An absolute surprise yesterday! Found this and two other Maruchan Yakisoba varieties I’ve been hunting for for quite a long time! Let’s give it a try!
Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja For Lunch
Lunch (click to enlarge)!!!So I decided to have some of the Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja that they sent me a while back for lunch. I’ve reviewed it before – here’s the link. I added a slice of cheese, Crystal hot sauce, some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake, an egg that I boiled with the noodles, some new odeng and onions. Oh – and of course kimchi! This is the first instant noodle that I devoured with the help of chopsticks! Yep – The Ramen Rater is going to be a chopstick eater! Funny; I wasn’t able to use them very well before but I tried them with kimbap, then some yakisoba I had at a restaurant and finally today and I’m stoked! Woot woot!
The International Lunch
Here’s what I had for lunch today (click to enlarge) – not a new review or anything, but thought it was interesting how many international flavors came together on this one. First, FMF Chow Noodles Masala Flavor from Fiji. Added kimchi, a Korean dish, some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake from Japan, Dua Belibis chili sauce from Indonesia, some ham, stirfry veggies and sweet onion, and a 2 egg omelet with 2 slices of processed cheese and some Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce – which I presume is all from the United States but might not be. Was pretty good – quite an interesting combo!