Today, it’s another installment of Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater. We have some interesting things from Taiwan to check out! I thought it would be fun to have a special guest on this unboxing, so my son Andy has joined me today. Impressively, he’s sampled some of the spiciest noodles in the world – the number one from my top ten spicy list – and handled it pretty well earlier this year! Well, let’s get to the unboxing – I’ve started a new video series called ‘Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater’ – I hope you enjoy it!
Tag: chopsticks
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Tat Hui 2
Another package from Tat Hui? What could this be? Let’s find out!
Product Samples From Tat Hui 2 – Singapore
Hey a poster (click to enlarge)! Gotta go get this laminated for the Wall Of Fame!
Meet The Manufacturer: Special Items From Nissin Hong Kong
A couple days back, I got a box from Nissin Hong Kong with instant noodle ‘premiums.’ Premiums are things that might be given away at a special event or prizes! I usually ask companies partaking in a Meet The Manufacturer if they might have some to send I can show – let’s see what’s inside!
A Donation From New York
A while back, I received a nice donation from Michelle L. of Tarrytown, New York. This week, I received and email saying she had sent another one! Here it is!
How I Eat My Ramen
Hello fellow “Rameners” My name is Greg, and I am a Ramenholic. As a new contributor to I thought it would be appropriate to use my first post to share how I prepare Ramen noodles.