Tag: chinese

#2682: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Spicy Hot Beef Flavour

Re-Review: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Spicy Hot Beef Flavour

I’ve been doing a lot of spicy noodle videos on YouTube recently. There’s a particular one that I tried and just couldn’t handle. The main reason for this is that first off, it’s ultra spicy. The second was that I attempted it when I was sick with the flu. I mean hey – it was from Japan and I thought I should be able to handle it; never run into any spicy noodle from Japan that I found too spicy to eat. ...see full post

#2670: Nongshim Kimchi Ramyun Noodle

#2670: Nongshim Kimchi Ramyun Noodle - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

I picked this one up on a recent trip to Canada. Ok, so you might be wondering about this one. It’s made in Shanghai, China. Nongshim has factories all over the place and I’ve found that the different factories have slight variances in flavors. In the USA, this product would probably be coming from their Nongshim America factory in California. Hop the border though and most of the products up there come from China. It’s funny because they also have ones from the United States there as well. Anyways, Kimchi time! Let’s check it out. ...see full post

#2619: Liu Quan Authentic Snail Rice Noodle

#2619: Liu Quan Authentic Rice Noodle - 正宗柳州壮品螺蛳粉桶装 - China - The Ramen Rater

First off, special thanks to a reader from Malaysia who helped with translation. This one just says ‘spicy rice noodle’ on the distributor label, but it seems to be a non-spicy variety and it mentions snail. I don’t know if it actually is but hey you never know.But I’m pretty sure this is the regular version and not the spicy I reviewed previously by the same company. Actually after getting some comment from a couple friends in Canada and Taiwan, indeed it is snail! Here’s a little from Wikipedia about this variety – ...see full post

#2601: Nongshim KamjaTangMyun Potato Pork Flavor

#2601: Nongshim KamjaTangMyun Potato Pork Flavor - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here’s another one I found up in Canada in July of 2017. So this one isn’t made in South Korea or the United States – it’s made in China. A lot of Nogshim varieties up in Canada hail from mainland China which I discovered a few years back. I’m pretty sure I’ve reviewed a potato pork version that I got up in Canada before that was a Nongshim China product, but I know it didn’t look like this one. Anyways, let’s see how this is – bring on the noodles! ...see full post

#2590: JinMaiLang Bone Soup (Spare Ribs Flavour) Noodle

#2590: JinMaiLang Bone Soup (Spare Ribs Flavour) Noodle - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles - ramen noodles

Recently we headed up to Canada for a nice meet up with new friends and to find some noodles. This one spoke to me and said ‘Halloween’ – I mean, bone soup made from boiling pork bones is a very traditional kind of thing – heck, it could be also seen as something Thanksgiving style where after the meal the carcass of the turkey is boiled to pull out all of that great flavor. But the black and green big letters and all just kind of screamed skeletons! Trick or treat! Spooky! ...see full post

#2547: Sichuan Guangyou 9999 Chongqing Spicy Hot Noodles

#2547: Sichuan Guangyou 9999 Chongqing Spicy Hot Noodles - China - The Ramen Rater - 重慶小麺 麻辣麺

I’ve tried Sichuan Guangyou noodles once before. Today, it’s a spicy and hot variety with a lot of 9’s. Found this one at Asian Food Center on Aurora in Seattle, WA a few months ago. It’s one of a whole slew of Chongqing noodle varieties that kind of leaped into the Chinese export market and headed to the west. Here’s some info about Chongqing from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2482: TTL Chicken Noodles With Chinese Shaoxing Wine

#2482: TTL Chicken Noodles With Chinese Shaoxing Wine - Taiwan - The Ramen Rater

This is one I was sent by Daniel of Exotic Noods, a subscription service specializing in instant noodles. I should note that this was something special he put in after a recent trip to Taiwan – thanks again! So these are manufactured by Wei Lih for TTL. TTL stands for Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor. Tobacco and liquor – what?! Indeed, this is a boozy noodle. It contains rice wine, something apparently that goes well in noodles and cooking. Ireviewed the bowl version of this a few weeks back. ...see full post

#2420: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavor

#2420: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavor - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here’s one sent by Colin from Massachusetts – thanks again! You might be thinking ‘man, this guy reviews a LOT of these Hong Kong CUP Noodles!’ Well, yeah I was sent 57 different varieties form Nissin Hong Kong last year so yeah – lots of them! But this one is actually from Nissin China. The packaging is similar, but different. Here’s a snippet from Wikipedia about Nissin’s footprint: ...see full post

#2416: Xiuhe Hot & Sour Beef Noodle

#2416: Xiuhe Hot & Sour Chilled Beef Noodle - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Colin from Arlington, Massachusetts – thanks again! This one has really proved to be a touch one to translate this morning. Cooking shouldn’t be an issued, however figuring out what the name/variety is on this one is tough. Searched by image, searched by barcode, hit the company’s website… I see other ones with the little ‘angelic baby’ on the packaging, but none that look just like this one. UPDATE – Thank you to Bobby Y., my friend from Toronto – he figured it out. It was too late for my friends in Southeast Asia so I had to look west! So the noodles are hot but I guess I will put chilled prepared beef in with them. Alright – let’s check it out! UPDATE #2 – my friend Mengzhe Z. who is in China told me actually it isn’t chilled beef – just beef. ...see full post

