Tag: chinese

Ramen For What Ails Ya – Special Recipe

You may have been wondering, “why so few reviews this week?” Well, to put it mildly, I’m sick. Had this horrible nagging cough for three weeks. Didn’t make it to work two weeks ago, made it this week and then the whole thing kicked into ultra overdrive. We’re talking about staying in bed all day people. Mucus flowing like the Mississippi. I’m starting the slow path to recovery thanks in no small part to my wife and my sister’s kindness. Today I decided that after being upo for quite a while I’d better make myself eat something. I decided to go with some chicken Top Ramen. ...see full post

Show Your Noodles – Week 8

So nobody sent in any photos this week! Last week’s submissions were all so awesome too! Come on, people! Like I always say, the more the merrier – send in your noodle pics – homemade, nothing fancy, all spruced up, whatever! Email them to hans@theramenrater.com – include your first name and last initial and whereabouts you from and it’ll get put ion next week’s Show Your Noodles! ...see full post

Hello, Korea!

Starting yesterday evening, I noticed a huge amount of people from Korea coming to the site. Apparently, they were all coming in droves because of a news story about my Top Ten list including Nong Shim’s Shin Ramyun Black noodles! Well, here’s some links and some pictures of the articles. I’m really hoping someone can translate them soon as Google Translate has done a really crummy job where it usually does so well. ...see full post

Show Your Noodles Week 6


Welcome to the sixth installment of Show Your Noodles! The fifth week had no submissions so that was a real bummer. On the bright side, this week there were a whopping three submissions – first time with that many! Great job people, keep it up! As always, my wife Kit did the judging and without further adieu, we start with first, then second and third place. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2011 & 2012 Editions

Here it is – the new Ramen Rater Top Ten List! It was originally released on Foodiggity.com on January 9th, 2011 as an exclusive guest post I did. Now, here it is on The Ramen Rater for your perusal with links to all of the corresponding reviews! Enjoy! ...see full post

A Massive Donation From Ramen Place!

I got a comment from a place called Ramen Place asking me to check out their web store. Lots of things I’ve not seen before! So I sent an email off to www.ramenplace.com early this week asking if they’d be up for donating some varieties. I got a resounding and very nice yes! Here’s a big box that came from them – As you can see, it’s dwarfing Otis the Pug! ...see full post

Ask The Manufacturer: Tat Hui/KOKA

I have been able to get the opportunity to do an interview with Singapore’s Tat Hui Corporation, makers of KOKA noodles! I have compiled a list of questions to ask and now would like YOU to round out the list – what would you ask them? This will be open until Monday, 2/13/2012. At the end, I will list the questions picked to send them! Make sure you include your first name and last initial and where you are from in the response! Good luck! ...see full post

#656: Nissin Ramen Bowl Hot & Spicy Flavor

It’s really funny; someone just emailed me asking if I had noticed that Nong Shim’s Bowl Noodle had changed since they repackaged – I haven’t tried it yet. One thing they also said was they couldn’t find the Hot & Spicy variety anywhere anymore. I picked up a few of these Nissin Ramen Bowls at H Mart the other day. 99 cents apiece and they’re very much like the size of the Nong Shim – and lo and behold, Hot & Spicy! Let’s see if it’s a good one. ...see full post

#653: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Pork Ribs Flavor

I thought today would be a nice day to have some pork ribs in noodle form! I wonder how it’ll be? I think it’ll pass the test as it’s yet another Dragonfly product. I know it’s wintertime and all but I think that Punksatawnee Phil’s Groundhog Day prediction was incorrect. He saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. On  the bright side, statistics show he’s been correct  – 39% of the time. ...see full post

Show Your Noodles Week 4

Well, nobody sent any picture s of their noodles so no Show Your Noodles this time. Shame! C’mon people – take a pic of your instant noodle meal – complicated or simple – and send it to info@ramenrater.com and I’ll put it in the next week’s Show Your Noodles! Easy as that! Include first name, last initial and city/state (or country) so I can give you credit. ...see full post