Tag: chicken reamen

#4811: Nissin Chicken Ramen Domburi Showa no Yoshoku Boom Creamy Gratin – Japan

#4811: Nissin Chicken Ramen Domburi Showa no Yoshoku Boom Creamy Gratin - Japan

Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘If you’re familiar with the classic Chicken Ramen (チキンラーメン), the very first of all instant ramen produced by Nissin, then you’re in for quite a surprise. We know that Nissin likes to innovate, but we didn’t expect them to come out with this! Here’s their Japanese take on western cuisine, a Showa era (昭和) inspired Chicken Ramen. The Showa period (1926–1989) was one of economic growth and prosperity, during which Japan started important a lot of foreign cuisine, adapting it to their own taste. This Chicken Ramen was turned into a creamy gratin, with the flavor of charred cheese and the sweetness of roasted onions, for a creamy experience. 😋’ ...see full post