#2398: Liang Cheng Mei Shaanxi Cold Noodle: Mustard Spicy

#2398: Liang Cheng Mei Shaanxi Cold Noodle: Mustard Spicy - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodle

Found this one at Asian Food Center on 130th and Aurora. So it’s a really neat store and they have a lot of interesting stuff there. My wife Kit sees this one and we are instantly in love with the artwork. Looks interesting! So this is a cold noodle variety. Very interesting looking… So what’s Shaanxi? Let’s ask wikipedia about Shaanxi cuising: ...see full post

#2395: Master Kong Chicken Noodle

#2395: Master Kong Chicken Noodle - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here’s one sent to me by a reader named Colin – thanks again! So Master Kong has been in the news a lot lately. It seems they’ve closed a factory in Taiwan and people all of a sudden thought Master Kong was going to stop producing their products everywhere. However, this is definitely not the case. For example, here we have a Master Kong variety from China. Master Kang (also known as Kang shi Fu) is produced by Tingyi – here’s a little about Tingyi from wikipedia: ...see full post

#2388: Hua Feng Three Fresh Delicacies Flavor Noodle

#2388: Hua Feng Three Fresh Delicacies Flavor Noodle - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here’s one that was sent to me by Mengzhe Z. all the way from China! Thank you! He contacted me a while back asking me if I’d ever reviewed these Hua Feng noodles and I hadn’t. He says they’re his favorite. So, what are the three fresh delicacies? Well, we’re going with chicken, shrimp and egg from the package, however it might not be egg but onion or perhaps shallot. Maybe mushroom. Let’s check out this variety from Hua Feng, all the way from China! ...see full post

#2372: Liu Quan Instant Spicy Rice Noodle

Today we have a variety I found locally. Specifically,I got them at Asian Food Center on 130th & Aurora in Seattle. In any event, this store is actually kind of new and pretty awesome. What’s more, we got to see a shoplifter try to escape a security guard and slink out of her coat and backpack to make a getaway! Exciting, yes – but stupid. I don’t understand why people go and do this. Understandably, many people are poor, but this kind of action will result in more problems. In fact, stealing drives up prices for everyone. Hence, let’s crack open this Liu Quan bowl and see it’s innards! ...see full post

#2362: Chuan Wei Wang Bowl Instant Noodles Artificial Spicy Beef Flavor

#2362: Chuan Wei Wang Bowl Instant Noodles Artificial Spicy Beef Flavor - China - The Ramen Rater

Here’s another one from a reader named Colin from the east coast – thanks again! It amazes me how many varieties he can find from the other side of the USA that I can’t get here. Fascinating; you’d think you could get most things anywhere but apparently companies distribute different things in different places. Anyways, this sounds good – spicy beef! Let’s check it out. ...see full post

#2295: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Flavor

Here’s another one sent by Colin from the east coast – thanks again! In a review yesterday, I mentioned that I review a couple of varieties daily and that I’m around 60 reviews ahead. Well, today is November 9th, 2016 – the day after the Presidential election. The results of the election are definitely a shock to most people in my community. I live in Washington State – very liberal. In fact during the primary elections, I believe Bernie Sanders got 80+%. I’m hoping that everything calms down and things end up going okay. Rest assured I’ll be reviewing noodles during the Trump administration as well. This is a type of Cup Noodle I’ve not seen in the past – this one is made in China. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2292: Sichuan Baijia Chongqing Noodles Spicy Hot Flavor

This is the third of this line of new products from Sichuan Baijia that I’ve tried recently and what’s neat is that there are bowls too so I’m going to have to try those soon too. The others have definitely been spicy hot but this one says spicy hot. I think this may be a contender! Yesterday’s review of the cheese buldak bokkummyun fire noodle challenge noodle was super hot! Let’s give this a looksie and see how hot it is! ...see full post

#2271: Sichuan Baijia Chongqing Noodles Burning Dry Noodles

Leave to my wife Kit to notice things I don’t. This is art of a series of three varieties that they got in at 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds, Washington that I’d not seen before – but she did! I asked her which of the three to review first and here’s what she picked. Burning! Here’s a little snippet from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2166: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Beef Flavor & Sour Pickled Cabbage

Purple! Nothing like purple. Purple crayons, The Color Purple, Purple Rain… Actually, I’m not really a fan of any of those; but when I see the color of purple on an instant noodle package, especially from Taiwan, Hong Kong or China, it usually denotes something pickled. Indeed, here we have sour pickled cabbage. This isn’t quite like sauerkraut but kind of like it. Anyways, let’s crack into this one – another kindly send by colin. Thanks again! ...see full post