Tag: chinese

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Wugudaochang

#1675: Baixiang Noodles Sauerkraut Flavour

Sauerkraut! Chanced are that if you walk down the instant noodle aisle, you’ll see some kind of purple packaged variant. It seems that there are certain colors for certain flavors; red for beef, yellow for chicken, green for pork, blue for seafood – and yellow for sauerkraut. Pickled cabbage is a very common flavor of instant noodles, especially in China and Taiwan. Let’s check these out! ...see full post

#1661: Chencun Senior Food Rice Noodle Fragrant Peppery Beef

Here’s one from low in the hamper that needs reviewing! I’m woindering if perhaps ‘senior’ isn’t the correct word in this one; the title as it is sounds like something for older folks. Perhaps they’re going for something more along the lines of ‘classic?’ I don’t know, but it’s time to review this one – let get to it! ...see full post

#1649: Master Kong Seafood Flavour Instant Cooking Noodles

Here’s another one sent by a kind reader in Sweden! Thank you! Master Kong is really popular in China and what surprises me is that there are no places that I’ve seen that you can get their products here in the United States. Luckily, people send them to me from time to time, but it seems to me that I really need to figure out a way to contact them and do a Meet The Manufacturer with them. The Chinese consume billions of packages of instant noodles a year and I’ve never done a Chinese Meet The Manufacturer yet! It’s about time. Well, let’s check out these seafood flavor Master Kong instant noodles! ...see full post

#1647: No Name Shrimp Flavour Oriental Noodles And Soup Mix

Back in the day, there used to be a brand that was literally generic; they would have products with a white background and a very stark blocky black text. A can of dog food would simply say dog food. I think they’re long gone, but this is kind of the next best thing to it. No Name is a line by Canadian company Loblaw’s, a grocery store chain. Let’s give No Name a look! ...see full post

#1630: Nongshim Korean Clay Pot Ramyun

This is one you probably won’t find in the United States (I got it up in Canada). It’s made by Nongshim’s Chinese plant in Shaghai. I’ve found that sometimes the same product can taste a little different in different regions. This one’s interesting in that the packaging look is very much like Nongshim Ansungtangmyun, but the characters are very different. Let’s have a look at this Nongshim Korean Clay Pot Ramyun! ...see full post

#1616: Unif-100 Instant Noodles Artificial Spicy Beef Flavor (New Package)

Last month at the Chinese New Year celebration I went to hosted by the Seattle Singaporeans Meetup Group, I was talking to Clement, one of the event organizers. Og course, the topic of conversation was instant noodles (I will happily admit I rarely talk about anything else) and he had mentioned that there are these Chinese sausages that are good in beef instant noodles. I’d been wanting to give that a try, and today was the day! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1615: Hankow Shanghai Kaiyang Noodle

This is the first review here in our new apartment. It’s been
frustrating; the only Internet I have currently is via tethering
my cell phone to the desktop, and I’m hoping I don’t go over the
data allowance. So I’ve got Still have 6 days until they install
– which is a long time… Kit picked this one out for me a couple
of weeks ago. There are a couple other ones in this line, but she
picked this one because it showed shrimp and knows I like shrimp.
Let’s have a look! ...see full post

#1572: Master Kong Artificial Seafood Flavor Instant Noodle

 Far and few between are the Master Kong varieties I find locally. This is one of them I got a couple months ago – a real surprise. I don’t know why so many of them aren’t available in the United States; I’m guessing possibly that many of their products contain chicken or beef, and import of chicken or beef into the United States from Asia is very hard if not impossible. Luckily, fish products are generally accepted for import quite easily and here we are. Let’s check out this  Master Kong Seafood instant noodle! ...see full post

#1540: Unif-100 Instant Noodles Artificial Shallot Beef Flavor

I keep looking at this one in my noodle hamper and then curse at myself for not getting shallots… I mean, they’re cheap and taste really good – why didn’t I get shallots? Well, I kept forgetting to. But fear not shallot lovers! I now have shallots. Beef and shallot lovers, your day has arrived. Let’s delve into the insides of this Unif-100 Artificial Shallot Beef flavor pack from Unif of China! ...see full post

