Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! IThese boxes are discontinued but you can get neat stuff over at MiauMall! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Nissin isn’t done with their own birthday celebration! This tasty snack pack features fried ramen that you eat as is. This special birthday pack features a tasty flavor powder with the flavors of cheddar, gouda, cream cheese, garlic, basil and more to recreate that pizza taste. *This is ramen snack and no cooking is required!”
Tag: chikin ramen
#4616: Nissin Chicken Ramen Donburi – Japan
Back in 2016, I reviewed this one before my son Miles was a year old. This was my 2000th review at that time, and I found it to be really quite good. It came in a special sunscription box (which I’ll tell you about below), and I figured it was due another look. Nissin Chikin Ramen was the first variety on the market in 1968 – and it didn’t have a seasoning sachet; the seasoning was in the noodle. This one is that way as well, and includes a freeze dried block with egg and other ingredients. This was also the first instant noodle I fell in love with when my favorite at age 8 or so was discontinued (Nissin Roasted Ramen). When my parents took me to Seattle to Uwajimaya, a big Japanese grocery, they asked them what was comparable and they steered me towards Nissin Chikin Ramen. I also saw all the different varieties on hand as well and was instantly transfixed; so much foreign text! Exotic flavors! I’m making this bowl today and going to let my daughter Mimi try it when she gets home from school.
#4456: Nissin Chicken Ramen Shirunashi Donburi Junkissa no Napolitan – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#3432: Nissin Eco Style Refill Chikin Ramen – Japan
This is one that wad sent to me by a reader named Breeze – thank you again! It’s a refill. So there are cups you can get that are specifically made for these – you just pop this thing into the cup and it fits like a foam cup but it’s reusable, so no need for more foam to be thrown away. Yep. So let’s check it out!
#3135: Nissin Chikin Ramen Mini Donburi – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one -“Chikin Ramen is the very first instant noodles in the world. It was invented by Momofuku Ando in 1958, and it is said that instant noodle is one of the greatest invention in 20th century. We definitely think so! This year is the 60th anniversary of Chikin Ramen, so enjoy the classic instant noodle to celebrate it!”
#2899: Nissin Chikin Ramen Rice
Found this one up at Osaka market at Yaohan Centre in Richmond, B C. I’ve always been a fan of Chikin ramen – it quite literally was the second instant noodle I tried as a kid. I’ve never had it like this, though! So this is an instant rice, but it has chikin ramen flavor. Let’s take a look at this crossover.
#2797: Nissin Chikin Ramen Shoyu Flavor
Here’s one I found up in Canada that I was going to show during the Momofuku Ando Day #7 video, but it was already running way too long and so I skipped it. This looks to be a regular chikin ramen with soy sauce flavor – let’s look inside and see what we have here.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2000: Nissin Chikin Ramen Donburi
Well folks, here we are. Review #2000! I recommend that you all start by reading the interview I conducted with Nissin Japan before proceeding.
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Nissin Japan
Interview with Nissin Japan * Product Samples From Nissin Japan (1) * Product Samples From Nissin Japan (2) * Nissin Cup Noodle * Nissin Cup Noodle Milk Chikin Ramen * Nissin Cup Noodle Light Ratatouille * Nissin Raoh Tonkotsu * Nissin Gyoretsu-no-Dekiru-Mise-no- Ramen (Shrimp Tantanmen) * Nissin Cup Noodle Big Cheese Mexican Chili * Nissin Cup Noodle Pasta Style Tarako Spaghetti * Nissin Cup Noodle Vegeta Buta-kyabetsu Tonkotsu * Nissin Men Shokunin Shoyu * Nissin Curry Udon * Nissin Chikin Ramen Donburi * Nissin BIG Cup Noodle Seafood Clam Chowder * Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum Goong * Nissin Raoh Rich Miso Flavor * Nissin Donbei Dashi Shoyu Yakiudon
The Ramen Rater’s 3rd Annual Momofuku Ando Day
Momofuku Ando (安藤 百福) – (March 5, 1910 – January 5, 2007)
Today is January 19th, 2014 – and you know what that means? Momofuku Ando Day! In 1958, Momofuku Ando invented the very first instant noodles and started Nissin Foods. I do a special video every year to commemorate the occasion (see below). First, here’s what the Nissin Foods USA website has to say about the man:
Momofuku Ando Day! #964: Nissin Raoh Backfat Rich Soy Sauce Flavor
My Mom’s Custom Breakfast Ramen From When I Was A Kid
I have very fond memories of what my mom used to make for me to eat during my childhood. She used to make me Totino’s Party Pizzas for breakfast, (I had one a couple days ago and noticed that either they’ve gotten a lot smaller or I’ve gotten a whole lot bigger). She used to make the wonder of wonders, turkey spread as well, which consisted of mayonnaise, sweet pickles, leftover Thanksgiving and a Cusinart – I would have that and some more mayo on crackers and it was divine. One thing that I must say really stood out was a breakfast dish she would make for me. She called it ‘Spaetzle,’ but it was a little different than this: