Welcome to the fourth installment of The Ramen Rater Noodle News – I search the Internet to find current info and news on instant noodles and bring it here.
The Definitive Source For Instant Noodle Reviews Since 2002
Welcome to the fourth installment of The Ramen Rater Noodle News – I search the Internet to find current info and news on instant noodles and bring it here.
Soon as I saw this, I was really excited. I really like Shio (salt) ramen. I don’t know what it is, but it works! What’s more is this stuff is made in California. I found it at H Mart in Lynnwood, Washington. Let’s dig in!
Yesterday I went to HT Oaktree Market on 100th & Aurora in North Seattle. I went to get some things to make a batch of my curry soup and of course hit up the noodle aisle. Was thinking of re-reviewing the Mi Sedaap curry I’d had before as well, but as it turns out, I snagged a new one I hadn’t reviewed yet. Then this morning, I noticed a lot of people coming to The Ramen Rater from a forum on a Singapore website – they were all coming because of a link to Mi Sedaap Perisa Asli, something I’d reviewed a while back. I thought I should review a new Mi Sedaap today, so here we go.
The last time I had Dragonfly brand noodles they were in a bowl and cooked by steeping. This time around it’s boiling in a pot. I remember how much I really enjoyed these Chinese noodles! Let’s see how they are in a pack.
Well, this is the end of the line. A few months ago, Cindy C. from England sent a nice big box of instant noodles containing many kinds of Super Noodles and Pot Noodle and this is the last of the Pot Noodle! After this, there are two pouches I’ll review called ‘Mug Shots.’ Thanks again Cindy! This has been a lot of fun!
This was sent to me by Greg B. of Marathon, Florida! I was a little surprised that I haven’t reviewed this one before, but sure enough, I haven’t! Let’s rip open some Korean ramyun!
Cool – a Sunlee bowl. I’ve had a couple of these before – they were crab flavored and really quire good. Tom Yum soup is one of my favorites and hopefully since this is from Thailand, it should be pretty good.
Here are some articles from the Internet and such tyhat the Ramen Rater reader may find fascinating!
Today seemed like a good day for as fancy Japanese bowl of noodles.
Here’s what was on the bottom of the bowl…
I was invited to write a guest post on the One Pan Wonders blog this week, and so I did. Here’s the post. As you can see from the image, Teresa Dicentra Black is an author and has written a book about recipes for hiking and backpacking! I never equivocated hiking and instant noodles being connected, but it makes sense; they’re easy to pack and all you need is some hot water. Here’s a link to her website – check out her book! Thanks again for the invite – it was fun to write about noodles in a different way!
Here’s another pack from Michelle L. of New York – thanks! The last Wei Chuan I tried was tomato flavor and quite good – let’s see how this one is.
Been waiting for a good day to review these – they sound really good! I thought I’d try them today to celebrate the CNN article coming out!
Woke up and noticed a lot of people checking out the site and lo and behold – the CNN Article came out! Enjoy! Thanks to Daphne Sashin for the interview! Click image below to enlarge or use this link.
Well, today’s the day! The first Ramen Rater Momofuku Ando Day! I hope people out there are enjoying noodles today! Been a great day here – had some good noodles (which you’ll see shortly in the video) and was featured on the Seattle Weekly’s blog! Today I decided to review the closest thing I had to the 1958 Nissin Chikin noodles – the first instant noodles that were produced ever. I went with Nissin’s Top Ramen Chicken flavor; kind of the great grandchild of the Nissin Chikin! So sit back, relax, and check out the video. Happy Momofuku Ando Day!
Sadly, this is last of the Master Kong varieties sent to me by Chad B. of Highland, Illinois – thanks again Chad – your stickers went out in the mail yesterday!
So this guy named Dave P. posted a YouTube video on the Ramen Rater Facebook page showing some people in Korea making a bowl of Shin Ramyun a little different that I’ve made it in the past. I thought I’d try to get the ingredients and give it a try. Here’s the video:
This week there were two submissions! Awesome!@ Keep em coming! I’ve decided to let my wife decide which is best for the contest – so here we go! Just a reminder, if you want to send in a noodle pic or two, send them to info@ramenrater.com and please put ‘Show Your Noodles’ in the subject line!
Kitsune Udon Gozen, as I type thy name into here, I am pretty sure you’ll be remembered as one of my all time favorites. This was purchased during a recent trip to Seattle to Uwajimaya. It was there that I truly began my journey into the world of the instant noodle so many years ago.
Ah, my old adversary – the GreeNoodle! I’m hoping I like this one better than the ones I’ve had in the past – Yakisoba should be tasty; I hope!
After tasting those last two earlier, I was ready to have something that looked really good – and here it is! Tom Yam noodles, made in Thailand and from Japan!
Otay! It’s time for some cold noodles – not usually my favorite but we’ll just have to give them a try.
This one was sent by Michelle L. of New York! Unfortunately, for this one I have exceedingly low expectations. Every Baijia product I’ve tried has been just plain gross in my opinion.
Aha -= this is one of my favorite! Number four on the Top Ten Instant Noodles of All Time as reviewed by The Ramen Rater. Thanks go to Greg B. of Marathon, Florida for sending a pack my way!
It dawned on me – why not a ton of videos about how instant noodles are made around the world? Well, here you go!
Assorted seasfood eh? Trout and octopus? Sardine and shrimp? Crab and sea cucumber? Not sure but Let’s find out.
Mr. Udon, I presume? I was looking in the fridge yesterday putting groceries away. A couple sodas wouldn’t fit – something was blocking them. Two packs of Mr. Udon noodles that I got early lasrt year. Hmmm… I wondered if they were still good – May 2012 exclaimed the expiration date! So let’s give this stuff a try before it goes bad!
Got a package from Greg B. of Marathon, Florida today! I wonder what’s inside?
Rad box, btw!
Here’s another one that’s been needing a quick review. This was purchased in July of last year in California!
Here’s one that has been in the noodle bin since the trip to California my wife and son and I took in July! Time to eat. Mushroom pork just didn’t sound too good, but you know me, I have to try it.
Thanks again to Chad B. of Highland, Illinois for sending these Master Kong packs! Braised beef eh? Hmmm I wonder how this will be – if the Pork one was any indicator, I’m going to like this!
Haven’t had any Lucky Me! in quite some time. This is a smaller version of the Lucky Me! La Paz Batchoy I’ve had before. Let give this one a renewed and smaller look!
Well, another week has come and gone and it’s time for another results post for Show Your Noodles! If you’d like to participate, send pictures and a description to info@ramenrater.com!
Thanks to Todd T. of Everett, Washington for hooking me up with this one – he got it from a Vietnamese client. Spaghetti from Vietnam eh? Sounds interesting. Nothing at all is in English on this packaging, so I’m going to be winging it.