#1504: Master Kong Stewed Beef Flavor Cooking Noodle

Here’s another one sent by a kind reader in Sweden – thanks again! Also want to thank Bobby Y. of Canada for his great help with translating! He’s always been a great help and I truly appreciate it! With all the recent Chinese readers, I thought I’d review a Chinese instant noodle today. These Master Kong varieties are usually quite good. This one’s really big – calls for 700ml water! That’s definitely on the higher end of broth. The noodle block is also quite large with a different gauge than other I’ve tried – looks to be thicker. It also mentions that it’s a ‘cooking’ noodle as opposed to an instant. Cooking noodles require time spent on the stove while instants can either be cooked on the stove or simply put in a bowl and boiling water added, covered and let sit for 3 minutes or so to be done. Let’s have a look at this one from Master Kong – really hoping Master Kong contacts me soon – wouyld love to do a Meet The Manufacturer with them! ...see full post

#1502: JinMaiLang Artificial Pork Flavor Noodles

JinMaiLang is an interesting brand. I’ve found their logo on a lot of seasoning sachets that are in different branded packaging – Golden Wheat comes to mind first. This is known as ‘private labeling’.’ Basically, say I wanted to have a The Ramen Rater brand instant noodles, but I didn’t want to have a factory. I could call on a company and say ‘hey – I like this variety you make – can you make it but use these graphics for the outer packaging?’ Boom – private labeling. Usually if you see something like ‘made for [company] by [company]’ that’s a clear indicator. Anyways, these look interesting. There are certain colors that seem to be designated for different flavors where Chinese noodles are concerned. Chicken is yellow, beef is red, seafood is blue and pork is green. Also, purple seems to be the color of sauerkraut! Anyways – let’s check this one by JinMaiLang out! ...see full post

#1496: Master Kong Mianba Pork Ribs Flavor Instant Noodles

Here’s another one sent by a kind reader in Sweden! Thank you! Master Kong is really popular in China and what surprises me is that there are no places that I’ve seen that you can get their products here in the United States. Luckily, people send them to me from time to time, but it seems to me that I really need to figure out a way to contact them and do a Meet The Manufacturer with them. The Chinese consume billions of packages of instant noodles a year and I’ve never done a Chinese Meet The Manufacturer yet! It’s about time. Well, let’s check out these pork ribs Master Kong instant noodles! ...see full post

#1481: Master Kong Mushroom Stew Chicken Ramen

Here’s one that was donated by a reader from Sweden! Thanks! It’s funny; you really can’t find any Master Kong noodles here in the United States which is a real bummer. They’re really good – hopefully they’ll be here at some point. What’s tough about Master Kong packs is that they don’t seem to say how much water to add in. For a pack this size, I’ve gone with 500ml before, so I’ll go with 500ml again. ...see full post

#1436: Chencun Rice Noodle Beef With Brown Sauce

These little cups always are a nice surprise. I usually expect that they’ll be funky and gross but they usually have been very good! This one sounds interesting – I’m curious what ‘brown sauce’ means; like brown gravy? The pic on the front looks like wide rice noodles too. Well, it looks like fun to me – let’s crack this one open and see what’s going on inside. ...see full post

#1421: Nongshim Korean Clay Pot Ramyun Noodle

As with many instant noodle companies, Nongshim has plants all over the world. Usually, these factories produce flavors that are popular in the countries they are located in, as well as well known favorites. This one is a variety made in China and I found it up in Canada. It seems that many of the ones made in China are available up in Canada, although I’ve never seen them here in the USA – curious. Let’s have a look! ...see full post

#1409: Baixiang Noodles Spicy Artificial Beef Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base

Wow so I am really happy to say that our move is done. A lot of work is an understatement, but it was well worth it! All the noodles are in their new spot and seem to be quite ahppy. This will be the first review here! I got this one earlier this year on my birthday trip to Canada. Never seen this brand before! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1365: Four Seas Seaweed Hot & Spicy Instant Noodle Mushroom & Beef Flavour

I’ve always found these quite interesting. Why? Well for starters, they seem to always have a pack of seaweed with them, and not a small one but a decent portion. Also, the noodle blocks are unique as well. How? Well, read on and you’ll see. This one is from Hong Kong – let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1364: Golden Wheat Korean Style Stew Pork Flavour Noodle Soup

