Tag: chinese

#562: Batchelors Super Noodles Bacon Flavour

When I mentioned I would be reviewing this to my friend Matthew B., he exclaimed ‘bacon is the opiate of the masses!’ I would have to agree; there is nothing on this planet as good as the prince of foods, bacon. With that, I present for your viewing pleasure, bacon flavored British instant noodles. Thanks again, Cindy! ...see full post

#560: Myojo Soy Sauce Flavor Ippei-Chan Japanese Style Soup Noodles

Had a hell of a day today. Tried my bus card but it didn’t beep (figured the reader was at fault) so hopped the bus. Well, the fare cops had me get off the bus and checked out my card and it was screwed up. The fare cop said don’t worry just hop back on and get a new one at the bus station. Thinking ‘hey that went well ,” a different fare cop pulls me off the bus further down the line! Ugh. Long story short, I eventually got to the bus sttion and got a new card that won’t work for 24-48 hours… But I got to and from work and now I’m home – and hungry. This sounded especially good. ...see full post

#558: Long Kow’s Crystal Noodle Soup Vegetables ( and Eggs )

Thought this looked worth trying. Vegetables and noodles. Sure why not.

Here’s the flavoring packet if you want to call it that. It says Vegetables and Eggs though… I am truly unhappy – I didn’t take a picture of this and I’m really bummed and truly sorry. It looked like a brick of freeze-dried vegetable omelet. When I poured boiling water on it, it disintegrated and started fluffing up almost immediately. ...see full post

#557: Batchelor’s Super Noodles Southern Fried Chicken Flavour

No way, really? Way. Southern fried chicken. It’s funny because it took the British to come up with a fried chicken flavor of instant noodles! I don’t have a clue why Nissin or Maruchan picks up on this kind of thing and markets it in the US – it’d be so popular here. Alas, I fear they travel the safe road and ‘crazy’ is cheese flavored noodles. I should note though that Maruchan has made a Yakisoba bowl here that is Taco flavored – wish I could get my hands on it! ...see full post

Massive Donation From The U.K.

Recently, I got an email from in the UK named Cindy C. offering to send me some instant noodles. I said sure! Well, she really came through and I want to say thanks! Here’s the box they came in, a Dell laptop box! When I picked it up and carried it back to my apartment, I was really curious why it was so heavy – surely she didn’t send me a laptop! ...see full post

#499: Dragonfly Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

I was quite happy to see a few new big bowl style instant noodles when I was at an Asian grocery the other day, especially Dragonfly brand – I think I’ve only reviewed a single solitary Dragonfly instant noodle thus far. Now I think there’s at least four or five to do! Well, let’s start with this one. Beefalicious? Let’s hope so – I mean it IS the review before the big psychological number 500! ...see full post

#455: Baijia Single Noble Pickled Radish And Duck Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Noodle ( Cup )

Baijia. Probably the single brand with the lowest consecutive ratings I’ve given. But lo and behold, I continue reviewing them – I believe that at some point there will be something awesome from them! Perhaps this pickled radish and duck flavored sweet potato noodle cup will be the holy grail? We shall see… ...see full post