Today we have a big bowl of noodles! These were found up in Canada for my birthday trip – last year. I must say that the shelf life of instant noodles is really quite amazing and helpful – especially when I review one every day. I’ve got quite a lot of instant noodles here, which should be no surprise! I remember in November of 2012 – I was in a bit of a panic. I did a bunch of re-reviews and had a real problem finding new varieties. Then boom – found tons and got a bunch sent to me. Anyways, let’s have a look at this big pork bowl! ...see full post

#1363: Sau Tao Instant Noodle King Wonton Soup Flavor

I think most people think of wonton soup and think of what they find in Chinese restaurants in the United States. Usually a thin broth, maybe a glass noodle or two and some little dumplings with meat inside. Well, I have a feeling that’s more geared to the American palate. Just look at the picture on the front of this package; whole head-on shrimps well as mushrooms too. Looks really good! Let’s see what this Sau Tao variety is like. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1345: Lotus Foods Forbidden Rice Ramen

Today’s the last day of this awesome Meet The Manufacturer, and I wanted to save the one I found most curious for the end. I’ve NEVER seen anything like this before. These noodles are dark – almost black! They’re made from Lotus Foods’ Forbidden Rice – something I’ve enjoyed for a long time. Forbidden Rice was originally served to Chinese emperors – who resided in the Forbidden City. ...see full post

#1327: Unif-100 Instant Noodles Artificial Tart Beef Flavor

Here’s one sent to me by Roger S. – thanks! I haven’t had one of these Unif-100’s in a while. I had the Cayenne Beef a little while back, but this is one of the ones that are distributed here in the US quite widely. Chances are if you have an Asian grocery local to you, they’ll have some of the Unif line of instants. Now, while beef is a very common flavor where instant noodles are concerned, tart beef is something I’ve not encountered before. Let’s see what’s inside and how it tastes. ...see full post

#1323: Golden Wheat Korean Style Mushroom Chicken Flavour Cooking Noodle

This is one I got for my birthday last year when my wife took me to Canada – thank you, Kit! I’m going to be blunt: I don’t have high hopes on this one. These Golden Wheat varieties are pretty good, as they’re JML products in camouflage. As you can see from this JML Mushroom Chicken bowl, the sachets are identical. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve really enjoyed a lot of the Golden Wheat and JML varieties, but I really didn’t like the Mushroom Chicken previously. Time to see if this one warrants a low score or if it’s a pleasant surprise. It’s go time. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014

China: the birthplace of the noodle. Billions of serving of instant noodles are consumed there every year – more than any other country in the world!  I thought today being Chinese New Year (more widely known as Lunar New Year), it would be an opportune time to release a list of my favorite instant noodles that are made in China. These are the most memorable and finest varieties I have enjoyed from China of the 1,290+ I’ve reviewed over the years. ...see full post

#1244: Uni-President Unif-100 Pickled Cayenne Flavor Beef Ramen

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I was going to review this yesterday, but it’s been a little tricky; you see, there’s no English on this really at all. I’ve been asking my friend Bobby Y. on Facebook questions about it and got the title and directions from him – thanks – saved me on this one! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1226: Master Kong Artificial Braised Beef Flavor Instant Noodle

Here’s one that’s been kind of confusing in the past, and it still is. A guy who said he worked for Master Kong said these aren’t actually Master Kong. When I check the UPC code, it comes up with Kailo Brand Abalone Chicken flavor in a similar sized big cup. Whatever it is, let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1213: Nan Jie Cun Hot-Dry Instant Noodles Chilli Flavour

Here another one I got up in Canada at T&T Supermarket in Richmond, BC. Never have I seen this brand before and thought ‘hey – this in interesting!’ What’s more, it’s actually heavy! What’s inside this thing making it so heavy? It took me a bit of looking to find out about this brand and it’s products. Here’s a little something I read on Wikipedia about where the manufacturing facility is: ...see full post

A Wonderful Package From Record China News Of Japan!!!

I did an interview with a news agency in Japan recently called Record China –

  • September 3, 2013 – Record China – 米国のラーメン通、日・中・韓の即席麺を斬る<前編>「欧米人には韓国のものがイチバン」 – Japan Part 1 – Link
  • September 3, 2013 – Record China – 米国のラーメン通、日・中・韓の即席麺を斬る<前編>「欧米人には韓国のものがイチバン」 – Japan Part 2 – Link

They sent a box of amazing goodies from Japan I’ve been hoping to finbd for a while! ...see full post